copyright |
lastupdated |
2018-11-15 |
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{: #cs_cli_changelog}
In the terminal, you are notified when updates to the ibmcloud
CLI and plug-ins are available. Be sure to keep your CLI up-to-date so that you can use all the available commands and flags.
To install the CLI plug-in, see Installing the CLI.
Refer to the following table for a summary of changes for each CLI plug-in version.
Changelog for the {{}} CLI plug-in
Version |
Release date |
Changes |
0.1.638 |
15 Nov 2018 |
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks cluster-refresh ](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_cluster_refresh) command.
- Adds the resource group name to the output of
ibmcloud ks cluster-get and ibmcloud ks clusters .
0.1.635 |
06 Nov 2018 |
Adds the [ibmcloud ks alb-autoupdate-disable ](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_alb_autoupdate_disable), [ibmcloud ks alb-autoupdate-enable ](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_alb_autoupdate_enable), [ibmcloud ks alb-autoupdate-get ](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_alb_autoupdate_get), [ibmcloud ks alb-rollback ](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_alb_rollback), and [ibmcloud ks alb-update ](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_alb_update) commands for managing automatic updates of the Ingress ALB cluster add-on.
0.1.621 |
30 Oct 2018 |
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks credential-get command](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_credential_get).
- Adds support for the
storage log source to all cluster logging commands. For more information, see Understanding cluster and app log forwarding.
- Adds the `--network` flag to the [
ibmcloud ks cluster-config command](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_cluster_config), which downloads the Calico configuration file to run all Calico commands.
- Minor bug fixes and refactoring
0.1.593 |
10 Oct 2018 |
- Adds the resource group ID to the output of
ibmcloud ks cluster-get .
- When [{{}} is enabled](cs_encrypt.html#keyprotect) as a key management service (KMS) provider in your cluster, adds the KMS enabled field in the output of
ibmcloud ks cluster-get .
0.1.591 |
02 Oct 2018 |
Adds support for [resource groups](cs_clusters.html#prepare_account_level). |
0.1.590 |
01 Oct 2018 |
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks logging-collect ](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_log_collect) and [ibmcloud ks logging-collect-status ](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_log_collect_status) commands for collecting API server logs in your cluster.
- Adds the [
ibmcloud ks key-protect-enable command](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_key_protect) to enable {{}} as a key management service (KMS) provider in your cluster.
- Adds the
--skip-master-health flag to the [ibmcloud ks worker-reboot](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_worker_reboot) and [ibmcloud ks worker-reload](cs_cli_reference.html#cs_worker_reboot) commands to skip the master health check before initiating the reboot or reload.
- Renames
Owner Email to Owner in the output of ibmcloud ks cluster-get . |