Overview of high-level configurations steps to set up HA VPN with Amazon Web Services (AWS):
- Create the HA VPN gateway and a Cloud Router. This creates 2 public IP addresses on the GCP side.
- Create two AWS Virtual Private Gateways. This creates 4 public addresses on the AWS side.
- Create two AWS Site-to-Site VPN connections and customer gateways, one for each AWS Virtual Private Gateway. Specify a non-overlapping link-local Tunnel IP Range for each tunnel, 4 total. For example,
- Configure AES-256, SHA-2 and DH group 18, as a combination of single Phase 1 and Phase 2 encryption algorithms, integrity algorithms, and DH group numbers.
- Download the AWS configuration files for the generic device type.
- Create four VPN tunnels on the HA VPN gateway.
- Configure BGP sessions on the Cloud Router using the BGP IP addresses from the downloaded AWS configuration files.
module "tgw-us-east-1" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/transit-gateway/aws"
version = "1.1.0"
name = "tgw-example-us-east-1"
description = "TGW example shared with several other AWS accounts"
amazon_side_asn = "64512"
enable_auto_accept_shared_attachments = true
ram_allow_external_principals = true
tags = {
Purpose = "tgw example"
module "cb-us-east-1" {
source = "github.com/spotify/terraform-google-aws-hybrid-cloud-vpn"
transit_gateway_id = module.tgw-us-east-1.this_ec2_transit_gateway_id
google_network = default
amazon_side_asn = 64512
google_side_asn = 65534
https://cloud.google.com/files/CloudVPNGuide-UsingCloudVPNwithAmazonWebServices.pdf https://cloud.google.com/vpn/docs/how-to/creating-ha-vpn