Sample election system for Turkey with private transactions using Quorum
nodejs => v8.10.0
npm => v3.5.2
vagrant => v2.0.2
truffle => v5.0.18
solidity => v0.5.0
web3.js => v1.0.0-beta.37
This project is built with Vagrant on a virtual private server using a Quorum network and developing an application by modifying Quorum’s 7Nodes example which consists 7 nodes and 7 transaction managers.
In your server, open a terminal and clone the 7Nodes example:
git clone
After clonning process is completed, enter the directory and start Vagrant deployment:
cd quorum-examples
vagrant up
After vagrant up successfully completes, access the newly minted virtual machine:
vagrant ssh
You will see a change in command line, run below code:
vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~$ cd quorum-examples/7nodes/
Now create seven Quorum nodes to simulate a real Quorum deployment and start up those nodes. Before that, add --rpccorsdomain http://localhost:80
to to access nodes from a UI.
./ constellation
Our environment is ready. Next thing is to deploy our Truffle application.
cd ..
Open up a new terminal and run this code in your workspace:
git clone
Smart Contract and Truffle configuration files are already included in this project. Just need to migrate:
cd quorum-election
npm install
truffle migrate
The project is ready. Next step is to test the functions.
To create a voter, run:
truffle exec newVoter.js
To create a candidate, run:
truffle exec newCandidate.js CANDIDATE_NAME CANDIDATE_VALUE
To get all voters:
truffle exec getVoters.js
To get all candidates:
truffle exec getCandidates.js
To get current election results:
truffle exec getTotalVotesFor.js CANDIDATE_VALUE
To check if a voter has voted, run:
truffle exec isVoted.js ACCOUNT_ADDRESS
To vote for an option:
Note that, after voters have submitted their votes, voters can only see their own votes. Only in development
network, the total result can be seen.