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Thomas edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 26 revisions

The ESPurna firmware outputs debug information to the terminal interface (except for the Sonoff Dual and the Sonoff RF Bridge). You only have to connect your USB2UART board to the TX, RX and GND pins in your board and open a terminal at 115200 baud (8,N,1).

As an alternative you can use all commands also with Telnet, if you activated Telnet on the administration page of the web interface.

But the terminal not only shows information about what the device is doing, it also accepts several commands thanks to the Embedis library. You can get a list of these commands typing help and enter. It's recommended to enable echo to see what you are typing. Backspace or delete won't work in the terminal.

Available commands as of 1.12.1 (the actual list of available commands will depend on the built-in functionalities of your specific image):

command description
brightness <value> Sets RGB brightness (only for lights)
channel <id> <value> Sets value for channel #id (only for lights)
color <value> Sets RGB color (only for lights)
commands Lists available commands
crash Shows stack dump from last crash
del <key> Deletes setting from EEPROM. Built-in
dictionaries Available dictionaries. Built-in
eeprom.dump [<ascii>] Dumps EEPROM contents to console (pass a 1 to print ASCII characters)
erase.config Tries to reset SDK config and restarts the board
factory.reset Deletes all settings from EEPROM and resets the device
get <key> Shows the value a the given setting
gpio <id> [<value>] Gets or sets the GPIO #id state
ha.clear Clear retained message for MQTT Discover in Home Assistant
ha.config Output Home Assistant configuration code
ha.send Send message for MQTT Discover in Home Assistant
hardware Access hardware resources. Built-in. Not implemented
heap Shows free heap
help Lists available commands (alias for "commands")
info Shows info about the device, the firmware and the WiFi connection
kelvin Sets the temperature color in Kelvin (only for lights)
keys Lists the setting keys stored in EEPROM.
magnitudes Lists sensor magnitudes available
mired Sets the temperature color in Mired (only for lights)
mqtt.reset Reconnects to the MQTT broker using current settings (only if MQTT support)
nofuss Forces a check agains NoFUSS server (only if NoFUSS support)
ota <url> Downloads a firmware image from the give URL and updates the board
publish Built-in publish/subscriber method. Not implemented
read Access hardware resources. Built-in. Not implemented
relay <id> [<value>] Gets or sets the relay #id state
reset Resets board
select Built-in. Not implemented
set <key> <value> Changes the value of the given setting
subscribe Built-in publish/subscriber method. Not implemented
unsubscribe Built-in publish/subscriber method. Not implemented
uptime Shows the current uptime in seconds
wifi.ap Disconnect and create an access point
wifi.reset Reconnects to the WiFi using current settings
wifi.scan Scans for WiFi networks around and shows info
write Access hardware resources. Built-in. Not implemented

You can read about some of the built-in commands in the Embedis wiki.


The get, set and del commands let you query, modify or delete configuration settings. Most of those settings can be changed from the web interface.

Settings are stored in EEPROM. They persist across reboots and they survive firmware or filesystem updates (both wired or OTA) unless you change the flash layout.

This is a list of current settings with description and default values. '#' means a number starting from 0.

