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How to Release a Git Repository

The process of setting up and releasing a Git repository when you develop a WSO2 product is explained below. For the full list of features and capabilities available in this Kernel version, see the root file.

The following are the steps for creating and releasing a Git repository:

Setting up a Git Repository

With the git-based model, releases can be made easy using the maven-release-plugin and the nexus staging repository. The following are the common guidelines for releasing from any git repository under a WSO2 user:

Note that WSO2 approval is required for setting up git repositories under a WSO2 user. Also, this is a one-time process, which does not have to be repeated.

Step 1: Creating the repository

The following guidelines refer to carbon4-kernel as the sample project being released from git:

  1. Create a “Repository Target” in that matches the groupID of the project and add a “Pattern Expression”. This pattern expression is used by nexus to automatically determine the staging profile. Shown below are the values used when creating a "Repository Target" for the carbon-kernel project in git.
  • Name: org.wso2.carbon

  • Repository Type: Maven2

  • Pattern Expression: .*/org/wso2/carbon/.*

  1. Create a nexus “Staging Profile” for the project in if it is not already created. The name of the profile should match the project's groupID. For example, the name of the profile for the carbon4-kernel project should be org.wso2.carbon.

    a. Select the "Repository Target" that was created in step 1 above as the "Repository Target" for this profile.

    b. Select the Releases repository in as the “Release Repository” for all staging profiles.

    c. Add “WSO2 Staging” to Target Groups. Make sure that the org.wso2.carbon staging profile is the last entry in that list. You will have to move up the newly created profiles.

    d. Finally, give the wso2-nexus-deployer user permissions to stage the repository as follows:

    i. “Staging: Repositories (<staging-profile-name>)”

    ii. “Staging: Deployer (<staging-profile-name>)”

The main reason for creating a separate staging profile and repository target is for nexus to uniquely identify artifacts belonging to a staging profile. It uses the groupID of the artifacts. Nexus uses pattern matching for this purpose as explained above.

Setting up the "Staging Profile" as explained in the above steps will be handled by the WSO2 Infra team, for every project in the WSO2 git repository.

Step 2: Restructuring the POM files

Follow the instructions given below to restructure the pom files. The following uses carbon-kernel as a reference project.

The top level pom file is the parent pom for your project and there is no real requirement to have a separate Maven module to host the parent POM file.

  1. Update the project parent pom with the WSO2 Master parent pom as shown below. The WSO2 Master parent pom holds all the common things that are used in almost all the repositories, such as distributionManagement, pluginManagement, repositories, pluginRepositories, etc.


Make sure that your parent-child pom hierarchy is followed in all the sub-modules. That is, a child sub-module cannot have a parent pom reference to an external pom. The parent pom references should be self-contained except in the above instance, where the project root pom’s parent reference is set to the WSO2 Master parent pom (org.wso2:wso2:2).

Also WSO2 carbon parent is now pre-configured with all the maven-bundle-plugin configurations as properties. Please refer this documentation on how to configure these properties for bundles that are coming from sub modules.

  1. The following is the composite maven multi-module pom of the carbon-kernel project. It directly calls those maven modules. You can keep a similar directory structure to enhance human readability.

  2. Update the project parent pom with the correct SCM configuration as shown below.


Then, remove all the scm configurations from the child poms.

  1. You must have a <dependencyManagement> section in the project's parent pom file, which defines all your project dependencies along with versions.

Note that you cannot have <dependencyManagement> sections on any other pom file other than the parent pom. When you add dependencies in the pom files of sub-modules, ensure that you don't specify the version, because it is already specified in the parent pom file under the <dependencyManagement> section.

  1. Add the plugins given below to the <build> section in the project's parent pom. The versions of these will be inherited from the WSO2 Master parent pom.

                 <preparationGoals>clean install</preparationGoals>

Note: You can add the autoVersionSubmodules configuration parameter to release the plugin configuration section, which will automatically version the sub modules. However, please note that this will cause issues with versioning if your project has an orbit sub-module. This is because, for orbit modules, we follow a different versioning convention.

  1. Remove <distributionManagement> from the project's parent pom, if it exists. This step is mandatory as the repositories for the <distributionManagement> section is inherited from the WSO2 Master parent pom.

  2. Add a server config element in the maven configuration (<MVN_HOME>/conf/settings.xml) for the nexus-releases server configuration given above. The nexus user credentials that will be used for remote artifact deployment are as follows:


Note: For the above step, you can request WSO2 Infra to create a user for the project in nexus.

  1. Add another server config element that stores the SCM related credentials. This is an optional step, but will be useful to hide your SCM credentials when using the mvn-release-plugin.


After adding the above, you have to update the properties section in the parent pom of your project with the following property:

  1. Make sure that the project does not have any SNAPSHOT dependencies and update those with released versions. If there are unreleased SNAPSHOT dependencies, we will have to release them separately. This will be checked by the release plugin during the release:prepare stage.

  2. Then, make sure that you have properly parameterized the versions of dependencies. That is, the dependencies from the carbon-identity repository should have a version parameter called carbon.identity.version. It’s unacceptable to have a version such as carbon.platform.version or wso2carbon.version. You need version parameters according to the repo.

