xsnippet-cli is a simple command line interface for interacting with xsnippet service. By means this script, you can easily post and receive snippets directly from your terminal.
It's very easy to use. You can paste the snippet this way
$ xsnippet /path/to/file
or this way
$ cat /path/to/file | xsnippet
As you can see the last method posts a some command output. It's very usefull to post the last few lines from logfile this way
$ tail -n 5 nginx.log | xsnippet
It's important to note that you can specify a snippet language or tags. Thats can be done by the following command
$ cat setup.py | xsnippet -l python -t setuptools test
If you want to receive snippet just do the following command
$ xsnippet -r snippet_id
$ (sudo) pip install xsnippet-cli
$ (sudo) easy_install xsnippet-cli
$ wget http://git.io/xsnippet-cli.zip -O xsnippet-cli.zip $ unzip xsnippet-cli.zip && cd xsnippet-cli-master $ (sudo) python ./setup.py install
- Author: Igor Kalnitsky <igor@kalnitsky.org>
- License: BSD License