- marissa mayer: all google changes go through her; she's backlogged majorly
- fitts' law: time to point to target area is fn of target size/distance
- steering law: time to steer through 2D tunnel; applied to cascading menus
Processing (Ben Fry's talk at CSAIL 5/16/08)
- looks like a system for making slick "interactive animated visualization"
- language gets rid of a lot of verbosity associated with straight java
- make things accessible that aren't possible without programming
- asdf
touch, tabletop, and tangible blocks (patrick baudisch, msr, prof at hasso-plattner-institut)
- a lot of prior work in trying to improve touch interfaces, incl. patrick's work in beneath-the-table touch
- aside: iphone corrects touches by a fixed vector
- knowing the yaw and rotation each improve accuracy
- from 15mm to 5mm buttons at 90% accuracy
- use fingerprint
reflow: recalculating positions when eg resizing a window
data visualizations
- boxplots
- box-and-whisker
- candlestick plots: thick is open/close, thin is intraday high/low, green is "closed higher"
- stemplots: use text to convey distribution
- rose/coxcomb diagram: evenly sized polar segments (eg months), different wedge sizes (may have layers)
- hierarchical
- treemaps
- ringmaps/multi-level pies/sunburst/wedge stack graph
- icicle tree
- spacetrees: scope context to selected node in tree
- bubble plots
- nested column plots
- high-dimensional
- parallel coordinates
- time series
- index charts: all about relative change with respect to reference month (all stocks pass through one point)
- alluvial diagram
interaction techniques
- brushing: selecting data in one view and updating others