This walkthrough demonstrates how to implement the Repository Pattern with sqlite-net using the base classes provided by the MobCAT and MobCAT.Repositories.SQLiteNet libraries.
This is arranged into the following high-level steps:
This walkthrough assumes that you have the MobCAT and MobCAT.Repository.SqliteNet source code that can be referenced as a project or you have made these available as NuGet packages. See Getting started with MobCAT.
- Create a new Xamarin.Forms project called SampleApp including Android and iOS platform targets
- Update all NuGet packages across the solution
- Create a new netstandard project to contain the app data concerns e.g. SampleApp.Data
- Create a new netstandard project for the sqlite-net implementation of the data concerns e.g. SampleApp.Data.SqliteNet
- Reference the MobCAT library and SampleApp.Data in all projects
- Add a reference to SampleApp.Data.SqliteNet in the platform targets
- Add the sqlite-net-pcl NuGet and MobCAT.Repository.SQLiteNet packages to SampleApp.Data.SqliteNet and both platform targets
- Add the Newtonsoft.Json and Polly NuGet packages to the platform targets
In SampleApp.Data, define the business model object (you can optionally derive from BaseModel for this as below)
public class SampleModel : BaseModel { public string Text { get; set; } public DateTimeOffset Timestamp { get; set; } }
In the same project, define the Repository and optionally the RepositoryContext abstractions
public interface ISampleRepository : IBaseRepository<SampleModel> { // Other application-specific operations here } public interface ISampleRepositoryContext : IRepositoryContext { ISampleRepository SampleRepository { get; } // Other repositories and high-level operations here }
In SampleApp.Data.SqliteNet, add a new class called SQLiteNetSampleModel deriving from BaseSQLiteNetModel with the following implementation
public class SQLiteNetSampleModel : BaseSQLiteNetModel { public string Text { get; set; } public long TimestampTicks { get; set; } }
NOTE: The types and names of the Properties are purposefully different to the SampleModel to make the data mapping exercise more involved
In SampleApp.Data.SqliteNet, add a new class called SQLiteNetSampleRepository deriving from BaseSQLiteNetRepository and implementing the ISampleRepository interface. The constructor should take a SQLiteAsyncConnection parameter so it can be passed into the BaseSQLiteNetRepository base class
public class SQLiteNetSampleRepository : BaseSQLiteNetRepository<SampleModel, SQLiteNetSampleModel>, ISampleRepository { public SQLiteNetSampleRepository(SQLiteAsyncConnection connection) : base(connection) {} }
In the same file, override the ToModelType and ToRepositoryType in order to implement the data mapping logic for the repository
protected override SampleModel ToModelType(SQLiteNetSampleModel repositoryType) => repositoryType == null ? null : new SampleModel { Id = repositoryType.Id, Text = repositoryType.Text, Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(repositoryType.TimestampTicks, TimeSpan.Zero) }; protected override SQLiteNetSampleModel ToRepositoryType(SampleModel modelType) => modelType == null ? null : new SQLiteNetSampleModel { Id = modelType.Id, Text = modelType.Text, TimestampTicks = modelType.Timestamp.UtcTicks };
NOTE: There are no additional operations defined by the ISampleRepository.
In SampleApp.Data.SqliteNet, add a new class called SQLiteNetSampleRepositoryContext deriving from BaseSQLiteNetRepositoryContext and implementing the ISampleRepositoryContext interface. The constructor should take two string parameters, folderPath and datastoreName, so they can be passed into the BaseSQLiteNetRepository base class
public class SQLiteNetSampleRepositoryContext : BaseSQLiteNetRepositoryContext, ISampleRepositoryContext { public SQLiteNetSampleRepositoryContext(string folderPath, string datastoreName) : base (folderPath, datastoreName) {} public ISampleRepository SampleRepository { get; } }
Update SQLiteNetSampleRepositoryContext so it instantiates the ISampleRepositoryContext implementation in a lazy loading manner passing in the shared Connection from the base class
ISampleRepository _sampleRepository; public ISampleRepository SampleRepository => _sampleRepository ?? (_sampleRepository = new SQLiteNetSampleRepository(Connection));
In the same file, override the OnResetRepositories method setting the _sampleRepository backing field to null
protected override void OnResetRepositories() => _sampleRepository = null;
In the SampleApp project, add a new class called Bootstrap with the following definition
public static class Bootstrap { const string DatastoreName = "sqlitenet_datastore"; public static void Begin(Func<string, ISampleRepositoryContext> sampleRepositoryContext) => ServiceContainer.Register(sampleRepositoryContext(DatastoreName)); }
In MainActivity, within the Android target, update the OnCreate method to call Bootstrap.Begin just before the call to LoadApplication
var storageFilepath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); Bootstrap.Begin((datastoreName) => new SQLiteNetSampleRepositoryContext(storageFilepath, datastoreName));
NOTE: We are passing in a Func to resolve a new instance of SQLiteNetSampleRepositoryContext as the ISampleRepositoryContext implementation at the appropriate juncture. The storageFilepath represents the location where the SQLite database will be created
In AppDelegate, within the iOS target, update the FinishedLaunching method in the same manner resolving the storageFilepath to the Library directory instead
var storageFilepath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "..", "Library"); Bootstrap.Begin((datastoreName) => new SQLiteNetSampleRepositoryContext(storageFilepath, datastoreName));
In MainPage.xaml.cs, add a method called TestRepositoryAsync, with the following throw-away code to quickly validate a subset of the basic repository operations
public async Task TestRepositoryAsync() { var sampleRepositoryContext = ServiceContainer.Resolve<ISampleRepositoryContext>(); var sampleModel = new SampleModel { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Text = $"Test Model", Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow }; // Create (insert) operation await sampleRepositoryContext.SampleRepository.InsertItemAsync(sampleModel).ConfigureAwait(false); // Read (get) operation var item = await sampleRepositoryContext.SampleRepository.GetItemAsync(sampleModel.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); }
In the same file, override the OnAppearing method to call the TestRepositoryAsync method
protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); _ = Task.Run(() => TestRepositoryAsync()); }