This is a SQL formatter plugin using python-sqlparse for both Sublime 2 and 3.
Please install Sublime Package Control first. Then inside Package Control: Install Package, type SqlBeautifier and then click to confirm.
{ "keys": ["super+k", "super+f"], "command": "sql_beautifier" }
{ "keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+f"], "command": "sql_beautifier" }
To change the options, click through Package Settings -> Sql Beautifier -> Settings User and add the overrided options in JSON like this
"indent_tabs": true,
"indent_width": 1
This overrides the default option at Package Settings -> Sql Beautifier -> Settings Default.
Here is the list of options the formatter supports:
keyword_case: Changes how keywords are formatted. Allowed values are “upper”, “lower” and “capitalize” and null (leaves case intact).
identifier_case: Changes how identifiers are formatted. Allowed values are “upper”, “lower”, and “capitalize” and null (leaves case intact).
strip_comments: If True comments are removed from the statements.
reindent: If True the indentations of the statements are changed.
indent_tabs: If True tabs instead of spaces are used for indentation.
indent_width: The width of the indentation, defaults to 2.