- In a new terminal, create a
config file, which includes the recovery phrase words.cd $HOME/pab-config # generate recovery phrase words and turn into a comma separated list of quoted words RECOVERY_WORDS=$(cardano-wallet recovery-phrase generate | sed -e 's| |", "|g' -e 's|^|"|g' -e 's|$|"|g') # create the restore-wallet1.json file in the testnet folder cat > testnet/restore-wallet1.json << EOF { "name": "PAB test wallet #1" , "mnemonic_sentence": [${RECOVERY_WORDS}] , "passphrase": "pab123456789" } EOF
- In same terminal, send post request to the v2/wallets endpoint to create a new wallet
curl -H "content-type: application/json" -XPOST \ -d @testnet/restore-wallet1.json \ localhost:8090/v2/wallets # copy the wallet ID created, so we can paste it in the next step
- In same terminal, get the addresses of the wallet we just created
# create env. variable export WALLET_ID=<paste wallet ID you just created above> # get unused wallet addresses curl -s -H "content-type: application/json" \ -XGET localhost:8090/v2/wallets/$WALLET_ID/addresses | jq '.'
- Get some test Ada from the testnet faucet and send it to
one of the unused addresses of wallet1
- On the page, you can paste an unused wallet address that you found above into the address field and submit the form
- Wait to get success confirmation message. It will include the transaction hash code.
- If you wait a minute or so, you can click on the link of the transaction hash to view the transaction in the explorer.
The transaction should show the
To addresses
section including your test wallet address and the 1000 test ADA amount
- Send GET request to get wallet details and verify the test ADA balance
Sample output
curl -s -H "content-type: application/json" -XGET localhost:8090/v2/wallets/$WALLET_ID | jq . # In the response, if you notice the syncing progress is not 100% # wait until it reaches 100
# confirm you see that the wallet has a balance of 1000 test ADA (or 1000000000 LOVELACE) {"passphrase":{"last_updated_at":"2021-11-15T19:34:58.812854918Z"},"address_pool_gap":20,"state":{"status":"ready"},"balance":{"reward":{"quantity":0,"unit":"lovelace"},"total":{"quantity":1000000000,"unit":"lovelace"},"available":{"quantity":1000000000,"unit":"lovelace"}},"name":"PAB testing wallet","delegation":{"next":[],"active":{"status":"not_delegating"}},"id":"9e076253925172656de562da94bb79f303492299","tip":{"height":{"quantity":3076110,"unit":"block"},"time":"2021-11-15T21:43:17Z","epoch_number":169,"absolute_slot_number":42643381,"slot_number":4981},"assets":{"total":[],"available":[]}}
- In a new terminal, create a
config file, which includes the recovery phrase words.cd $HOME/pab-config # generate recovery phrase words and turn into a comma separated list of quoted words RECOVERY_WORDS=$(cardano-wallet recovery-phrase generate | sed -e 's| |", "|g' -e 's|^|"|g' -e 's|$|"|g') # create the restore-wallet2.json file in the testnet folder cat > testnet/restore-wallet2.json << EOF { "name": "PAB test wallet #2" , "mnemonic_sentence": [${RECOVERY_WORDS}] , "passphrase": "pab123456789" } EOF
- In same terminal, send post request to the v2/wallets endpoint to create a new wallet
curl -H "content-type: application/json" -XPOST \ -d @testnet/restore-wallet2.json \ localhost:8090/v2/wallets # copy the wallet ID created, so we can paste it in the next step
- In same terminal, get the addresses of the wallet we just created
# create env. variable export WALLET_ID=<paste wallet ID you just created above>
- Send GET request to get wallet details and verify the test ADA balance
Sample output
curl -s -H "content-type: application/json" -s \ -XGET localhost:8090/v2/wallets/$WALLET_ID # In the response, if you notice the syncing progress is not 100% # wait until it reaches 100
# confirm you see that the wallet has a balance of 0 test ADA {"passphrase":{"last_updated_at":"2021-11-15T21:51:38.461168757Z"},"address_pool_gap":20,"state":{"status":"syncing","progress":{"quantity":32.57,"unit":"percent"}},"balance":{"reward":{"quantity":0,"unit":"lovelace"},"total":{"quantity":0,"unit":"lovelace"},"available":{"quantity":0,"unit":"lovelace"}},"name":"PAB test wallet #2","delegation":{"next":[],"active":{"status":"not_delegating"}},"id":"6b3deba51763744d4ad85451d8ee9c784d416d07","tip":{"height":{"quantity":1187971,"unit":"block"},"time":"2020-04-25T02:33:36Z","epoch_number":55,"absolute_slot_number":1189120,"slot_number":1120},"assets":{"total":[],"available":[]}}
- In terminal 1, activate the contract for user1 wallet
