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[Feature] Block Validation/Deprecation
[Feature] Block Validation/Deprecation
Handling block validation to determine accuracy and deprecation
[Feature] Block Variations
[Feature] Block Variations
Block variations, including introducing new variations and variations as a feature
[Feature] Blocks
[Feature] Blocks
Overall functionality of blocks
[Feature] Code Editor
[Feature] Code Editor
Handling the code view of the editing experience
[Feature] Colors
[Feature] Colors
Color management
[Feature] Component System
[Feature] Component System
WordPress component system
[Feature] Convert to Blocks
[Feature] Convert to Blocks
Internally: "raw handler"
[Feature] Custom Editor Styles
[Feature] Custom Editor Styles
Functionality for adding custom editor styles
[Feature] Custom Fields
[Feature] Custom Fields
Anything related to the custom fields project - connecting block attributes and dynamic values
[Feature] DataViews
[Feature] DataViews
Work surrounding upgrading and evolving views in the site editor and beyond
[Feature] Design Tools
[Feature] Design Tools
Tools that impact the appearance of blocks both to expand the number of tools and improve the experi
[Feature] Distraction Free
[Feature] Distraction Free
A preference in the Post and Site Editor that limits distractions to focus the editing experience
[Feature] Document Outline
[Feature] Document Outline
An option that outlines content based on a title and headings used in the post/page
[Feature] Document Settings
[Feature] Document Settings
Document settings experience
[Feature] Drag and Drop
[Feature] Drag and Drop
Drag and drop functionality when working with blocks
[Feature] Edit Mode
[Feature] Edit Mode
[Feature] Extensibility
[Feature] Extensibility
The ability to extend blocks or the editing experience
[Feature] Focus Mode
[Feature] Focus Mode
Zoomed in focus mode for editing things like template parts
[Feature] Font Library
[Feature] Font Library
[Feature] History
[Feature] History
History, undo, redo, revisions, autosave.
[Feature] HTML API
[Feature] HTML API
An API for updating HTML attributes in markup
[Feature] Inserter
[Feature] Inserter
The main way to insert blocks using the + button in the editing interface
[Feature] Inspector Controls
[Feature] Inspector Controls
The interface showing block settings and the controls available for each block
[Feature] Interactivity API
[Feature] Interactivity API
API to add frontend interactivity to blocks.
[Feature] Layout
[Feature] Layout
Layout block support, its UI controls, and style output.
[Feature] Link Editing
[Feature] Link Editing
Link components (LinkControl, URLInput) and integrations (RichText link formatting)
[Feature] List View
[Feature] List View
Menu item in the top toolbar to select blocks from a list of links.
[Feature] Media
[Feature] Media
Anything that impacts the experience of managing media
[Feature] Meta Boxes
[Feature] Meta Boxes
A draggable box shown on the post editing screen
[Feature] Multisite
[Feature] Multisite
Anything related to the specific experience of using a multisite