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YS001: Yggdrasil Core Specification

ID Name Version Status Authors Date
YS001 Yggdrasil Core Specification 0.1 Draft Neil Alexander, Arceliar 28-Oct-2019

About this document

This document outlines the core behaviours of an Yggdrasil node. Note that this document does not necessarily include implementation-specific detail, just the general behaviours to which an Yggdrasil node should comply.

Please note the use of the terms must, must not, should, should not and may throughout - all must and must not behaviours must be met in order for an implementation to be compliant with this specification, and all should and should not behaviours should ideally be met in order to guarantee the best level of interoperability with existing implementations.


Yggdrasil is an experimental implementation of a routing scheme which aims to guarantee end-to-end reachability between all network nodes in decentralised and unpredictable network topologies, without relying on central points of authority.

A globally-agreed spanning tree is formed between interconnected nodes to provide each node with a dynamic locator, reducing the amount of knowledge that a node must maintain about the network as a whole and eliminating the need for large routing tables. A distributed hash table (DHT) is used to facilitate discovering the locators of a given node where the address is already known.

The routing scheme is name-independent - that is, that the permanent address of a given node is not permanently associated with the location of the node on the network. This allows a certain amount of node mobility without relying on subnet-based routing.

Yggdrasil is a greedy routing algorithm. All nodes on the network have the capacity to forward traffic on behalf of other nodes so long as doing so brings the traffic closer to the intended destination, using only local knowledge. In practice, only nodes that are directly connected to more than one peer will forward traffic on behalf of other nodes.

Knowing the destination locator of the traffic in question, and the locators of all directly connected peers, a node can work out which egress peering will take the traffic closer to the intended destination.


In order for Yggdrasil to operate a zero-trust model, node identities are generated cryptographically. These same cryptographic identities are then used for signing and encryption operations.

Although it may often be beneficial for these identities to be persistent, there is no hard requirement for this. A node can either load existing persistent identities or generate new identities at startup, depending upon whether permanence is required.


An Yggdrasil node has two identities: an ed25519 keypair (referred to as the "signing keys") and a curve25519 keypair (referred to as the "encryption keys"). While ed25519 keys can indeed be converted into curve25519 keys, there is no requirement for the two keypairs to be related - using separately generated keypairs is a fully supported configuration.

The signing keys are critical in participating in the global spanning tree, both for performing root elections and signing switch root updates, as well as to generate a Tree ID. The encryption keys are used to encrypt traffic between nodes, as well as to generate a Node ID.

Tree ID

The Tree ID is a 64-byte identifier which is calculated by taking the SHA512 sum of the node's public signing key.

Node ID

The Node ID is a 64-byte identifier which is calculated by taking the SHA512 sum of the node's public encryption key. The node's permanent address is derived from the Node ID.


When calculating the "strength" of a given Tree ID or Node ID, the entire identifier is treated as a 512-bit integer. The "strongest" ID is the one with the "highest" value, e.g. the highest number of leading one bits set.

Wire protocol

The Yggdrasil protocol is a binary protocol. Every message has one or more fields, matching one of the below base types. The first bytes of every message represent a varu64 (see below) which defines the message type code. The structure of the message following that message type code must comply with that message type as defined.

The protocol does not otherwise frame fields - that is, there are no markers within a message which denote the start or end of a given field. It is the responsibility of an implementation to know the format for a defined message type and to be able to determine the end of a given field based on the characteristics of that field type. Further details on this are available in the base type definitions below.

Base types

The Yggdrasil protocol defines the following base types:

  • varu64: Variable-length unsigned 64-bit integer
  • vari64: Variable-length signed 64-bit integer
  • bytes: Variable-length byte array
  • coords: Variable-length byte array containing coordinates

Unsigned 64-bit integers

All unsigned integers on the wire are encoded as big-endian varu64 which, with variable-length encoding, encode into a bytes array of at most 10 bytes. This variable-length encoding mechanism ensures that small values will use less bytes on the wire, and that in future, larger integer types can be used if appropriate.

Each byte is composed of 8 bits where:

  1. The most-significant bit (MSB) is a "continuation byte" - set to 1 if there is another byte following this one, or set to 0 if this is the last byte
  2. The remaining 7 bits contain the next 7 least-significant bits of the source varu64 value

To encode a varu64, start with an empty byte array. Take the least-significant 7 bits of the source value and place them into the least-significant 7 bits of your first byte, and then set the most-significant bit of the first byte to 0.

Repeat the process by right-shifting 7 bytes from the source value. If the shifted source value is still greater than zero, append the next byte by taking the next 7 least-significant bits and set the most-significant bit to 1.

The resultant bytes will be big-endian individually, however the order of the byte array will be reversed as the beginning of the array now contains the source value's least-significant bits. Therefore, to complete the encoding, the order of the bytes must be reversed (preserving the order of the bits in each byte) so that the entire sequence is big-endian and the last byte in the sequence now has the zero most-significant bit.


