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Alex Dunn edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 7 revisions

Here is a list of all the various markers you'll see in Creation Kit.

  • xMarker = Mark a specific location such as to tell an NPC where to stand
  • xMarkerHeading = Mark a specific location with a specific direction such as to tell an NPC where to stand and in which direction to look
  • xMarkerActivator = Link a bunch of objects such that when the marker is activated, all of its linked objects are activated
  • CollisionMarker = An invisible wall that the player can not go through. These are used to prevent the player from accessing a certain area before a certain portion of a quest has been completed, or to prevent the player from accidentally getting into an area where she would get stuck, etc.
  • PatrolIdleMarker = A location for an NPC on patrol to stop and look around
  • Enable Parent = Set an object to match the enabled/disabled setting of another object. In the below example, the leek object's enable parent is the barrel, so it will be enabled and disabled whenever the barrel is. enable parent