In this guide, we build and flash the TF-A firmware in order to control SMMU stream ids of peripherals used by some virtual machines, which are not programmed by default. If you are targeting a demo where no virtual machine features DMA-capable peripherals (e.g. baremetal demo) you can use the pre-flashed firmware and skip directly to step 4.
Download and build TF-A:
export BAO_DEMOS_ATF=$BAO_DEMOS_WRKDIR_SRC/arm-trusted-firmware
git clone\
$BAO_DEMOS_ATF --branch bao/demo --depth 1
make PLAT=tegra TARGET_SOC=t186 bl31
And copy the image to the platform's working directory:
cp $BAO_DEMOS_ATF/build/tegra/t186/release/bl31.bin $BAO_DEMOS_WRKDIR_PLAT
For this you will first need to download Nvidia's flashing tools part of the TX2's L4T Driver Package (BSP). Then extract it:
tar xfvm $BAO_DEMOS_NVIDIA_TOOLS/tegra186_linux_r32.5.1_aarch64.tbz2\
Create the Trusted OS image for the flash tool:
--monitor $BAO_DEMOS_WRKDIR_PLAT/bl31.bin $BAO_DEMOS_WRKDIR_PLAT/tos.img
Set your board to recovery mode by:
- Power it off completely. If needed unplug and replug the power cord.
- Press down the Recovery button. While pressing the Recovery button, press the Power button. Wait for the board to turn on.
- Connect to the board using USB through the J28 micro-USB port.
- Flash the board:
cd $BAO_DEMOS_NVIDIA_TOOLS/Linux_for_Tegra
sudo ./ -k secure-os --image $BAO_DEMOS_WRKDIR_PLAT/tos.img\
--bup jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1
If all goes well you should see the message:
*** The [secure-os] has been updated successfully. ***
After preparing your sd card, copy bao's final image to it:
Insert the sd card in the board's sd slot.
Connect to the TX2's UART using a USB-to-TTL adapter. Use a terminal
application such as screen
. For example:
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
Turn on/reset your board.
You will get u-boot's prompt. Load the bao image, and jump to it:
fatload mmc 1 0xa0000000 bao.bin; go 0xa0000000
You should see the firmare, bao and its guests printing on the UART.
At this point, depending on your demo, you might be able connect to one of the guests via ssh by connecting to the board's ethernet RJ54 socket.