Tox requests all later commits MUST have signed with the contributor's GPG key since the version 0.1.0-beta1 released.
git commit -veS
Tox has got started to use the PSR-2 Coding Standard as defined by PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG).
RECOMMENDED to check your codes using PHP_CodeSniffer. The PSR-2 Coding Standard has already been included as PSR2
by default in the most recent versions.
For files exclusion, A modified PSR2
standard as etc/phpcs/ruleset.xml
is used.
phpcs --standard=etc/phpcs/ruleset.xml src
Tox aims to be have at least 80% Code Coverage using unit-tests under PHPUnit.
In this case, unit-tests are REQUIRED in your Pull Requests to confirm whether the source codes are stable.
The printable log in Testdox format and the Code Coverage report in HTML format can be found in the directory share/doc/report
For more information, see the default PHPUnit configuration phpunit.xml.dist
Tox uses phpDocumentor2 to generate the SDK documentation from PHPDocs.
The generated documentation can be found in the directory share/doc/sdk
For more information, see the default phpDocumentor2 configuration phpdoc.dist.xml