Here is a map of existing and possible content to cover.
- check mark means the item is covered in latest issues with manual or automated effort.
tag means the item can be automated to boost productivity, like a tool or web page that prints the numbers that can be copy-pasted without manual processing or adjustments.
- any interesting work happening
- where help is needed
- grassroots efforts and derived projects
- e.g. Politeia derivatives
- individual and corporate contractor additions/removals (
- introductions of ind. and corp. contractors
- updates from contractor companies
- interviews
- changes to decred GitHub organization
- first time contributors whose work was merged
- new contributors in all domains, not only dev
- recruiting news
- Community Stats
- Politeia: user count, distinct pubkey count, proposals, comments, upvotes
- counts of Twitter followers, Slack users, Reddit subscribers, YouTube subscribers, etc
- GitHub stars and forks (currently dcrd only)
- count of chat and Reddit messages
- Reddit stats (views, comments, whatever is available)
- decision-making activity
- expenses in DCR and USD
- income
- expenses per department, per project or per contractor
- Nodes
- node count, listening and not
- node version stats
- node version history (show how nodes are upgrading)
- node country stats and versions (show worldwide expansion)
- node country history
- Transactions
- tx count for month, average tx per day, value sent daily (dcr and usd, see
- block size: month min/max/avg
- dcrtime tx
- atomicswap tx
- PoW
- month's hashrate: min, max, start, end, average
- pool hashrate distribution, changes
- PoS
- average, min, max ticket price
- average, min, max DCR stake participation %
- amount of missed tickets (good infrastructure health indicator)
- distribution of live tickets across VSPs, history
- distribution of VSP vs solo tickets, history
- Incidents
- Stats from Businesses
- e.g. payment processors, like purchases via coinpayments or coingate, or purchases for DCR on cryptoemporium
- hard to obtain but would be good metric of real world usage
- ASIC updates (need someone to track the space)
- additions/removals of PoW pools an VSPs
- updates like new features or services
- services: exchanges, wallets, etc
- not too much to report at this stage
- updates from marketing people
- attended
- upcoming
- community efforts
- ratings news
- selected articles, videos, audio
- comm systems news
- interesting convos in chats, Reddit, Twitter
- moderation
- posts and comments removed, users banned
- interesting mod observations
- posts and comments removed, users banned
- evolution of price, low, high, average, vs USD and BTC, also volume
- interesting trade events on exchanges
- analysis (link to good external)
- PoW, ASIC resistance
- governance, funding, forks
- skin in the game
- exchanges
- regulations that might affect Decred
- security, fun, other
When the project grows, and if there are resources to write more detailed reports, they can be published separately and linked from the monthly journal.
For example, someone fond of monitoring the network could produce Decred Network Report. Or traders could write Decred Market Report.