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Xose Pérez edited this page Sep 7, 2018 · 45 revisions


MQTT stands for "Message Queueing Telemetry Transport". It uses the publisher-subscriber pattern and it's especially suited for small messages when networks bandwidth is limited or when the network is not reliable. It has become a de facto standard for sensor messaging over TCP.

Check for more info.

ESPurna is built by default with support for MQTT v3.1. To build an image without MQTT support set the MQTT_SUPPORT setting to 0. The current version also supports MQTT over SSL but it is disabled by default since this feature has a heavy memory footprint and is not compatible with other features in the firmware. See "SSL support" below.


You can configure MQTT via the web interface or the terminal. Check the commands available in the Terminal page.


Topic format

Root topic

Every MQTT message that ESPurna publishes starts with the root topic you define in the "MQTT Root Topic" setting. That root topic is then complemented by the magnitude (like "temperature", "rfin" or "relay"), an index when there is more that one of such elements (more than one relay) and a trailing particle to tell commands from states.

Commands and states

A state topic is what ESPurna broadcasts telling every listener out there about something that happened ("the temperature is 18.3C"). A command topic is one ESPurna subscribes to to listen to requests from other services. The default state topic particle is "" (empty string, meaning no trailing particle). The default command topic particle is "/set".

As an example, a board with one relay will publish the relay status when it changes to:

{root topic}/relay/0

And will listen to commands to modify the relay status at:

{root topic}/relay/0/set


The root topic may include one of these placeholders:

Placeholder Value
{hostname} The hostname of the board as defined in the General tab
{mac} The MAC of the ESP8266
{magnitude} The magnitude particle (+1.12.4)

The {magnitude} placeholder is a special one. It indicates where the magnitude particle will be inserted. If you don't specify a location for the magnitude it will be inserted after the root topic. For instance, if you have a temperature sensor called "garden", and you set the root topic to sensor/{magnitude}/{hostname} the messages will be sent to sensor/temperature/garden. In the documentation all topic examples assume the magnitude placeholder is either not used or placed at the end of the root topic.

JSON payload

When the "Use JSON Payload" option is enabled, messages will be grouped in a JSON payload. Internally, messages will be enqueued and sent after a certain time (100 milliseconds). Any message that is also enqueued during that time lapse will reset the count down. When the count down is done all enqueued messages are grouped in a JSON payload and sent to the data specific message topic along with some extra info.

For instance, a sensor that reports temperature and humidity will publish two topics every X seconds like this:

{root topic}/temperature => 18.3
{root topic}/humidity => 65

With the "Use JSON payload" option enabled only one message will be sent:

{root topic}/data => {'temperature': 18.3, 'humidity': 65, 'datetime': '2018-01-31 23:46:17', 'mac': '00:11:22:33:44:55', 'hostname': 'MINI', 'ip': '', 'id': 37}



Heartbeat messages are only state messages and are sent every X seconds (5 minutes by default). These messages report the status of the device and some useful info.

State topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/status 1 see note 1 below
{root topic}/app ESPURNA
{root topic}/version 1.12.3
{root topic}/hostname MINI
{root topic}/ip
{root topic}/mac 00:11:22:33:44:55
{root topic}/uptime 3215 seconds
{root topic}/datetime 2018-02-01 00:03:25 only if NTP synced
{root topic}/freeheap 22056 bytes

(1) This is also the will topic. Upon disconnection and after the keepalive timeout the broker should publish a payload 0 to this topic.

Relay and light status are also sent along with the heartbeat. Check topics for those below.


An ESPurna device will subscribe to some generic topics listening for different actions to be performed. At the moment these topics are:

Command topic Payload Notes
{root topic}/action/set reboot Reboots the device


The relay module publishes the relay state and subscribes to command topics to manage the relays via MQTT. The specific message topic will always end with a 0-based index (first relay is index 0).

State topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/relay/0 1 0 for 'off', 1 for 'on'
Command topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/relay/0/set 2 see note 1 below
{root topic}/relay/0/set toggle see note 1 below

(1) Relay command payloads accept both numbers (0 for off, 1 for on and 2 for toggle) or words (on, off, toggle or query; case insensitive). The query payload does not change the relay state but triggers a state topic message.


The light module publishes and subscribes to different topics.

State topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/rgb #FF0000 if "Use CSS style" is on
{root topic}/rgb 255,0,0 if "Use CSS style" is off
{root topic}/hsv 300,100,100 see note below
{root topic}/brightness 35 from 0 to 255
{root topic}/channel/0 128 from 0 to 255, see note 1 below
Command topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/rgb/set #FF0000 in CSS format
{root topic}/rgb/set 255,0,0 or CSV (comma-separated-values)
{root topic}/hsv/set 300,100,100 see note 2 below
{root topic}/brightness/set 35 from 0 to 255
{root topic}/channel/0/set 128 for each channel, from 0 to 255
{root topic}/mired/set 320 color temperature in Mired
{root topic}/kelvin/set 6000 color temperature in Kelvin

(1) Channel topic will end with a 0-based index of the channel. In particular, for an RGB bulb, red channel is index 0, green is index 1 and blue is index 2.
(2) Hue value ranges from 0 to 360. Saturation and Value from 0 to 100.


The sensors module (sensors.ino) provides a common interface with the rest of the firmware for all sensor defined in the sensors folder. See Sensors for more info about the available sensors.

Sensors publish magnitudes (temperature, power, current, co2,...). If there is more than one magnitude of the same type and index will be added to the magnitude topic (0-based). Available magnitude topics will depend on the available sensors. At the moment they are:

State topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/temperature 18.3 in C or F, see note 1 below
{root topic}/humidity 65 in %
{root topic}/pressure 1018.52 in hPa
{root topic}/current 0.35 in A
{root topic}/voltage 227 in V
{root topic}/power 430 active power, in W
{root topic}/apparent 320 apparent power, in W
{root topic}/reactive 100 reactive power, in W
{root topic}/factor 95 power factor, in %
{root topic}/energy 253654 aggregated, in J or Wh or kWh, see note 1 below
{root topic}/energy_delta 60 since last report, in J or Wh or kWh, see note 1 below
{root topic}/analog 780 from 0 to 1023
{root topic}/digital 1 0 (low) or 1 (high)
{root topic}/event 18 since last report, count
{root topic}/pm1dot0 180 in ppm
{root topic}/pm2dot5 13 in ppm
{root topic}/pm10 5 in ppm
{root topic}/co2 65 in ppm
{root topic}/lux 430 in lux
{root topic}/distance 0.128 in meters
{root topic}/hcho 18 in ppm
{root topic}/ldr_cpm 24 events
{root topic}/ldr_uSvh 0.108 in microsievert
{root topic}/count 12 events

(1) Temperature and energy units are defined in the Sensors tab in the web UI.


The button module publishes button events. The specific message topic will always end with a 0-based index (first button is index 0).

State topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/button/0 3 see table below

The payload value is the one defined by the BUTTON_EVENT_* settings.

Button event Value
Press 1
Release 2
Click 2
Double click 3
Long click 4
Long-long click 5

Notice "release" and "click" events are actually the same. Some devices will report both the pressed and the released events whilst other might only report click events. In either case a value of 2 will mean something has happened and an action can be taken.


When the LED mode in the General tab is set to "MQTT Managed", the first LED will accept a command to change its state. Valid values are the same as for a relay (0, 1, 2, 'on', 'off' or 'toggle'). The specific message topic will always end with a 0-based index (first LED is index 0).

Command topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/led/0/set 2 toggle LED status

Sonoff RF Bridge

The Sonoff RF Bridge has a dedicated module (rfbridge.ino) that provides an MQTT to RF bridge functionality via the rfin and rfout topics.

State topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/rfin 26C0013603CA511451 received code
Command topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/rflearn/0/set 1 see note 1 below
{root topic}/rfout/set 26C0013603CA511451 send code
{root topic}/rfout/set 26C0013603CA511451,3 send code N times
{root topic}/rfraw/set see note 2 below

(1) Triggers a learn action. The index after the "learn" magnitude indicates the relay the code will be linked to. The payload of the message indicates the action (0 for off, 1 for on).
(2) Raw codes require a special firmware in the EFM8BB1. See issue #386 for more info.


The IR module enables different MQTT messages in and out via the irin and irout topics.

State topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/irin 2:121944:32 ::
Command topic Example payload Notes
{root topic}/rfout/set 2:121944:32:1 ::[:<repeat(1)>]

The IR module also supports RAW messages when IR_USE_RAW is enabled but format is much more complex. Read the module header for more info.

Features based on MQTT

Relay & color synchronization across devices

  • mqttGroup
  • mqttGroupInv

Home Assistant auto-discovery



AsyncMqttClient vs PubSubClient


SSL support

Memory limitations

Build image with SSL support

Suggested configuration

Server footprints

Change log

Getting started

Supported hardware and options





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