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9080/api/contract/activate' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ \ "caID": [], \ "caWallet": { \ "getWalletId": "${WALLET_ID}" \ } \ }' # capture the contract ID response { "unContractInstanceId": "68a928a3-2647-4473-93a1-5c7678577d19" }
- In Terminal 2, activate the contract for user2 wallet
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9080/api/contract/activate' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "caID": [], "caWallet": { "getWalletId": "6b3deba51763744d4ad85451d8ee9c784d416d07" } }'
We want to use the payWallet
endpoint to make a payment from wallet 1 user to wallet 2 user
- In Terminal 2, find an unused wallet address for wallet 2 user. This will be the receiving address of the money
we send from wallet 1 user
curl -H "content-type: application/json" \ -XGET localhost:8090/v2/wallets/$WALLET_ID/addresses | jq '.' # copy an unused test wallet address (BECH32) to a text file for use later # e.g., addr_test1qzeqq43xfrv5np53gfvvpfmv2rkxyjxcp4x87zr6985cq67cnsm6pvc6l4pv0gukjmwpyq7yc226hjatttqg003a7kuqj5aw3v
- Using
, build a request body to invoke thepayAddress
endpoint# change directory to where you've cloned this repo cd $HOME/src/PAB-starter-app-setup # start the repl cabal repl # At the repl prompt, import modules > import Plutus.Contracts.Game > import Ledger.Ada > import Data.Aeson > import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL # create the args data object > args = LockParams { secretWord = "eagle", amount = lovelaceValueOf 2000000 } # serialize the args object into JSON string > BSL.putStrLn $ encode args # sample response > {"amount":{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},2000000]]]]},"secretWord":"eagle"}
- In Terminal 1, look at the status of the contract for wallet 1 user
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:9080/api/contract/instance/68a928a3-2647-4473-93a1-5c7678577d19/status' # verify that lock is available in the hooks section
- POST request to
endpoint The amount of ADA needs to be more than the minimum amount defined by network protocol parameters. In the example code below, we use 2 ADA or 2000000 lovelacescurl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9080/api/contract/instance/68a928a3-2647-4473-93a1-5c7678577d19/endpoint/lock' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{"amount":{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},2000000]]]]},"secretWord":"eagle"}' # check the logs in the terminal where the PAB server is running to ensure no errors # here is a sample output for a successful invocation [pab:Info:7560] [2021-12-01 13:58:54.98 UTC] ae437806-2b0d-4995-8346-506f31906952: "Pay Value (Map [(,Map [(\"\",2000000)])]) to the script" [pab:Info:7560] [2021-12-01 13:58:55.12 UTC] ae437806-2b0d-4995-8346-506f31906952: "Waiting for guess or lock endpoint..."
- Query the wallet information to make sure the balance has decreased by 2 ADA
# ensure WALLET_ID env variable is set curl -H "content-type: application/json" -XGET localhost:8090/v2/wallets/$WALLET_ID # verify balance info
- POST good-guess request to
endpoint# ensure the contract_id is correct for wallet 2 user curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9080/api/contract/instance/58f06e66-06f2-4770-b2c4-a93b5cb3844b/endpoint/guess' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{"guessWord": "eagle"}' # check the logs in the terminal where the PAB server is running to ensure no errors # here is a sample output for a successful invocation [pab:Info:7560] [2021-12-01 13:58:54.98 UTC] ae437806-2b0d-4995-8346-506f31906952: "Pay Value (Map [(,Map [(\"\",2000000)])]) to the script" [pab:Info:7560] [2021-12-01 13:58:55.12 UTC] ae437806-2b0d-4995-8346-506f31906952: "Waiting for guess or lock endpoint..."