This library implements a impress.js back-end for Org generic exporter based on ox-html.el. is a demo page.
- See about Org-mode.
- See about impress.js.
I appreciate for their great works.
This requires Org-mode version 8.2.6 and GNU Emacs 24 or higher.
- First of all, check Org-mode version.
This library has been tested on Org-mode 8.2.6.
M-x org-version
- Get org-impress-js.el. For example,
git clone \ ~/org-impress-js.el
- Add following to ~/.emacs.d/init.el and reboot emacs.
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/org-impress-js.el") (require 'ox-impress-js)
- Open in your emacs.
- To convert to an impress.js HTML file, type C-c C-e.
- `*Org Export Dispatcher*’ buffer will open, so follow the menu. If you type `j’ and then `j’, README.html will be generated.
- Open the file with your web browser.
Following special properties are available.
- data-x, data-y, data-z
X, Y and Z position of the slide.
- data-rotate-x, data-rotate-y, data-rotate-z
Define the rotation of the slide around given axis in degrees.
- trans-x, trans-y, trans-z
Translate the slide to each axis.
- rotate-x, rotate-y, rotate-z
Rotate the slide to each axis in degrees.
Following special keywords are available.
Specify a path to the JavaScript file of impress.js.
Specify a path to the CSS file of impress.js.
Specify the properties for TOC slide. The properties previously described are available.
The following properties does not work in the nested headlines because ox.el processes Org-mode file by the depth-first.
- trans-x, trans-y, trans-z
- rotate-x, rotate-y, rotate-z, rotate
Licensed under the GPLv3 license.