All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Breaking Change Renamed check-valid-address to validate-address to tidy the layout up
- xAddress validation supported with unit tests
- lib/xrp.js - included xAddress validation
- nodes/check-valid-address.html/js renamed to validate-address.html/js
- test/validate-account_spec.js - unit tests for account validation
- lib/xrp.js - fixed xAddress TestNet formatting
Corrected npm publish issue
- Included the ability to generate accounts using Secret Numbers proposed standard
- Breaking Change Merged account generation functionality into one configurable node to simplify the pallette
- Inclusion of unit tests
- nodes/generate-account.html
- nodes/generate-account.js
- test/generate-account_spec.js - unit tests for account creation
- nodes/generate-account-with-mnemonic.html
- nodes/generate-account-with-mnemonic.js
- nodes/generate-account-with-secret.html
- nodes/generate-account-with-secret.js
- lib/xrp.js - Inclusion of secret numbers functionality + extra validation
- lib/base-node.js - dropped req for mandatory config
- lib/default_options.js - Included secret type for received message
- package.json - version bump for dependencies + test script, removed generate-account-with-secret/mnemonic
Added Crypto-Condition node in order to generate conditions for escrows
- lib/xrp.js - Updated to handle generation of condition/fulfillment function
- lib/default_options.js - Updated to include validation on stringcondition
- package.json - added five bells dependency
- nodes/crypto-conditions.html - The html node
- nodes/crypto-conditions.js - The js node
- lib/base-node.js - Updated to require latest version of joi.
- lib/default_options.js - Updated to require latest version of joi.
- package.json - latest dependencies added to fix latest node and joi breaking changes
- nodes/*.js - Modified the majority of the nodes to include the message when generating an error. This allows errors to be caught using a catch node.
- nodes/get-information.js - Re-included input message to allow for debugging and carry on of information
- nodes/get-information.html - Improved efficiency
- nodes/get-server.js - Bugfix on subscribe list generating account malformed error on empty subscription
- Big Release, all nodes rebased to inherit from a base node sharing common features and code
- Additional nodes and XRPL functionality added
- Validation checks included additional to RippleLib validation checks
- Standardised error checking
- Node status inclusion
- Bug fixes
- lib/base-node.js
- lib/default_options.js
- nodes/combine-signatures.html
- nodes/combine-signatures.js
- nodes/get-information.html
- nodes/get-information.js
- nodes/prepare-order.html
- nodes/prepare-order.js
- nodes/prepare-order-cancellation.html
- nodes/prepare-order-cancellation.js
- nodes/prepare-payment-channel-claim.html
- nodes/prepare-payment-channel-claim.js
- nodes/prepare-payment-channel-create.html
- nodes/prepare-payment-channel-create.js
- nodes/prepare-payment-channel-fund.html
- nodes/prepare-payment-channel-fund.js
- nodes/prepare-payment.html
- nodes/prepare-payment.js
- nodes/prepare-settings.html
- nodes/prepare-settings.js
- nodes/prepare-trustline.html
- nodes/prepare-trustline.js
- nodes/sign-payment-channel-claim.html
- nodes/sign-payment-channel-claim.js
- nodes/verify-payment-channel-claim.html
- nodes/verify-payment-channel-claim.js
- lib/xrp.js - Too many to list
- examples/Offline Sign Tool.json - Updated to work with new nodes & included as part of node-red import features.
- nodes/check-valid-address.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/check-valid-address.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/generate-account-with-mnemonic.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/generate-account-with-mnemonic.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/generate-account-with-secret.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/generate-account-with-secret.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/generate-qrcode.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/generate-qrcode.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/get-information.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/get-information.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/get-server.html - standardised descriptions, included optional servers, mulitple subscribe addresses supported
- nodes/get-server.js - validation checks, included optional servers, mulitple subcribe addresses supported
- nodes/prepare-escrow-cancellation.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/prepare-escrow-cancellation.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/prepare-escrow-creation.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/prepare-escrow-creation.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/prepare-escrow-execution.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/prepare-escrow-execution.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/prepare-transaction.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/prepare-transaction.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/receive-transaction.html - standardised descriptions, mulitple addresses supported
- nodes/receive-transaction.js - standardised with base node, validation checks, mulitple addresses supported
- nodes/send-xrp.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/send-xrp.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/sign-transaction.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/sign-transaction.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/submit-signed-transaction.html - standardised descriptions
- nodes/submit-signed-transaction.js - standardised with base node, validation checks
- nodes/get-account-transactions.html - removed in favour of get-information generic node
- nodes/get-account-transactions.js - removed in favour of get-information generic node
- nodes/get-account.html - removed in favour of get-information generic node
- nodes/get-account.js - removed in favour of get-information generic node
- nodes/get-transaction.html - removed in favour of get-information generic node
- nodes/get-transaction.js - removed in favour of get-information generic node
- offline_sign_tool.json Included example flow
- generate-qrcode.js Improved scanning efficiency