Web Video Monitor Tutorial
The scheme of RTSP + H264 + FMP4 + WebSocket + MSE + WEB is adopted.
Support RTSP video stream of Hikvision and DaHua camera display on the web page to achieve real-time monitoring.
Video stream acquisition supports TCP/UDP two ways, which can be switched arbitrarily according to network
Pure JAVA development, without any other dependencies, lightweight.
Video delay < 1s , almost no delay, strong real-time.
Provide MSE + WebSocket related js library code.
Browsers must support MSE ,WebSocket .
Using FMP4 + RTSP client agent mode.
The H264 video stream is automatically converted to FMP4 format internally.
By default, TCP + synchronous data processing is adopted, and UDP and asynchronous data processing are also supported.
public class RtspFMp4ProxyTcpSync {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
// rtsp address of camera
URI uri = URI .create ("rtsp://" );
// identity authentication
UsernamePasswordCredential credential = new UsernamePasswordCredential ("admin" , "123456" );
DigestAuthenticator authenticator = new DigestAuthenticator (credential );
// create the RTSP client instant, and use TCP communication mode here
RtspClient client = new RtspClient (uri , authenticator , ERtspTransportProtocol .TCP );
// create the FMp4 proxy, here in synchronous mode
RtspFMp4Proxy proxy = new RtspFMp4Proxy (client );
// set FMP4 data reception event
proxy .onFmp4DataHandle (x -> {
// *****write processing data business*****
System .out .println (x .length );
// sets codec format data events
proxy .onCodecHandle (x -> {
// *****write processing data business*****
System .out .println (x );
proxy .onDestroyHandle (() -> System .out .println ("close" ));
// closed asynchronously, written before startup because it is a test example
CompletableFuture .runAsync (() -> {
try {
TimeUnit .SECONDS .sleep (5 );
} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException (e );
proxy .stop ();
// start, return asynchronous future
CompletableFuture <Void > future = proxy .start ();
// loop wait end
while (!future .isDone ()) {
try {
TimeUnit .SECONDS .sleep (1 );
} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException (e );