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411 lines (287 loc) · 9.39 KB

File metadata and controls

411 lines (287 loc) · 9.39 KB

Migration from 2.x to 3.x

What' new

  • Support for Typescript. Intact intelligent code completion.

  • Props of View changed from { state, actions, handlers } to { state, ctrl }.

  • Hooks should be used with clear type of state, actions, ctrl.

  • Support to write imvc.config.ts with TypeScript. But it's syntax supported is stable, You can't add support syntax by any way.

  • Set webpackConfig.resolve.modules to default config.

  • Don't stop render when catch error which throwed while preloading css file. It will render the DOM without style and console error message at terminal.

How to upgrade

  1. Update react-imvc to 3.x


    npm install --save react-imvc

    or yarn

    yarn add react-imvc
  2. Add typescript support

    (1) add install typescript


    npm install --save-dev typescript

    or yarn

    yarn add -D typescript

    (2) add tsconfig.json

    template: tsconfig.json

    If you just want to use the config same with react-imvc and don't want to change any config information, you can create a tsconfig.json file with the content down here.

      "extends": "react-imvc/tsconfig.json"

    (3) add tslint.json(not necessary)

    template: tslint.json
    If you use the template file, you need to install tslint-config-standard and tslint-config-prettier.


    npm  install --save-dev tslint tslint-config-standard tslint-config-prettier

    or yarn

    yarn add -D tslint tslint-config-standard tslint-config-prettier
  3. Change js|jsx postfix to ts|tsx postfix

    You need to rename file postfix needed.

    If there are some code lack of standardization in you project, it will throw syntactic. eg.

    the way import module lack of standardization

    // bad
    const foo = require('foo')
    // bad
    let foo = require('foo')
    // not suggest
    import foo = require('foo)

    You can do it like code down here.

    // good
    // CommonJS
    var foo = require('foo')
    // better and suggest
    // ES2015+
    import foo from 'foo'

    We suggest you to use the ES2015+ syntax, it will support all the feature of TypeScript.

    There must be some spots else that we haven't record here. When you find please tell to me, we will append it here to help other people.

  4. Refactor Model module

    (1) Import BaseState to construct new State type

    import { BaseState } from 'react-imvc'
    export type State = BaseState & {
        // some new feild

    (2) Import Action to construct action type

    without payload

    import { Action } from 'react-imvc'
    export const COMPONENT_WILL_CREATE: Action<State> = (state) => {
        // do somethings
        return {
            // add some new value

    with payload

    import { Action } from 'react-imvc'
    export interface Payload { /* payload feild */ }
    export const COMPONENT_WILL_CREATE: Action<State, Payload> = (state, { /* payload */ }) => {
        // do somethings
        return {
            // add some new value
  5. Refactor View module

    (1) import State from Model

    import { State } from './Model'

    (2) import Ctrl from Controller

    import Ctrl from './Controller'

    (3) Construct ViewProps type

    export type ViewProps = {
        state: State,
        ctrl: Ctrl

    (4) Add ViewProps to View Component

    export default function View({ state, ctrl }: ViewProps) {
        // do somethings

    In v3.x, Props of View changed from { state, actions, handlers } to { state, actions, ctrl }. The ctrl is the superset of handlers, so you can migrate backwards compatibility like this:

    export default function View({ state, actions, handlers }) {
        // do somethings

    rewrite as

    export default function View({ state, ctrl }: ViewProps) {
        const actions =
        const handlers = ctrl
        // do somethings
  6. Refactor Controller module

    (1) Import View and Model

    import View from "./View"
    import * as Model from "./Model"

    (2) Get the Actions type

    // typescript: 3.6.x
    export type Action = Omit<typeof Model, 'initialState'>
    // typescript: 3.5.x
    export type Action = Pick<typeof Model, Exclude<keyof typeof Model, 'initialState'>>

    (3) Construct Controller class

    class Detail extends Controller<Model.State, Actions> {
        View = View
        Model = Model
        // do somethings
  7. Fix type error of hooks.(If you has used hooks in project)

    (1) useCtrl

    const ctrl = useCtrl()

    rewrited as

    import Ctrl from './Controller'
    const ctrl = useCtrl<Ctrl>()

    (2) useModel

    const ctrl = useModel()

    rewrited as

    import * as Model from './Model'
    type Actions = Omit<typeof Model, 'initialState'>
    const ctrl = useModel<Model.State, Actions>()

    (3) useModelActions

    const ctrl = useModelActions()

    rewrited as

    import * as Model from './Model'
    type Actions = Omit<typeof Model, 'initialState'>
    const ctrl = useModelActions<Ctrl>()

    (4) useModelState

    const ctrl = useModelState()

    rewrited as

    import * as Model from './Model'
    const ctrl = useModelState<Model.State>()

    Note: Hooks must be used in View, React Components.

