import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'src/header/refresh_indicator.dart';
import 'src/header/header.dart';
// The duration of the ScaleTransition that starts when the refresh action
// has completed.
const Duration _kIndicatorScaleDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 200);
class MaterialHeader extends Header {
final Key key;
final double displacement;
final Animation<Color> valueColor;
final Color backgroundColor;
final LinkHeaderNotifier linkNotifier = LinkHeaderNotifier();
this.displacement = 40.0,
completeDuration = const Duration(seconds: 1),
bool enableHapticFeedback = false,
}): super(
float: true,
extent: 70.0,
triggerDistance: 70.0,
completeDuration: completeDuration == null
? Duration(milliseconds: 300,)
: completeDuration + Duration(milliseconds: 300,),
enableInfiniteRefresh: false,
enableHapticFeedback: enableHapticFeedback,
Widget contentBuilder(BuildContext context, RefreshMode refreshState,
double pulledExtent, double refreshTriggerPullDistance,
double refreshIndicatorExtent, AxisDirection axisDirection,
bool float, Duration completeDuration, bool enableInfiniteRefresh,
bool success, bool noMore) {
linkNotifier.contentBuilder(context, refreshState, pulledExtent,
refreshTriggerPullDistance, refreshIndicatorExtent, axisDirection,
float, completeDuration, enableInfiniteRefresh, success, noMore);
return MaterialHeaderWidget(
key: key,
displacement: displacement,
valueColor: valueColor,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
linkNotifier: linkNotifier,
class MaterialHeaderWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final double displacement;
final Animation<Color> valueColor;
final Color backgroundColor;
final LinkHeaderNotifier linkNotifier;
const MaterialHeaderWidget({
Key key,
}) : super(key: key);
MaterialHeaderWidgetState createState() {
return MaterialHeaderWidgetState();
class MaterialHeaderWidgetState extends State<MaterialHeaderWidget>
with TickerProviderStateMixin<MaterialHeaderWidget>{
static final Animatable<double> _oneToZeroTween =
Tween<double>(begin: 1.0, end: 0.0);
RefreshMode get _refreshState => widget.linkNotifier.refreshState;
double get _pulledExtent => widget.linkNotifier.pulledExtent;
double get _riggerPullDistance =>
Duration get _completeDuration =>
AxisDirection get _axisDirection => widget.linkNotifier.axisDirection;
AnimationController _scaleController;
Animation<double> _scaleFactor;
void initState() {
_scaleController = AnimationController(vsync: this);
_scaleFactor = _scaleController.drive(_oneToZeroTween);
void dispose() {
bool _refreshFinish = false;
set refreshFinish(bool finish) {
if (_refreshFinish != finish) {
if (finish) {
- Duration(milliseconds: 300), () {
if (mounted) {
_scaleController.animateTo(1.0, duration: _kIndicatorScaleDuration);
Future.delayed(_completeDuration, () {
_refreshFinish = false;
_scaleController.animateTo(0.0, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 10));
_refreshFinish = finish;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
bool isVertical = _axisDirection == AxisDirection.down
|| _axisDirection == AxisDirection.up;
bool isReverse = _axisDirection == AxisDirection.up
|| _axisDirection == AxisDirection.left;
double indicatorValue = _pulledExtent / (_riggerPullDistance / 0.75);
indicatorValue = indicatorValue < 0.75 ? indicatorValue : 0.75;
if (_refreshState == RefreshMode.refreshed) {
refreshFinish = true;
return Container(
height: isVertical ? _refreshState == RefreshMode.inactive
? 0.0 : _pulledExtent : double.infinity,
width: !isVertical ? _refreshState == RefreshMode.inactive
? 0.0 : _pulledExtent : double.infinity,
child: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
top: isVertical ? isReverse ? 0.0 : null : 0.0,
bottom: isVertical ? !isReverse ? 0.0 : null : 0.0,
left: !isVertical ? isReverse ? 0.0 : null : 0.0,
right: !isVertical ? !isReverse ? 0.0 : null : 0.0,
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(
top: isVertical ? isReverse ? 0.0 : widget.displacement : 0.0,
bottom: isVertical ? !isReverse ? 0.0
: widget.displacement : 0.0,
left: !isVertical ? isReverse ? 0.0 : widget.displacement : 0.0,
right: !isVertical ? !isReverse ? 0.0
: widget.displacement : 0.0,
alignment: isVertical ? isReverse ? Alignment.topCenter
: Alignment.bottomCenter : isReverse
? Alignment.centerLeft : Alignment.centerRight,
child: ScaleTransition(
scale: _scaleFactor,
child: RefreshProgressIndicator(
value: _refreshState == RefreshMode.armed
|| _refreshState == RefreshMode.refresh
|| _refreshState == RefreshMode.refreshed
|| _refreshState == RefreshMode.done
? null
: indicatorValue,
