Basic model required, which can be generated with one of the model generators
Use validate
sub-command to execute generator:
genna validate -h
First create your database and tables in it
create table "projects"
"projectId" serial not null,
"name" text not null,
primary key ("projectId")
create table "users"
"userId" serial not null,
"email" varchar(64) not null,
"activated" bool not null default false,
"name" varchar(128),
"countryId" integer,
primary key ("userId")
create schema "geo";
create table geo."countries"
"countryId" serial not null,
"code" varchar(3) not null,
"coords" integer[],
primary key ("countryId")
alter table "users"
add constraint "fk_user_country"
foreign key ("countryId")
references geo."countries" ("countryId") on update restrict on delete restrict;
genna validate -c postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/yourdb -o ~/output/model.go -t public.* -f
You should get following functions on model package:
//lint:file-ignore U1000 ignore unused code, it's generated
package model
import (
const (
ErrEmptyValue = "empty"
ErrMaxLength = "len"
ErrWrongValue = "value"
func (m User) Validate() (errors map[string]string, valid bool) {
errors = map[string]string{}
if utf8.RuneCountInString(m.Email) > 64 {
errors[Columns.User.Email] = ErrMaxLength
if m.Name != nil && utf8.RuneCountInString(*m.Name) > 128 {
errors[Columns.User.Name] = ErrMaxLength
if m.CountryID != nil && *m.CountryID == 0 {
errors[Columns.User.CountryID] = ErrEmptyValue
return errors, len(errors) == 0
func (m GeoCountry) Validate() (errors map[string]string, valid bool) {
errors = map[string]string{}
if utf8.RuneCountInString(m.Code) > 3 {
errors[Columns.GeoCountry.Code] = ErrMaxLength
return errors, len(errors) == 0
package model
import (
func TestModel(t *testing.T) {
code := "should fail on length"
country := GeoCountry{
Code: code,
errors, valid := country.Validate()
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", errors)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", valid)