Note: If you has the BaseController, please look through how did we do in isomorphic-cnode

Life Circle Usage

import { Location, Context } from 'react-imvc'
import * as Model from './Model'

type Actions = Omit<typeof Model, 'initialState'>

class Controller {
    // do something...

    // life circle
    getInitialState(state: Model.State) { return state  }

    getFinalActions(actions: Actions) { return actions }

    async shouldComponentCreate(): { return false }

    async componentWillCreate() {  }

    async componentDidFirstMount() {  }

    async componentDidMount() {  }

    async pageWillLeave(location: Location) {  }

    async componentWillUnmount() {  }

    pageDidBack(location: Location, context?: Context) {  }

    windowWillUnload(location: Location) {  }

    errorDidCatch(error: Error, str: string) {  }

    getComponentFallback(displayName: string, InputComponent: React.ComponentType) { return <div></div> }

    getViewFallback(view?: string) { return <div></div> }

    stateDidReuse(state: Model.State) {  }

    stateDidChange(data?: Data<Model.State, Actions>) {  }

Notions when migrating

  • Don't change or override the type of attribute is BaseState, it will happen unpredictable error.

  • Both shouldComponentCreate and componentWillCreate is support both sync and async two mode programming. But when you extends Controller and overwrite these two method it's mode will be settled. If these are some mix usage. you must fix it by choose one mode(suggest async).

  • The default view file extension is 'js'. If you want to use other extension file, please add in config.(eg.view.tsx)

  • Props of View have changed from state, handlers, actions to state, actions, ctrl.

Dependence change


  • chalk 1.1.3 -> 2.4.2
  • pnp-webpack-plugin 1.2.0 -> 1.5.0
  • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 0.5.2 -> 1.4.3
  • terser-webpack-plugin 1.1.0 -> 1.3.0
  • chalk 2.4.2 1.1.3 -> 2.4.2
  • create-app 1.0.0 -> 2.0.5
  • debug 2.2.0 -> 4.1.1
  • del 3.0.0 -> 5.0.0
  • express-react-views 0.10.5 -> 0.11.0
  • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 0.5.2 -> 1.4.3
  • gulp-clean-css 4.0.4 -> 4.0.2
  • pnp-webpack-plugin 1.2.0 -> 1.5.0
  • relite 1.0.6 -> 3.0.4
  • terser-webpack-plugin 1.1.0 -> 1.3.0
  • yargs 8.0.2 -> 13.3.0


  • @types/babel-core 6.25.6
  • @types/body-parser 1.17.0
  • @types/classnames 2.2.9
  • @types/compression 0.0.36
  • @types/cookie-parser 1.4.1
  • @types/cross-spawn 6.0.0
  • @types/debug 4.1.4
  • @types/express 4.17.0
  • @types/fancy-log 1.3.1
  • @types/gulp 4.0.6
  • @types/gulp-babel 6.1.29
  • @types/gulp-htmlmin 1.3.32
  • @types/gulp.plumber 0.0.32
  • @types/gulp-uglify 3.0.6
  • @types/helmet 0.0.43
  • @types/js-cookie 2.2.2
  • @types/memory-fs 0.3.2
  • @types/morgan 1.7.36
  • @types/node 10.12.24
  • @types/node-fetch 2.5.0
  • @types/node-notifier 5.4.0
  • @types/raf 3.4.0
  • @types/react 16.8.2
  • @types/react-dom 16.8.0
  • @types/resolve 0.0.8
  • @types/serve-favicon 2.2.30
  • @types/terser-webpack-plugin 1.2.1
  • @types/webpack 4.32.1
  • @types/webpack-bundle-analyzer 2.13.2
  • @types/webpack-dev-middleware 2.0.3
  • @types/webpack-hot-middleware 2.16.5
  • @types/webpack-manifest-plufin 2.0.0
  • @types/yargs 13.0.1
  • fs-extra 8.1.0


  • expect 1.20.2
  • mocha 3.0.2
  • querystring 0.2.0
  • gulp-imagemin 5.0.3