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File metadata and controls

151 lines (138 loc) · 8 KB


        <template v-slot:header>
        <!-- List -->
        <template v-slot:footer>

<script lang="ts">
    import {Component, Vue} from 'vue-property-decorator'
    export default class MaterialPage extends Vue {
        private itemCount: number = 20
        private onRefresh(done: () => void) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                this.itemCount = 20
            }, 1000)
        private loadMore(done: (noMore: boolean) => void) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                if (this.itemCount >= 40) {
                } else {
                    this.itemCount += 10
            }, 1000)

<style lang="scss">


Props Table - EasyRefresh

Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value Requirement
onRefresh Refresh callback (done: () => void) => void null Optional (cannot be refreshed when null, done is to stop callback)
loadMore Load callback (done: (noMore: boolean) => void) => void null Optional (cannot be loaded when null, done to stop callback, noMore is no more data)
onScroll List scroll callback (top: number) => void null Optional (top is offset height)
userSelect Is it possible to copy the selection? bool true Optional (false can use the mouse to slide the list)
autoLoad Swipe to the bottom to load automatically bool false Optional
animating Using animation bool true Optional
animationDuration Animation duration number 250 Optional
bouncing Rebound effect bool true Optional
snapping Item snap bool false Optional
snapWidth Snap width number 100 Optional
snapHeight Snap height number 100 Optional
updateHeaderHeight Header height update (height: number) => void null Optional
headerStatusChanged Header status change (status: number) => void null Optional
updateFooterHeight Footer height update (height: number) => void null Optional
footerStatusChanged Footer status change (status: number) => void null Optional
slot:header Header Header ClassicsHeader Optional
slot:footer Footer Footer ClassicsFooter Optional
slot:scrollbar ScrollBar ScrollBar ClassicsScrollBar Optional

Methods Table - EasyRefresh

Method Name Method Explain Method Type Requirement
setHeader Set Header (header: Header) => void Custom use when not using components
setFooter Set Footer (footer: Footer) => void Custom use when not using components
callRefresh Trigger refresh () => void Does not take effect when refreshed or loaded
callLoadMore Trigger loading () => void Does not take effect when refreshed or loaded
getContainer Get container () => HTMLElement none
getContent Get content () => HTMLElement none
scrollTo Scroll to the specified location (top: number, animate: boolean) => void Top is height offset, animate is scrolling animation


Other Headers are not listed one by one, please check the related Header @Prop properties Headers

Props Table - EmptyHeader(For free definition of Header)

Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value Requirement
height Refresh height number 70 Optional
finishDuration Completion delay(ms) number 1000 Optional
isFloat Whether it floats bool false Optional

Props Table - ClassicsHeader

Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value Requirement
refreshText Refresh prompt text string 'Pull to refresh' Optional
refreshReadyText Ready to refresh text string 'Release to refresh' Optional
refreshingText Refreshing text string 'Refreshing...' Optional
refreshedText Refresh completed text string 'Refresh finished' Optional
bgColor background color string 'transparent' Optional
textColor text color string '#616161' Optional
showMore Show more information bool false Optional
moreInfo More information string 'Updated at %T' Optional('%T' will be replaced with time)
moreInfoColor More information color string '#aaaaaa' Optional
height Refresh height number 70 Optional
finishDuration Completion delay(ms) number 1000 Optional
isFloat Whether it floats bool false Optional
alignment Alignment(top,center,bottom) string 'bottom' Optional


Other Footers are not listed one by one, please check the related Footer @Prop properties Footers

Props Table - EmptyFooter(For free definition of Footer)

Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value Requirement
height Loading height number 70 Optional
finishDuration Completion delay(ms) number 1000 Optional
isFloat Whether it floats bool false Optional

Props Table - ClassicsFooter

Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value Requirement
loadText Load prompt text string 'Push to load' Optional
loadReadyText Ready to load text string 'Release to load' Optional
loadingText Loading text string 'Loading...' Optional
noMoreText No more text string 'No more' Optional
loadedText Load completed text string 'Load finished' Optional
bgColor background color string 'transparent' Optional
textColor text color string '#616161' Optional
showMore Show more information bool false Optional
moreInfo More information string 'Updated at %T' Optional('%T' will be replaced with time)
moreInfoColor More information color string '#aaaaaa' Optional
height Loading height number 70 Optional
finishDuration Completion delay(ms) number 1000 Optional
isFloat Whether it floats bool false Optional
alignment Alignment(top,center,bottom) string 'top' Optional


Props Table - ClassicsScrollBar

Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value Requirement
bgColor Background color string 'transparent' Optional
color Color string 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' Optional
position Position string 'right' Optional (default is 'left', others are 'right')
width Width number 5 Optional
radius border-radius number 2 Optional
padding Padding (left and right) number 0 Optional
autoHide Auto hide bool true Optional
autoHideDuration Auto hide delay (ms) number 2000 Optional