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eSense Flutter

This plugin supports the eSense earable computing platform on both Android and iOS.

pub package

Install (Flutter)

Add esense_flutter as a dependency in pubspec.yaml. For help on adding as a dependency, view the pubspec documenation.

AndroidX support

Only for Android API level 28

Update the contents of the android/ file with the following:


Next, add the following dependencies to your android/build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  classpath ''
  classpath ''

And finally, set the Android compile- and minimum SDK versions to compileSdkVersion 28, and minSdkVersion 23 respectively, inside the android/app/build.gradle file.

Android Permissions

The package uses your location and bluetooth to fetch data from the eSense ear plugs. Therefore location tracking and bluetooth must be enabled.

Add the following entry to your manifest.xml file, in the Android project of your application:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth_le" android:required="true"/>

In addition, your minimum SDK version should be 23.


Requires iOS 10 or later. Hence, in your Podfile in the ios folder of your app, make sure that the platform is set to 10.0.

platform :ios, '10.0'

Add this permission in the Info.plist file located in ios/Runner:

<string>Uses bluetooth to connect to the eSense device</string>


The eSense Flutter plugin has been designed to resemble the Android eSense API almost 1:1. Hence, you should be able to recognize the names of the different classes and class variables.
For example, the methods on the ESenseManager class is mapped 1:1. See the eSense Android documentation on how it all works.

However, one major design change has been done; this eSense Flutter plugin complies to the Dart/Flutter reactive programming architecture using Streams. Hence, you do not 'add listerners' to an eSense device (as you do in Java) -- rather, you obtain a Dart stream and listen to this stream (and exploit all the other very nice stream operations which are available in Dart). Below, we shall describe how to use the eSense streams. But first -- let's see how to set up and connect to an eSense device in the first place.

Note that playing and recording audio are performed via the Bluetooth Classic interface and are not supported by the eSense library described here.

Setting up and Connecting to an eSense Device

All operations on the eSense device happens via the ESenseManager. When connecting, specify the name of the device (typically on the form eSense-xxxx).

import 'package:esense/esense.dart';


// first listen to connection events before trying to connect
ESenseManager.connectionEvents.listen((event) {
  print('CONNECTION event: $event');

// try to connect to the eSense device with a given name
bool success = await ESenseManager.connect(eSenseName);

Everything with the eSense API happens asynchronously. Hence, the connect call merely initiates the connection process. In order to know the status of the connection process (successful or not), you should listen to connection events (ConnectionEvent). This is done via the connectionEvents stream. Note, that if you want to know if your connection to the device is successful, you should initiate listening before the connection is initiated, as shown above.

Listen to Sensor Events

You can access a stream of SensorEvent events via the ESenseManager.sensorEvents stream. Sampling rate can be set when not listening.

StreamSubscription subscription = ESenseManager.sensorEvents.listen((event) {
  print('SENSOR event: $event'




subscription = ESenseManager.sensorEvents.listen((event) {
  print('SENSOR event: $event');

Read eSense Device Events

Reading properties of the eSense device happens asynchronously. Hence, in order to obtain properties, you should do two things:

  1. listen to the ESenseManager.eSenseEvents stream
  2. invoke read operation on the ESenseManager

Invoking read operations will trigger ESenseEvent events of various kinds.

// set up a event listener
ESenseManager.eSenseEvents.listen((event) {
  print('ESENSE event: $event');

// now invoke read operations on the manager

When the button on the eSense device is pressed, the eSenseEvents stream will send an ButtonEventChanged event.

Change the Configuration of the eSense Device

The ESenseManager exposes methods to change the configuration of the eSense device. With the plugin, you can change the device name using setDeviceName(), change the advertising and connection interval using setAdvertisementAndConnectiontInterval(), and change the IMU sensor configuration using setSensorConfig().

Note: At the time of writing, the setSensorConfig() method is not implemented.

Limitations in the eSense BTLE interface

Note that there is a limitation to the eSense BTLE interface which implie that you should not invoke methods on the ESenseManager in a fast pace after each other. For example, the following code will not work:

// set up a event listener
ESenseManager.eSenseEvents.listen((event) {
  print('ESENSE event: $event');

// now invoke read operations on the manager

In this case, the first operation (listening to the Esense Events) will succeed - the rest will fail. In the example app, this has been fixed by adding delays to method call, like;

// get the battery level every 10 secs
Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 10), (timer) async => await ESenseManager.getBatteryVoltage());

// wait 2, 3, 4, 5, ... secs before getting the name, offset, etc.
// it seems like the eSense BTLE interface does NOT like to get called
// several times in a row -- hence, delays are added in the following calls
Timer(Duration(seconds: 2), () async => await ESenseManager.getDeviceName());
Timer(Duration(seconds: 3), () async => await ESenseManager.getAccelerometerOffset());
Timer(Duration(seconds: 4), () async => await ESenseManager.getAdvertisementAndConnectionInterval());
Timer(Duration(seconds: 5), () async => await ESenseManager.getSensorConfig());


Getting Started with Flutter

For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.