Bob is standing at cell (0, 0)
, and he wants to reach destination
: (row, column)
. He can only travel right and down. You are going to help Bob by providing instructions for him to reach destination
The instructions are represented as a string, where each character is either:
, meaning move horizontally (go right), or'V'
, meaning move vertically (go down).
Multiple instructions will lead Bob to destination
. For example, if destination
is (2, 3)
, both "HHHVV"
and "HVHVH"
are valid instructions.
However, Bob is very picky. Bob has a lucky number k
, and he wants the kth
lexicographically smallest instructions that will lead him to destination
. k
is 1-indexed.
Given an integer array destination
and an integer k
, return the kth
lexicographically smallest instructions that will take Bob to destination
Example 1:
Input: destination = [2,3], k = 1 Output: "HHHVV" Explanation: All the instructions that reach (2, 3) in lexicographic order are as follows: ["HHHVV", "HHVHV", "HHVVH", "HVHHV", "HVHVH", "HVVHH", "VHHHV", "VHHVH", "VHVHH", "VVHHH"].
Example 2:
Input: destination = [2,3], k = 2 Output: "HHVHV"
Example 3:
Input: destination = [2,3], k = 3 Output: "HHVVH"
destination.length == 2
1 <= row, column <= 15
1 <= k <= nCr(row + column, row)
, wherenCr(a, b)