Please check ~/.config/ttth/
Please check ~/Library/Application Support/ttth/
Please check %APPDATA%\ttth
Please check ~/.config/ttth/log.log
Please check ~/Library/Logs/ttth/log.log
Consider using /Applications/Utilities/
to access read the log.
Please check %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\ttth\log.log
Please check ~/.config/ttth/ttthMainWindowPosSize.json
Please check ~/Library/Logs/ttth/ttthMainWindowPosSize.json
Please check %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\ttth\ttthMainWindowPosSize.json
Using a .desktop entry in ~/.config/autostart/
Using a .plist file in ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
to create a Launch Agent
Using a registry entry in \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
With urgent window mode enabled the app tries to inform the user about unread messages. That means: If a configured and enabled service has an unread message count > 0 and ttth is not in foreground/focus the window or its dock icon will flash to inform the user.
No, ttth does not offer a setting or option to lock the application. If you really need to prevent access to the application while you are away from keyboard, lock your operating system. See #130