- (xXBJXx) Brightness changeMode optimized
- (xXBJXx) Adapter tier set to 3
- (xXBJXx) dependencies updates
- (xXBJXx) Check if adapter config is valid modified
- (xXBJXx) check and testing for Node.js 16 and closed (issue #170)
- (xXBJXx) dependencies updates
- (xXBJXx) fixed wrong type of displayWidthPixels and displayHeightPixels (issue #164)
- (xXBJXx) add encodeUrl and change log message
- (xXBJXx) README edited
- (xXBJXx) removed check for batteryLevel = -1%
- (xXBJXx) camshot function expanded to include continuous shooting (issue #129)
, and it is now possible to take and save multiple images.
New tab added in config page - (xXBJXx) fixed brightness checkInterval bug (is now checked as intended every x minutes whether the brightness changed)
- (xXBJXx) fixed problem with ( has no existing object ) for the new JS controller (issue #114)
- (xXBJXx) fixed (issue #120) check if the screensaver is defined added
- (xXBJXx) fixed brightness control bug
- (xXBJXx) Added deletion of screenSaver from config (issue #124)
- (xXBJXx) fixed TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null (issue #113)
- (xXBJXx) fixed Telegram error message when accessing the config page (issue #109)
- (xXBJXx) test-and-release.yml update
- (xXBJXx) admin Page Revised
- (xXBJXx) check for 0/1 implemented for sockets (issue #66)
- (xXBJXx) reading of the user from telegram adapter instance 0-10 added
- (xXBJXx) Current page added to Device Info
- (xXBJXx) Motion detector is not defined warning message fixed
- (xXBJXx) fix camshotUrl folder
- (xXBJXx) Check for invalid batteryLevel added
- (xXBJXx) manual brightness revised
- (xXBJXx) Automatic brightness revised
- (xXBJXx) Manuele brightness expanded to include the afternoon control
- (xXBJXx) config page revised
- (xXBJXx) add StartUrl command
- (xXBJXx) add command motionDetection on/Off
- (xXBJXx) add command camshot and 2 states for Image (base64 and imageURl)
- (xXBJXx) change README
- (xXBJXx) add media Volume
- (xXBJXx) bug fix
- (xXBJXx) screensaver brightness control can be switched on or off
- (xXBJXx) dependencies updates
- (xXBJXx) add new charge option
- (Steff42) Fix typo in words.js
- (xXBJXx) request log output adjusted
- (xXBJXx) night brightness manual change added
- (xXBJXx) bug in brightness control and charging function fixed
- (xXBJXx) Astro time added
- (xXBJXx) Brightness control changed and Configuration page changed
- (xXBJXx) FullyBrowser implemented
- (xXBJXx) fixed some bugs
- (xXBJXx) Screen saver time adjusted now in 1 min steps
- (xXBJXx) State_of_charge adjusted
- (xXBJXx) interval limit added
- (xXBJXx) Switch charging control on / off added
- (xXBJXx) Brightness activated individually
- (xXBJXx) Adapter Name Change
- (xXBJXx) charging warning message output adjusted
- (xXBJXx) bug in Automatic change to home view widget 8 fixed
- (xXBJXx) add Automatic change to home view
- (xXBJXx) brightness bug fix
- (xXBJXx) manuell StateChange optimized
- (xXBJXx) Configuration page changed
- (xXBJXx) log level adjusted
- (xXBJXx) README.md edit
- (xXBJXx) Beta Release
- (xXBJXx) device activate added
- (xXBJXx) bug fixes
- (xXBJXx) back to Fully Browser implemented
- (xXBJXx) bug fixes
- (xXBJXx) Screensaver selection implemented
- (xXBJXx) Motion detector added
- (xXBJXx) manual brightness control implemented
- (xXBJXx) Screensavers added
- (xXBJXx) request optimized for multiple devices
- (xXBJXx) brightness control implemented
- (xXBJXx) Charging function optimized
- (xXBJXx) Added selection screen for continuous operation
- (xXBJXx) Telegram warning added
- (xXBJXx) added charging function
- (xXBJXx) initial release