All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Please add a line to the unreleased section for every feature. If possible reference the GitLab/GitHub issue that is related to the change.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Removed "api" and "ims" from the cache invalidation selection list
Listing all non-terminated subscriptions and style update in the Used_By_Subscriptions field#47
Fix subscription dropdowns to not resize when typing and fixes alignments with other input fields- Added description text in Owner_Subscription_Id and added a copy-to-clipboard button
Converted most components to a Functions based approach- Selecting "auto scroll" on process detail page is now stored in localstorage
Include subscription description of first product block relation on Subscription detail page
Surf specific:
- Show subscription owner contacts & related customer contacts
- Added ability to OPEN & CLOSE incident tickets with one form
- Added a log viewer to Service ticket detail
- Refactored Impacted objects tables to also show IMS Circuits
- Fix CIM impacted objects without a subscription ID
- Updated service ticket detail page to show "last_update_time"
- Added button to restart CIM open relate step
Fix help button hidden on subscriptions page#141
Convert sass files to emotion 3#157
Redirect workflow submit to process detail#158
Add auto scrolling to last finished step in process details, a button to turn auto scrolling off or on and add fixed top menu when scrolling past actions on the page.#161
Scroll to last step in process details when page is loaded except when process is done and fix summaryfield error.#164
Update SubscriptionDetail with toggleable show related subscriptions.#166
Fix snapshot difference of standalone and SURF version. (moved to their own folder)
Surf specific:
cim: Check if impacted service has subscription id before calling api#156
cim: Add html parser to form summary field for email examples#170, #171, #172
Fix topology diagrams, #172 updates react-network-diagrams package.
Replace SCSS with Emotion CSS#138
Improve getting subs with inUseByIds by making the list unique#143
Allow overriding Button text, dialog and color in the FormWizard; Order custompages consistently#147
Upgrade React 17, fixes to storybook styling and mock data#149
Fix "new task" button triggering an unexpected error#150
Fix form inputs to use translation before the label#154
Fix number of failed tasks displayed by FailedTaskBanner
Surf specific:
cim: update impact override#142
cim: serviceticket abort#143
cim#10: serviceticket open#150
cim: remove trailing slash in api call#153
cim: hide servicetickets from menu bar
Allow user to specify label for dynamic form field
Surf specific:
cim#4: serviceticket details#132
cim: ticket forms and form generator
Show subscription description on subscription detail page for resource types- Added react-query to easily cache double REST calls to endpoints and used it on the subscription detail page
Moved LIR Prefix page to dynamically loaded route#231
Moved the SURF links on the subscription detail page to plugins#231
Moved the Network diagrams on the subscription detail page to plugins#231
Moved SURF specific GUI functionality to an own git repo#231
Published the GUI code to a public git repo- Simplified and fixed L2VPN network diagram in the GUI
- Improved error handling in the GUI for network diagrams when not all external resource types can be found
- Added Grafana link for SN8 nodes on subscription detail page
- Added new handling of Translations
- added Grafana link for SN8 nodes on subscription detail page
- Made the client compatible with the FastAPI changes in orchestrator#740
- Removed Validations page and api dependencies
: Conditionally show network diagrams for "active" and "insync" subscriptions#206
: Added a button to copy the subscription_id to your copy buffer on Subscription detail page#206
: Finished a new theme (for GPL release)#206
: Changed color of cancel buttons to be more inline with SURF theme#206
: Upgraded React-Table to 7.6.2 and EUI to 30.5.1 version#206
: Updated caniuse-lite#206
: Added EUI Panel around Subscription detail#206
: Refactored copy raw JSON from Process Detail page to EUI#206
: Removed react-copy-to-clipboard#206
: Replaced checkboxes with EuiCheckbox on Process detail page#206
: Replaced checkboxes with EuiCheckbox for Table preference#206
: Replaced all colors in HTML with values from var.scss#206
: Refactored + fixed paginator bugs for all tables#206
: Introduced mini pagination above all tables#206
: Made "notes" a default Subscription table column#206
: Main navigation/tabs are now keyboard accessible- Add Sentry configuration to the orchestrator client
- Do not install node-modules in Dockerfile dev stage (do this at runtime instead)
- Fixed network diagram crashing the page for sn7 lightpath subscriptions
- Added the Changelog file.