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HistoGym: A Reinforcement Learning Environment for Histopathological Image Analysis


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HistoGym: A Reinforcement Learning Environment 🤖
for Histopathological Image Analysis 🔬

📚 [Paper] | 📝 [Blog Post]

  1. Environment Setup
  2. Tutorial
  3. Datasets
  4. Trouble Shootings
  5. Doc
  6. Citation
  7. License


  • a Stylish Web Base UI
  • Tutorials
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  • Packaging HistoGym

1. Environment Setup

1.0 Ready to go

conda activate historl-sb3
python # testing if python env setup susscessfully

1.1 Install openslide & Dependencies

Openslide Requirements

  • Python >= 3.6
  • OpenSlide >= 3.4.0
  • Pillow

Install openslide

sudo apt install openslide-tools 

1.2 Conda Create historl-sb3

environment.yml file

name: hisotrl-sb3
  - defaults
  - pytorch
  - python=3.8.12
  - pytorch::pytorch=1.10.2
  - pytorch::torchvision=0.11.3
  - cudatoolkit=11.3.1
  - numpy=1.21.2
  - ipykernel=6.19.2
  - jupyter=1.0.0
  - shapely=1.7.1
  - matplotlib
  - pip
  - pip:
    - gym
    - tensorboard
    - openslide-python
    - opencv-python

Create Conda Env using environment.yml

conda env create -f environment.yml

1.3 Install stable-baselines3 / tianshou

pip install stable-baselines3[extra]

2. Tutorial

TODO: This Jupyter Notebook tutorial will guide you through the foundational concepts of HistoGym and provide step-by-step instructions on how to effectively utilize its features.

3. Datasets

4. Trouble Shootings

Openslide render error,lack some tiles : update pixman version

Install pixman=0.4

updating pixman to version 0.4, which can be done by following these instructions.

Install Pixman by running the following commands:

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson --prefix=/usr &&

To test the results, issue: ninja test.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

5. Doc

class HistoEnv(gym.Env):

Custom environment for histology image analysis.


  • `img_path (str): Path to the histology image file.
  • `xml_path (str): Path to the XML file containing annotations.
  • `tile_size (int): Size of the tiles used for analysis.
  • `result_path (str): Path to save the resulting images.


  • UP (int): Action code for moving up.
  • DOWN (int): Action code for moving down.
  • LEFT (int): Action code for moving left.
  • RIGHT (int): Action code for moving right.
  • ZOOM_IN (int): Action code for zooming in.
  • ZOOM_OUT (int): Action code for zooming out.
  • STAY (int): Action code for staying in the same position.
  • img_path (str): Path to the histology image file.
  • xml_path (str): Path to the XML file containing annotations.
  • tile_size (int): Size of the tiles used for analysis.
  • result_path (str): Path to save the resulting images.
  • plt_size (int): Size of the plot.
  • slide (openslide.OpenSlide): OpenSlide object for reading the histology image.
  • dz (DeepZoomGenerator): DeepZoomGenerator object for generating tiles.
  • dz_level (int): Initial DeepZoom level.
  • OBS_W (int): Observation width.
  • OBS_H (int): Observation height.
  • STATE_W (int): State width.
  • STATE_H (int): State height.
  • coor_xml (Coor): Coor object for parsing XML annotations.
  • coor_dz_all (Coor): Coor object for getting DeepZoom coordinates.
  • segment_dz_all (Coor): Coor object for getting segment coordinates.
  • if_overlap (bool): Flag indicating if there is overlap.
  • overlap_seg_index (int): Index of the overlapping segment.
  • overlap_ratio (float): Ratio of overlap.
  • n_actions (int): Number of actions.
  • action_space (gym.spaces.Discrete): Action space.
  • observation_space (gym.spaces.Box): Observation space.
  • agent_pos (list): Agent position in the form [z, x, y].
  • STATE_D (int): Initial DeepZoom level for setting bounds.
  • state (numpy.ndarray): Current state.
  • count (int): Step count within the episode.
  • max_step (int): Maximum number of steps per episode.
  • bound (list): List of bounds.


  • __init__(self, img_path, xml_path, tile_size, result_path)`: Initializes the environment.
  • reset(self): Resets the environment and returns the initial state.
  • step(self, action): Takes a step in the environment based on the given action.
  • render(self, mode="save"): Renders the current state of the environment.


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.

    title={HistoGym: A Reinforcement Learning Environment for Histopathological Image Analysis},
    author={Zhi-Bo Liu and Xiaobo Pang and Jizhao Wang and Shuai Liu and Chen Li},


RL framwork Stable Baselines 3 & Tianshou



This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

By Zhi-Bo Liu


HistoGym: A Reinforcement Learning Environment for Histopathological Image Analysis







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