See details Autodesk Maya Document
- ./bin : dynamic libraries or execute file.
- ./devkit : The sources that provide API to user.
- ./docs : Documents.
- ./icons : Images for Maya plug-ins or UI (user interface).
- ./include : All header file that provide interface to user.
- ./lib : The libraries files.
- ./plug-ins : *.mll (Maya Plug-in).
- ./presets : Maya presets.
- ./resources: Resources, Localization.
- ./resources/I10n/ja_JP
- ./resources/I10n/zh_CN
- ./resources/I10m/en_US
- ./scripts : mel, python script, AETemplate scripts.
- ./shaders : shaders.
The *.mod file could be tell Maya where are module's elements
In the first, start by + to specifies the
- Maya Version
- Operating System
- PLATFORM:win64
- PLATFORM:linux
- Locale
For example :
+ MAYAVERSION:2017 PLATFORM:win64 LOCALE:en_US mytool 1.0 C:\mytool
In this example, the "mytool" plug-in would only be loaded for Maya 2017,
Windows x64, locale set to English.
The root directory is "C:\mytool"
+ MAYAVERSION:2017 PLATFORM:win64 LOCALE:en_US mytool 1.0 C:\mytool
PATH+:= bin
[r] scripts: scripts
presets: presets
icons: icon
[r] Prefix is represent recursive subfolders.
But if the folder is starting with ".", it will be ignored.
For example, if you want to set PYTHONPATH to C:\mytool\python
":=" will add prefix by plug-in path,
For this instance, PYTHONPATH is C:\mytool\python
"=" will just add a environment variable without plug-in path.