All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Request object not loading correctly
- Error on checkboxes multiple choice not saving correctly
- Added ability to stop Saving to database and/or sending emails on Plugin Event. (@cloudgrayau)
- Added ability to get Errors from the Form Service class (@maartenheideman)
- Plugin Icon to be compatible with Craft 5 new Sidebar (@alexanderbuergin)
- Readme documentation version.
- Craft 5 compatible version.
- Fix hardcoded form_id for initial setup (@holiday-jan)
- Added new Consent Field
- Improve AJAX examples in documentation (@masiorama)
- Improve Blitz examples in documentation (@holiday-jan)
- Added ability to check if form is active on templates
- Fixed bug with multiple checkbox values in email
- Fixed bug with multiple select values
- Fixed NL translation (@DigitaleJungle)
- Fixed ability to overwrite Google Recaptcha URL
- Added ability to skip the field wrapper using the render function
- Fixed AJAX requests not returning submitted entry correctly
- Fixed error when trying to save forms in a multisite environment
- Dynamic email notifications
- Text input field styles to match Craft 4 layout
- Craft 4 User Permissions
- Norwegian translate (@AlexFUNBIT)
- Version comparison checks
- Added Craft 4 support
- Undefined error on form.close()
- Undefined error on recaptcha
- Telephone input field type
- Date input field type
- Time input field type
- New beforeValidate and afterValidate events for plugins to do custom validation
- New flash variable with submitted form ID
- Duplicate fields in CSV Export when fields are empty.
- Logic with multiple fields of same type to have increasing names to disallow having the same input field name.
- Ability to modify redirect using events
- New multiple option for select fields
- Better examples of Vanilla Javascript and AJAX submisions.
- Added ability to retrieve the Form field ID in the templates.
- Ability to refresh Recaptcha after an error (@lenvanessen)
- Added ability to translate labels and placeholders on Front End.
- Fixed Recaptcha for multiple forms on same page.
- Fixed bug on DateCreated field for Messages Model (@jgdevweb).
- NPM dependencies
- New config key to allow forms to skip attaching files to email.
- Access to Field options in custom templates
- Bundles not minified correctly on Control Panel.
- Honeypot field autocomplete problems on some browsers.
- Better checking of files uploaded to external volumes
- Improved ES translations
getter function for field template service- Added ability to select all entries on current entries list.
- Honeypot field autocomplete problems on some browsers.
- Added Norwegian Translation (@AlexFUNBIT)
- Ability to make available fields configurable (@vandres)
- Fixed critical bug with Craft CMS 3.5 version and CSRF meta tags.
- Ability to enable/disable "required" attribute for most fields.
- Ability to add custom HTTP Responses to submissions through an Event.
- Ability to add custom User Notification Subject from CP.
- Ability to add custom Submission message to individual forms.
- Fixed bug related to console purge not running correctly
- Ability to order checkboxes, lists, selects, radios options.
- Styling issues on larger screens
- Added new Permission to all users and user groups to manage, edit, view all forms automatically.
- Improved Edit Form Layout to better match New Craft layout
- New ability to overwritte default "From" address using configuration file.
- Fixed ability to use volumes such as AWS S3
- Form Field name to be capitalized.
- Views not loading correctly for single messages.
- Checkbox values not saving correctly.
- Recaptcha V3 action.
- Fixed layout on Edit Form to use new Craft 3.4 admin classes.
- Fixed fields not deleting old settings when type changes.
- Fixed pages with Form Field being used not indexing correctly on console commands.
- Fixed Layout issue with delete button and form configuration UI.
- Translations for new settings.
- Added Ability to retrieve Honeypot field from form variable.
- Fixed bug where HTML content is not accessible from the field Service.
- Added ability to add a name to the from_email field.
- Added ability collapse / expand all the fields at once.
- Fixed bug newly created radio and select fields couldn't add options.
- Fixed bug on reaptcha 3 actions (@Moskydesign).
- Fixed bug where files were being uploaded after form errors.
- Ability to delete HTML fields
- Bug related to deleted form not displaying correctly on form fields.
- Added ability to delete forms.
- Fixed Pagination on entries list
- Fixed Items not deleting correctly in Multi options fields.
- Added ability to restrict type of files uploaded.
- Added ability to use Aliases inside Recaptcha fields.
- Added
variable for individual forms.
- Fixed typo in README
- Fixed error on new forms with no fields present
- Fixed placeholder for Email and Textarea
- Fixed Form Attributes not displaying correctly
- Improved Form Field configuration page.
- Improved Field Configuration options
- Faster Form Submission
- Added new HTMl Field
- Added French Translation (@timbertens)
- Fixed Bug on Form Service
- Fixed Bug related to Cron Job Command to Purge Messages (@luke-nehemedia).
- Fixed Bug related to Deprecation error on form Attributes.
- Added ability to create Cron Jobs to delete Messages after a determined amount of days.
- Added new form configuration to allow assets to be registered before getting cached.
- Fixed Bug related to Form Field trying to render itself when already instantiated.