valueColor: widget.valueColor,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
属性名称 |
属性描述 |
参数类型 |
默认值 |
要求 |
extent |
Header的高度 |
double |
60.0 |
可选 |
triggerDistance |
触发刷新的距离 |
double |
70.0 |
可选 |
float |
是否浮动 |
bool |
false |
可选 |
completeDuration |
完成延时 |
Duration |
null |
可选 |
enableInfiniteRefresh |
是否开启无限刷新 |
bool |
false |
可选 |
enableHapticFeedback |
是否开启震动反馈 |
bool |
false |
可选 |
contentBuilder |
内容构造器 |
RefreshControlBuilder |
method |
必须重写 |
属性名称 |
属性描述 |
参数类型 |
context |
上下文 |
BuildContext |
refreshState |
刷新状态 |
RefreshMode |
pulledExtent |
拉动距离 |
double |
refreshTriggerPullDistance |
触发刷新距离 |
double |
refreshIndicatorExtent |
Header的高度 |
double |
axisDirection |
列表方向 |
AxisDirection |
float |
是否浮动 |
bool |
completeDuration |
完成延时 |
Duration |
enableInfiniteRefresh |
是否开启无限刷新 |
bool |
success |
刷新是否成功 |
bool |
noMore |
是否没有更多 |
bool |
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'src/footer/load_indicator.dart';
import 'src/footer/footer.dart';
class MaterialFooter extends Footer {
final Key key;
final double displacement;
final Animation<Color> valueColor;
final Color backgroundColor;
final LinkFooterNotifier linkNotifier = LinkFooterNotifier();
this.displacement = 40.0,
completeDuration = const Duration(seconds: 1),
bool enableHapticFeedback = false,
bool enableInfiniteLoad = true,
}): super(
float: true,
extent: 52.0,
triggerDistance: 52.0,
completeDuration: completeDuration == null
? Duration(milliseconds: 300,)
: completeDuration + Duration(milliseconds: 300,),
enableHapticFeedback: enableHapticFeedback,
enableInfiniteLoad: enableInfiniteLoad,
Widget contentBuilder(BuildContext context, LoadMode loadState,
double pulledExtent, double loadTriggerPullDistance,
double loadIndicatorExtent, AxisDirection axisDirection,
bool float, Duration completeDuration, bool enableInfiniteLoad,
bool success, bool noMore) {
linkNotifier.contentBuilder(context, loadState, pulledExtent,
loadTriggerPullDistance, loadIndicatorExtent, axisDirection, float,
completeDuration, enableInfiniteLoad, success, noMore);
return MaterialFooterWidget(
key: key,
displacement: displacement,
valueColor: valueColor,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
linkNotifier: linkNotifier,
class MaterialFooterWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final double displacement;
final Animation<Color> valueColor;
final Color backgroundColor;
final LinkFooterNotifier linkNotifier;
const MaterialFooterWidget({
Key key,
}) : super(key: key);
MaterialFooterWidgetState createState() {
return MaterialFooterWidgetState();
class MaterialFooterWidgetState extends State<MaterialFooterWidget> {
LoadMode get _refreshState => widget.linkNotifier.loadState;
double get _pulledExtent => widget.linkNotifier.pulledExtent;
double get _riggerPullDistance =>
AxisDirection get _axisDirection => widget.linkNotifier.axisDirection;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
bool isVertical = _axisDirection == AxisDirection.down
|| _axisDirection == AxisDirection.up;
bool isReverse = _axisDirection == AxisDirection.up
|| _axisDirection == AxisDirection.left;
double indicatorValue = _pulledExtent / (_riggerPullDistance / 0.75);
indicatorValue = indicatorValue < 0.75 ? indicatorValue : 0.75;
return Stack(
children: <Widget>[
top: isVertical ? !isReverse ? 0.0 : null : 0.0,
bottom: isVertical ? isReverse ? 0.0 : null : 0.0,
left: !isVertical ? !isReverse ? 0.0 : null : 0.0,
right: !isVertical ? isReverse ? 0.0 : null : 0.0,
child: Container(
alignment: isVertical ? !isReverse ? Alignment.topCenter
: Alignment.bottomCenter : !isReverse
? Alignment.centerLeft : Alignment.centerRight,
child: RefreshProgressIndicator(
value: _refreshState == LoadMode.armed
|| _refreshState == LoadMode.load
|| _refreshState == LoadMode.loaded
|| _refreshState == LoadMode.done
? null
: indicatorValue,
valueColor: widget.valueColor,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
属性名称 |
属性描述 |
参数类型 |
默认值 |
要求 |
extent |
Footer的高度 |
double |
60.0 |
可选 |
triggerDistance |
触发刷新的距离 |
double |
70.0 |
可选 |
completeDuration |
完成延时 |
Duration |
null |
可选 |
enableInfiniteLoad |
是否开启无限加载 |
bool |
false |
可选 |
enableHapticFeedback |
是否开启震动反馈 |
bool |
false |
可选 |
contentBuilder |
内容构造器 |
RefreshControlBuilder |
method |
必须重写 |
属性名称 |
属性描述 |
参数类型 |
context |
上下文 |
BuildContext |
loadState |
加载状态 |
LoadMode |
pulledExtent |
拉动距离 |
double |
loadTriggerPullDistance |
触发加载距离 |
double |
loadIndicatorExtent |
Footer的高度 |
double |
axisDirection |
列表方向 |
AxisDirection |
float |
是否浮动 |
bool |
completeDuration |
完成延时 |
Duration |
enableInfiniteLoad |
是否开启无限加载 |
bool |
success |
加载是否成功 |
bool |
noMore |
是否没有更多 |
bool |