This is my personal repo for my Arch linux configurations.
Type | Package(s) |
WM | swayfx |
Bar | waybar |
Launcher | rofi |
Notifications | ags |
Terminal | alacritty |
GTK | Catppuccin Mocha |
QT | Catppuccin Mocha |
Icons | papirus-dark |
Cursor | bibata |
File manager | pcmanfm-qt |
Screenshot tool | flameshot |
Polkit manager | lxsession |
Fonts | ttf-iosevka-nerd ttf-jetbrains-mono monaspace Neon |
Editor | neovim |
You can also use yay -S --needed - < pkgs
to install all dependencies.
Incomplete but should get you most things.
chezmoi init
chezmoi apply -v
# Optional if you want to get san francisco pro font
mkdir -p ~/.fonts
wget && unzip -d ~/.fonts
wget && unzip -d ~/.fonts
fc-cache -frv
rm -rf "" ""
Shortcut | Action |
Super + Return (enter) | Launch terminal (alacritty ) |
Super + E | Launch file manager (pcmanfm-qt ) |
Super + Q | Launch web browser (brave ) |
Super + Shift + C | Close focused application |
Super + Shift + R | Restart window manager |
Super + Shift + Q | Quit window manager |
Super + R | Start program launcher (rofi ) |
Super + 1-9 | Switch workspaces from 1 to 9 |