Rewritten in react + node.js!
try it at
npm install
npm run dev
open http://localhost:8080
Show all the animes that are airing this season in chronological order of time until airing(done)Allow user to add/remove anime from watchlist(done)Only persist within session; pending data storage with backend. (phase 2)Also will involve hydrating redux store somewhere (phase 2)Dummy Stats PanelTrending (7 days period)Seasonal (3 months period)
Deploy Parse Service with back4appImplement user accounts system with Parse
save and retrieve user's watchlist to/from parse database (hydrating redux store)Retrieve anime list from database- Retrieve episode list from database
- Display aired episodes as childrens of the "Anime" container/component
- Capture user review
- Allow for undo
- Amount of people watching a certain series.
- Amount of thumbs up and down for each series in the past week.
- Total amount of thumbs up and down for each series (seasonal stats)
- Anime series dedicated page
- Add a new tab, "Browse this season anime", to facilitate adding a series into watch list.
- More stats
Nothing for now!! (I think)