Modelling 2D gas particles and Brownian Motion for thermodynamic and stastical physics investigations.
Simulation Visualisation
Brownian Motion
There are 2 versions to most scripts: and are multi-core processing enabled. I have written a parallelised version for scripts worth parallelising.
It is recommended to run the scripts from the terminal to ensure the custom progress bar and parallelisation works properly. However, running in iPython works just fine too.
When running scripts in terminal, the code will be blocked when the GUI shows the graph plotted. Close the GUI window after examining the plot to continue running the script.
Clone this repo into your machine and run numbered scripts to see the features in this simulation.
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
- Ball Positions from Origin
- Position and Velocity Dataset
- Brownian Motion Path Tracing
- Characterisation of Brownian Motion
- Brownian Motion Dataset : Contains the Ball and Container Class and methods for gas particles and container. : Contains the Event Class for next collision events. : Contains the Simulation Class and methods for simulation.
Simulation has a: Ball, Container, Event
Container is a: Ball
Event is a: tuple
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