##Time Series Decomposition##
A time series, TS, is usually broken down into 4 components:
Trend component
- Reflects the long-term progression/behaviour of a TS (secular variation)
- A trend is present in a TS if there is a persistent increase or decrease occuring in a certain direction
- Does not need to be linear
Cyclical component
- Reflects repeating, non-periodic fluctuations present within a TS
- "The duration of these fluctuations is usually of at least two years." - Wikipedia, Decomposition of time series
Seasonal component
- Reflects the seasonality (seasonal variation) present in a TS
- A seasonal pattern exists when a time series is influenced by seasonal factors
- Seasonality occurs over a fixed and known period of time (e.g. the 1/4 of a year, the month or the day of the weeek)
Residual (aka "noise"?) component
- Represents the remains of a TS after all its other components have been removed from it