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The \data Directory: Project Data Summary

In our project, we use the following data files and Application Programming Interfaces:

Data files (TODO: Update/delete for your PROJECT)

Data File Name Brief Description
example.cvs This file contains temperature data. (See report for details.)
another-file Description ...

Application Programming Interfaces (API) (TODO: Update/delete for your PROJECT)

  • New York Times Books API. The New York Times provides data for Best Sellers lists and the books that have been reviewed in the New York Times. An overview of the API that we use in our project is available here: Books API. For more about developing apps with New York Times data see: NYTimes Developers.

Developer notes: About the /data Directory (TODO: Read and delete this section)

  • Use the /data directory to store any data that you using in your project (for example, CSV files)
  • Edit this file and summarize your data files
  • If you are using APIs to access data, summarize them, providing specific information
  • See examples above.
  • Please remember your audience (prospective employers, open source colleagues, TAs, Instructors). Therefore, aim for clarity and conciseness.
  • When done, be sure to delete these NOTE sections and the example CSV file (which are intended for you, of course, not your audience!)