The team of humans who maintain TinyGo.
- Purpose: To maintain the community, code, documentation, and tools for the TinyGo compiler.
- Board: The group of people who share responsibility for key decisions for the TinyGo organization.
- Majority Voting: The board makes decisions by majority vote.
- Membership: The board elects its own members.
- Do-ocracy: Those who step forward to do a given task propose how it should be done. Then other interested people can make comments.
- Proof of Work: Power in decision-making is slightly weighted based on a participant's labor for the community.
- Initiation: We need to establish a procedure for how people join the team of maintainers.
- Transparency: Important information should be made publicly available, ideally in a way that allows for public comment.
- Code of Conduct: Participants agree to abide by the current project Code of Conduct.
- Ayke van Laethem (@aykevl)
- Daniel Esteban (@conejoninja)
- Ron Evans (@deadprogram)
- Damian Gryski (@dgryski)
- Masaaki Takasago (@sago35)
- Patricio Whittingslow (@soypat)
- Yurii Soldak (@ysoldak)
- Monthly Meeting: A monthly meeting for the team and any other interested participants.
Duration: 1 hour
Facilitation: @deadprogram Schedule: See for more information