To decode a varu64, start with a target zero-value unsigned 64-bit integer. Take the 7 least-significant bits of the first byte and copy them onto the 7 least-significant bits of the target. If the most-significant bit of the byte is 1, left-shift the target value by 7 bits and then move onto the next byte, repeating this process until the most-significant bit is 0.

Signed 64-bit integers

All signed integers on the wire are encoded as vari64, using the same compression as varu64, specified above. However, for signed integers, zig-zag encoding is also used in order to preserve whether a value is positive or negative.

Positive values of x are encoded as 2*x+0 and negative values of x are encoded as 2*(^x)+1, allowing negative numbers to be complemented - in this case, bit 0 denotes whether to complement or not.

Byte arrays

Byte arrays are written to the wire unmodified. There is no encoding or decoding to be done when working with byte arrays.

As they are not prefixed with a length value, all byte arrays that occupy fields before the last field of the message must be fixed-length and that length must be specified and known. Byte arrays must only be variable-length if they are the last field in the message.


Coordinates are encoded into byte arrays, however, they have special behaviour. Coordinates are variable-length arrays of varu64s, therefore encoding coordinates is a three-step process:

  1. Encode each varu64 element of the coordinates into a bytes array, as above
  2. Concatenate all resultant bytes arrays into one contiguous bytes array
  3. Prefix the contiguous bytes array with a varu64 which contains the final array length

To decode coords, perform the same process in reverse:

  1. Decode the beginning of the bytes array as a varu64 which will show the length in bytes for this set of coordinates, advancing by the number of bytes used by the varu64 length field
  2. Continue to decode the next bytes as a varu64, appending the result to the discovered coordinates
  3. Continue through the bytes until the initial length value has been reached

Message types

Yggdrasil implements the following top-level message types:

Code Name Scope Defined in
0 Traffic Global YS001
1 Protocol message Global YS001
2 Link protocol message Link YS001

The following top-level message scopes are defined:

  1. Global: The node must forward this message type onto other nodes as specified in the destination coordinates
  2. Link: The node must not forward this message to any other nodes outside of the current link

Additional message types may be defined by later extension specifications.

Protocol message types

Encapsulated within a protocol message, Yggdrasil implements the following second-level message types:

Code Name Defined in
4 Session ping YS001
5 Session pong YS001
6 DHT request YS001
7 DHT response YS001

Link protocol message types

Encapsulated within a link protocol message, Yggdrasil implements the following second-level message types:

Code Name Defined in
3 Root update YS001

Top-level message formats

The following message formats are defined for each message type:


A traffic message contains a payload which can be sent between any two nodes on the network, being forwarded by intermediate nodes if necessary in order to reach its destination.

This message type must only be used to send session traffic. This message type must not be used to encapsulate Yggdrasil protocol traffic.

The session handle (field 3) identifies the session to which the traffic belongs, allowing the remote node to determine which shared session key to use to decrypt the payload (field 5), which is encrypted using shared session keys known only to the two endpoints of the session.

The nonce (field 4) contains the one-time value required by curve25519 to prevent secret key leakage and to add replay resistance to the payload.

The contents of the payload (field 5) must not exceed the maximum supported MTU size of the session to which the handle (field 3) refers.

Field Type Description Length Encrypted
1 varu64 Message code: must have a value of 0 1 byte No
2 coords Target coordinates Variable No
3 bytes Session handle 8 bytes No
4 bytes Encryption nonce 24 bytes No
5 bytes Encrypted message payload Variable Yes

Protocol traffic

A protocol message is a control message which can be sent between any two nodes on the network, being forwarded by intermediate nodes if necessary in order to reach its destination.

The nonce (field 5) contains the one-time value required by curve25519 to prevent secret key leakage and to add replay resistance to the payload.

The payload (field 6) is encrypted once using the destination node's public curve25519 keys with the above nonce. Once decrypted, the payload contains one of the below second-level protocol messages.

Field Type Description Length Encrypted
1 varu64 Message code: must have a value of 1 1 byte No
2 coords Target coordinates Variable No
3 bytes Target public encryption key 32 bytes No
4 bytes Sender public encryption key 32 bytes No
5 bytes Encryption nonce 24 bytes No
6 bytes Encrypted message payload Variable Yes

Link protocol traffic

A link protocol message is a control message which can be sent between two nodes which are directly peered. It is link-scoped - that is, it should never be forwarded onto another link or peer.

The payload (field 3) is encrypted twice:

  1. The inner layer, encrypted using ephemeral curve25519 keys, ensures that the message has not been replayed and for forward secrecy
  2. The outer layer, encrypted using the node's permanent curve25519 keys, ensures that the message has come from the node that we expect it to come from, and has not been captured and replayed from another network node in an attempt to impersonate another node

Once decrypted, the payload contains one of the below second-level link protocol messages.

The nonce (field 2) contains the one-time value required by curve25519 to prevent secret key leakage and to add replay resistance to the payload.

Field Type Description Length Encrypted
1 varu64 Message code: must have a value of 2 1 byte No
2 bytes Encryption nonce 24 bytes No
3 bytes Encrypted message payload Variable Yes

Second-level protocol message formats

Session ping

A session ping is a message which is used to open, or to update, an open session between two given network nodes. It must be encapsulated within a protocol message.

