To enable console commands, you need to add module into console config of you app.
in yii2-app-basic template, or /console/config/main.php
in yii2-app-advanced.
return [
'id' => 'app-console',
'modules' => [
'user' => [
'class' => 'dektrium\user\Module',
- user/confirm Confirms a user.
- user/create Creates new user account.
- user/delete Deletes a user.
- user/password Updates user's password.
Confirms a user by setting confirmed_at field to current time.
./yii user/confirm <search> [...options...]
- search (required): string
Email or username
This command creates new user account. If password is not set, this command will generate new 8-char password. After saving user to database, this command uses mailer component to send credentials (username and password) to user via email.
./yii user/create <email> <username> [password] [...options...]
- email (required): string
Email address
- username (required): string
- password: null|string
Password (if null it will be generated automatically)
Deletes a user.
./yii user/delete <search> [...options...]
- search (required): string
Email or username
Updates user's password to given.
./yii user/password <search> <password> [...options...]
- search (required): string
Email or username
- password (required): string
New password