- Improved the way the Twig Services render the form, Now using Yii2 Html helpers to display the forms and the CSRF fields
- Custom Subject to Admin Email.
- Reply-to Field lightswitch to Forms.
- Portuguese translations.
- Improved Translations setup.
- Improved Spanish Translations.
- Improved UI for Form Settings so Advanced Options are collapsed by default.
- Added Form Field Type, Where users can select a form and display on the templates.
- Added Notification to form submissions.
- Fixed Bug that would duplicate forms after initial save
- Fixed error being thrown on group permissions for bad namespace.
- Added Permissions for different aspects of the forms.
- RecpatchaV2 not working on some server setups.
- Improved Attributes passed on the template to overwritte form default attribute values.
- Multiple field values not updating correctly.
- Order not saving correctly introduced on Last Patch.
- Critical update to fix new options not loading correctly on Edit Form View.
- Added New Actions to Entries view. ###Improved
- Improved Form Settings Layout, 2 column layout for form field configuration
- Added Placeholders to field options.
- Added email_html to beforeSend Event that allows overwrite of the email template completely.
- Added ability to add specific tempaltes based on form ID.
- Added ability to Labels to be translatable.
- Added RecaptchaV3 Integration.
- Added submitButton Template Variable for more customization options.
- Added BeforeSave Event and AfterSend Events for more options to manipulate data at various stages
- Fixed problem with flash messages being generic. Notice: Old flash message are unaffected but will be deprecated eventually.
- Added new List field to handle multiple values.
- Fixed better volume retrieval when uploading files.
- Fixed error when trying to create multiple forms on a single template.
- Fixed error on undefined variable.
- Fixed better handling of Asset management and reporting.
- Fixed better handling of Timezone handling for CSV exporter.
- Added improved Event listener to modify From Email, To Email, ReplyTo Email, add extra fields to message.
- Fixed CSV exporter not displaying all the headers.
- Added New template function to display last submission. (@svale)
- Added New template function to display all entries of an specific form. (@svale)
- Fixed Timezone on Message View
- Fixed Dutch Translations (@cbovers)
- Fixed missing Select on variable tempaltes
- Fixed Documentation examples to be more accurate.
- Added wheelform variable for templates
- Added ability to add classes to fields and their containers for easy template render
- Fixed File field being empty and not saving correctly
- Added new ability to save Uploaded files to specific Asset folder.
- Added new ability to Import / Export Files from one form to another.
- Added new Honeypot Field
- Added new ability to add Custom Label to Fields.
- Added Bulgarian translations (@ipetrov87)
- Added ability to add options to checkboxes, radios and selects, for validation purposes
- Improved has_new function for form column.
- Fixed new column count on multiple forms giving wrong value.
- Added new column to form index to display which form has new messages.
- Fixed translations needed for new items.
- Added Capability to turn off database saving.
- Added Dutch Translation (@timbertens)
- Added Custom HTML Email template.
- Added CSV Exporter under Admin > Utilities > Form Export.
- Added Italian translations.
- Added German translations.
- Fixed reCaptcha submission value on PHP 7.2.
- Fixed wrong fields being emailed on form submittion introduced on previous patch.
- Forms need to be re-saved in order for new ordering to take effect.
- Fixed bug of inactive fields being displayed on form builder.
- Added minified version of application.
- Added order of field in database. Forms have to be resaved in order to save field ordering to take effect.
- Added better view of fields
- Fixed error overwritting secret key in settings
- Fixed optional checkboxes not displaying correctly.
- Fixed Control Panel as the title of the Forms Index Page.
- Fixed message list view columns when a value is empty.
- Fixed performance for values inside the column list.
- Fixed bug not finding correct Message Entry
- Fixed migration column type
- Added Ability to mark messages as unread
- Added ability to delete message entries
- Fixed namespace to be all lowercase to better use Yii module routes.
- Fixed PostgreSQL form Field id on new forms error
- Fixed bug on admin not allowing checkbox to update correctly.
- Fixed PostgreSQL installation column type errors
- Added ability to mark messages are unread.
- Added new badge count of unread messages.
- Fixed some Date issues for entries view
- Fixed class names inside Models
- Fixed Mailer message error
- Added Spanish translations
- Fixed install error introduced last patch
- Fixed migration changes to Install.php for future installs
- Improved handling of ids in fields introcued on previous patch
- Added new active column to fields so we don't delete data related to those fields.
- Added Delete warning on Form Field.
- Fixed critical bug that delete fields entries when updating form fields
- Added ability to check fields on entries views
- Added more field types, they all validate to strings
- Improved icon hover instead of solid color for form fields
- Fixed icon
- Improved icon with custom one
- Fixed checkbox change event on new row added
- Improvement on entries list
- Fixed instructions for To Emails
- Added ability to send to multiple emails
- Fixed bug handling checkboxes on emails
- Fixed Javascript Ajax response on errors
- Fixed Recaptcha values on form
- Recaptcha Ability to individual forms
- Initial release