Key Description Possible values Default value
alexaEnabled Is Alexa integration enabled? 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 1 (yes)
apiEnabled Should REST API be enabled? 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 0 (no)
apiKey API Key required for all REST API requests HEX string (auto-generated)
apiRealTime Should the API should respond with real time values or filtered ones? 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 0 (no)
btnDelay Double click delay in milliseconds an integer 500
dczEnabled Should Domoticz be enabled? 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 1 (yes)
dczTopicIn Topic to send values to Domoticz domoticz/in
dczTopicOut Topic where Domoticz sends commands to domoticz/out
dczRelayIdx# IDX in Domoticz for the n-th relay (both to get and set value) An integer, 0 or empty to disable report 0
dczMagnitude# IDX in Domoticz for the n-th magnitude (type "magnitudes" for a list of available magnitudes) An integer, 0 or empty to disable report 0
adminPass Password to access web interface, connect to the device in AP mode or perform OTA updates String of at least eight characters (letters, numbers or the underscore) with at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter fibonacci
hostname Hostname for the device, device would be accessible in http://hostname.local A string Device name plus 6 HEX digits
board Board id (this setting is meant for future identification)
boardName Board id (this setting is used to identify the board on OTA updates)
cfg Configuration version (this setting is meant for future identification)
loopDelay Delay in milliseconds at the end of the main loop (reduces power consumption but also responsiveness) A number equals or greater than 0 10
haEnabled Home Assistant auto-discover feature enabled 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 1 (yes)
haPrefix Home Assistant MQTT prefix A string homeassistant
i2cCST I2C Clock Stretch Time in milliseconds (only for I2C_Brzo library) A positive number 200
i2cFreq I2C SCL frequency (only for I2C_Brzo library) A positive number 1000
i2cSCL SCL GPIO A valid digital GPIO 5
i2cSDA SDA GPIO A valid digital GPIO 4
idbDatabase InfluxDB database name A string
idbEnabled Enable sending data to InfluxDB 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 0 (no)
idbHost InfluxDB database host A string
idbPassword InfluxDB database password A string
idbPort InfluxDB database port An integer 8086
idbUsername InfluxDB database username A string
ledMode# Behavior for the n-th LED (currently only supported for the first LED) An of the LED modes defined in general.h 1 (LED_MODE_WIFI)
mqttClientID MQTT client ID A string (auto-generated)
mqttEnabled Enable sending MQTT messages 0 (no) or 1(yes) 1 (yes)
mqttFP Fingerprint for SSL server A 20 hex values separated by ':'
mqttGetter MQTT getter suffix A string with a leading slash
mqttGroup# Synchronization group for the n-th relay An MQTT topic
mqttGroupColor Synchronization group for the color An MQTT topic
mqttGroupInv# Logic for the synchronization group for the n-th relay 0 (same) or 1(inverted) 0 (same)
mqttKeep Keep alive time in seconds A number greater than 10 30
mqttPassword Password to connect to the MQTT broker A string
mqttPort Port the MQTT is listening to A number 1883
mqttQoS QoS level for MQTT messages and subscriptions 0 (at most one), 1 (at least one) o 2 (one and only one) 0 (at most one)
mqttRetain Retain flag for messages 0 (don't retain) or 1 (retain) 1 (retain)
mqttServer Address of the MQTT server An IP, empty to disable MQTT connection
mqttSetter MQTT setter suffix A string with a leading slash /set
mqttTopic Root topic for all MQTT topics of this device A string, {identifier} will be replaced by the hostname /test/switch/{identifier}
mqttUseJson Whether to group messages in a JSON format 0 (no) or 1(yes) 0 (no)
mqttUser User to connect to the MQTT broker A string
mqttUseSSL Whether to connect using TLS/SSL 0 (no) or 1(yes) 0 (no)
brightness Brightness value 0 to 255 255
ch# Value for the n-th channel 0 to 255 0
useColor Use first 3 channels for RGB 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 1 (yes)
useGamma Use gamma correction for color channels 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 0 (no)
useWhite Use white channel if all 3 RGB have the same value 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 0 (no)
useCSS Use CSS (#FF0000) or comma separated values (255,0,0) for color reporting 0 (CSV) or 1 (CSS) 1 (CSS)
useRGB Use first three channels as color channels (only if light has at least 3 ch) 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 1 (yes)
useTransitions Use color transitions 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 1 (yes)
nofussEnabled Enable checking updates against a NoFUSS server 0 (no) or 1(yes) 0 (yes)
nofussInterval Milliseconds between NoFUSS update checks Number 3600000
nofussServer NoFUSS service URL URL, empty to disable NoFUSS
ntpDST Enable daylight save time 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 1 (yes)
ntpOffset Time offset from UTC An integer 1
ntpServer# NTP server to use (up to 3 different servers) A string
relayBoot# Relay boot mode, what state the relay should have upon boot 0 (off), 1 (on), 2 (same as before), 3 (opposite from before) 0 (off)
relayPulse# Relay pulse mode 0 (no pulse), 1 (normally OFF), 2 (normally ON) 0 (no pulse)
relayTime# Relay pulse time in seconds Number 1
relaySync Relay synchronization mode 0 (no sync), 1 (at most one relay ON), 2 (one and only relay ON), 3 (all the same) 0 (no sync)
rfChannel Channel number (only for the RF module) A number 31
rfDevice Device number (only for the RF module) A number 1
rfbOFF# Code to turn OFF the n-th device A string
rfbON# Code to turn ON the n-th device A string
schAction# Action to perform for n-th schedule 0 (turn off), 1 (turn on) or 2 (toggle) 0 (turn off)
schHour# Time (hour) at which the n-th schedule action should take place 0 to 23 0
schMinute# Time (minute) at which the n-th schedule action should take place 0 to 59 0
schSwitch# Switch to perform the action of the n-th schedule 0 to number of relays (0-based) 0
schWDs# Weekdays at which the n-th schedule action should take place. Encoded as string of numbers where Monday is 1 A string 1234567
pwrRatioC Ratio for current value (will depend on the actual sensor) (will depend on the actual sensor)
pwrRatioP Ratio for power value (will depend on the actual sensor) (will depend on the actual sensor)
pwrRatioV Ratio for voltage value (will depend on the actual sensor) (will depend on the actual sensor)
pwrVoltage Nominal RMS mains voltage 125, 220, 230... depends on country 230
snsRead Sensor read interval in seconds A positive number greater than 2 6
snsReport Sensor report every N reads A positive number greater than 0 10
tmpUnits Temperature unit to use 0 (Celsius) or 1 (Fahrenheit) 0 (Celsius)
tmpCorrection Temperature correction in C or F degrees Any number 0
telnetSTA Enable telnet when connected to a router (STAtion mode) 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 0 (no)
tspkEnabled Enable reporting values to Thingspeak platform 0 (no) or 1 (yes) 0 (no)
tspkKey API Key for the channel to send data to A string provided by Thingspeak
tspkMagnitude# Field number for n-th magnitude The field number to report to (1 to 8) or 0 to disable reporting 0
tspkRelay# Field number for n-th relay The field number to report to (1 to 8) or 0 to disable reporting 0
webPort Port to listen to HTTP requests An integer 80
dns# DNS for the n-th WiFi network when using static IP IP
gw# Gateway for the n-th WiFi network when using static IP IP
ip# Static IP for the n-th WiFi network IP
mask# Netmask for the n-th WiFi network when using static IP
pass# Password of the n-th WiFi network String
ssid# SSID or name of the n-th WiFi network String


You can configure your WiFi connection without web interface through the terminal. For instance:

set ssid0 myhome
set pass0 mypass

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