Releasing a Git Repository

If a Git repository is already set up as explained in Setting up a Git Repository, the following steps can be followed to release the repository:

  1. Create a git release branch from the master. The branch name would be release-<release-version>.

      git checkout -b release-<release-version> master
  2. The Maven release plugin does not update some properties that we use, such as the OSGi import and export versions. These properties also have the SNAPSHOT part in it. This has to be manually updated before performing the release preparation command.

Also make sure that the project does not have any SNAPSHOT dependencies and update those with released versions. If there are unreleased SNAPSHOT dependencies, we will have to release them separately. This will anyway be checked by the release plugin during the release:prepare stage.

To test the above, we can use the “dryRun” option with the maven release plugin.

  1. Issue the following release preparation command: mvn release:clean release:prepare.

You can use the dedicated builder machine for the release purpose. Contact WSO2 Infra for credentials.

The build artifacts will have this username in its MANIFEST file. Give appropriate values for the release, development, and tag versions as shown below when prompted for the release preparation command. Use the git tag versioning strategy v1.x when the tag version is prompted:

  [INFO] Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots …
  What is the release version for "WSO2 Carbon Kernel"? (org.wso2.carbon:carbon-kernel) 5.0.0: : 5.0.0
  What is SCM release tag or label for "WSO2 Carbon Kernel"? (org.wso2.carbon:carbon-kernel) carbon-5.0.0: : v5.0.0
  What is the new development version for "WSO2 Carbon Kernel"? (org.wso2.carbon:carbon-kernel) 5.0.1-SNAPSHOT: : 5.1.0-  SNAPSHOT

Note the SCM release tag label. The release tag name should only have the version prefixed by the letter 'v'.

  1. Once you have completed the above steps, it is recommended to perform some checks as shown below.

    a. Copy all the generated jars and zips to one place and extract them all.

       mkdir /tmp/artifacts1/
       cp `find . -iname *jar` /tmp/artifacts1/
       cp `find . -iname *zip` /tmp/artifacts1/
       cd /tmp/artifacts1/; for x in `ls`; do echo $x; unzip $x -d $x.unzip; done

    b. Do a grep. Ideally, this should not return anything.

       grep -ri "\${" . --include=MANIFEST.MF --include=feature.xml
       grep -ri “version=\"0\.0\.0\.” . --include=feature.xml
       grep -ri "Build-Jdk" . --include=MANIFEST.MF --include=feature.xml ##Should be 8

    c. Open the root pom from the release tag and make sure there are no snapshot dependencies or properties.

    d. Sources should be built using JDK 8.

    e. Optional - Use the builder machine to perform the release. Please request for credentials.

    f. If the above looks fine, then you can proceed to release:perform as instructed in the next step. After doing release:perform, go to target/checkout/ folder at the repo root folder.

    g. Repeat step 1. This time, copy it to a different folder.

    h. Do a grep:

        grep -ri "SNAPSHOT" . --include=MANIFEST.MF --include=feature.xml

    This too shouldn't return anything.

  2. Issue the release perform command: mvn release:perform

  3. When the above process succeeds, the artifacts will be deployed to a staging repo. The newly created staging repo will not be closed automatically when the artifacts are uploaded. This can be done through the release-manager. That is, by logging into the nexus UI, the repo can be manually closed. When a staging repo is closed, it becomes available for public access.

  4. If there is a failure, the prepared release process can be rolled back using the following command: mvn release:rollback. This will revert all the commits made during the preparation process.

When we are starting over again, always use a clean maven repo.

  1. With the staging repo in effect, a release candidate VOTE should be called on using the template given below. This VOTE is essential for a product release. For other projects, this is optional.

       Subject : [VOTE] Release <Project Name> <Project Version> <RC #>
      This is the <RC #> release candidate of <Project Name> <Project Version> 
      Eg : WSO2 Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 rc1
      This release fixes the following issues:
      <URL to the fixed jira list>
      Please download, test and vote. Please refer the release verification guide for detailed information on verifying this release.
      Source & binary distribution files:
      <URL to the source and binary files>
      Maven staging repo:
      <URL to the maven nexus staging repo>
      The tag to be voted upon:
      <URL to the release tag location>
      KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
      <URL to the Keys used with signing the artifacts>
      Release verification guide:
      <If any>
      [ ] Broken - do not release (explain why)
      [ ] Stable - go ahead and release
  2. A release VOTE should be kept open for 72 hours. During this period, the developers should test the artifacts and then vote. When there are at least 3 binding +1 votes and no -1 votes, the vote is considered as a pass. Once the release vote is completed (the artifacts are tested and verified), the staging repo can be released, which will make the artifacts available in the public maven repo. Note that this should be done by the release manager. The released artifacts will be available in the WSO2 Releases maven repository at :

  3. If the vote failed, then the staging repository should be dropped and the changes for the release branch should be reverted. This process should be started again from #1 onwards, after fixing the issues mentioned during the vote.

Always use clean maven repo when you start over.

  1. Finally, when you are done with the release, merge the release branch with the master. You can create a pull request for this from release- to master.