Source: deploy-java-app.yml
uses: wtaxco/wtax-github-actions-workflows/.github/workflows/deploy-java-app.yml@1.3.0
boot-jar: nexus-releases
known_hosts: ", ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBPY2ffHZudZ/Hi0oXvEGxULMJ3UjukNvPOg2Q1KgG5IE4iOlGCAbx+h0PTNmmTSsoiK7q9O+x61FSHyvzUY/NyA="
ansible-playbook: deploy.yml
ansible-inventory: inventory/prod.yml
ansible-vault-password: ${{ secrets.VAULT_PASSWORD }}
ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.PROD_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
Name | Input / secret | Type | Description | Default |
boot-jar |
Input | string |
The path to the executable JAR to deploy, e.g. wtax-my-service-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. This must be an artifact that was archived in a previous job in this workflow. The JAR path will be passed to the Ansible playbook via -e boot_jar=<<boot-jar>> . |
known_hosts |
Input | string |
The line or lines to be added to the .ssh/known_hosts file on the runner machine so that the public key of the remote host can be verified when connecting to detect possible man-in-the-middle attacks. |
ansible-playbook |
Input | string |
The Ansible playbook to run, relative to the deploy directory. This playbook should take a variable boot_jar defining the executable JAR to deploy. Defaults to deploy.yml. |
deploy.yml |
ansible-inventory |
Input | string |
The Ansible inventory to run the playbook against, relative to the deploy directory. | |
ansible-vault-password |
Secret | string |
Password to be used to decrypt values encrypted by Ansible Vault. Can be omitted if no Ansible Vault encrypted values are in the playbook or inventory. | |
ssh-private-key |
Secret | string |
SSH private key to be used to connect to remote hosts to deploy the application there. The corresponding public key must have been added to the remote host's authorized_keys file. |
This workflow has one jobs:
- deploy - runs the Ansible playbook to deploy the Java app to the application server(s) in the inventory