A session ping is sent in response to the following conditions:

  1. A node wishes to establish a new session with a remote node
  2. A session is already established with a remote node and one of the following conditions occurs:
    1. The node's coordinates have changed
    2. The local maximum supported session MTU has changed

When establishing a new session, a node must generate an ephemeral set of curve25519 session keys, which are kept for the lifetime of the session. The ephemeral session public key is then sent to the remote side and is used to agree a shared session key, with which all session traffic is encrypted.

The sequence number (field 4) must increase with every session ping. This is to prevent replay attacks. A node must drop a session ping if it is less than or equal to the sequence number of the last session ping from this node.

Field Type Description Length
1 varu64 Message code: must have a value of 4 1 byte
2 bytes Session handle 8 bytes
3 bytes Sender ephemeral session public key 32 bytes
4 vari64 Sequence number 1 to 10 bytes
5 coords Sender coordinates Variable
6 varu64 Sender maximum supported session MTU 1 to 2 bytes

Session pong

A session pong is a message which is sent in response to a session ping. It must be encapsulated within a protocol message.

If the node wishes to participate in a session with a remote node, the node must respond to the session ping by sending a matching session pong in order to acknowledge the session.

When responding to a session ping in an attempt to establish a new session, a node must generate an ephemeral set of curve25519 session keys, which are kept for the lifetime of the session. The ephemeral session public key is then sent to the remote side and is used to agree a shared session key, with which all session traffic is encrypted.

The sequence number (field 4) must increase with every session pong. This is to prevent replay attacks. A node must drop a session pong if it is less than or equal to the sequence number of the last session pong from this node.

Field Type Description Length
1 varu64 Message code: must have a value of 5 1 byte
2 bytes Session handle 8 bytes
3 bytes Sender ephemeral session public key 32 bytes
4 vari64 Sequence number 1 to 10 bytes
5 coords Sender coordinates Variable
6 varu64 Sender maximum supported session MTU 1 to 2 bytes

DHT request

A DHT request is sent when a node on the network wishes to find the coordinates of a remote node. It must be encapsulated within a protocol message.

The sending node must know at least a partial Node ID to search the DHT for. The Node ID (field 2) is variable-length and the node must not include any bytes of the Node ID which are not known at the time that the search is initiated.

Field Type Description Length
1 varu64 Message code: must have a value of 6 1 byte
2 coords Sender coordinates Variable
3 bytes Known bytes of target Node ID to search for Variable

DHT response

A DHT response is sent in response to a DHT request when a node on the DHT has knowledge that helps us to reach the target node. It must be encapsulated within a protocol message.

A response may contain more than one set of target candidates, therefore the fields n1 and n2 may be repeated multiple times.

Field Type Description Length
1 varu64 Message code: must have a value of 7 1 byte
2 coords Sender coordinates 8 bytes
3 bytes Known bytes of target Node ID searched for 64 bytes
n1 bytes Target candidate public encryption key 32 bytes
n2 coords Target candidate coordinates Variable

Second-level link protocol message formats

Root update

A root update is a message that contains a fully signed path containing all hops from the root node down to a given node. Each hop also contains the port number that the update was sent to at each node, which allows a node to construct its own coordinates.

The root node sends a root update message to all directly connected peers, containing a sequence number and its own signing key and exactly one signature.

An update message that has been relayed by any non-root nodes will contain information about more than one hop, therefore the fields n1, n2 and n3 will be repeated for each hop.

When a node receives a valid root update message, the node must append its own update and then relay to all directly connected peers.

Since the port number must be specified in the newly-appended update (which must be set to the port number that the update will be sent to), this means that the node must sign the update once for each peer, resulting in each peer effectively receiving a unique root update message.

This process continues until the root updates have flooded the entire network and all nodes have received a root update that contains n number of signatures, where n is the number of hops from the node to the root.

Field Type Description Length
1 varu64 Message code: must have a value of 3 1 byte
2 bytes Root node public signing key 32 bytes
3 vari64 Sequence number 1 to 10 bytes
n1 varu64 Update port number 1 to 10 bytes
n2 bytes Update node public signing key 32 bytes
n3 bytes Update signature 64 bytes
Sequence numbers

There are a number of rules surrounding the sequence numbers in root updates:

  1. The sequence number must increase with each root update, therefore a node must store the sequence number each time a root update is received for a given root node
  2. A node must not process, sign or distribute a root update if the sequence number is equal to, or lower, than the stored sequence number for that root - this is to prevent root updates from being replayed
  3. Nodes should store the last-known sequence number for each known root, so that old root update messages may not be replayed from an old root

A node may choose to use a UNIX timestamp as the sequence number as a simple method to prevent the sequence number rolling back if a node is restarted.

Update signatures

The update signatures are computed by taking specific fields from the update and coalescing them into a byte array. The resultant signature is an ed25519 signature of the byte array.

Field Type Description Length
1 bytes Target node public signing key 32 bytes
2 bytes Root node public signing key 32 bytes
3 varu64 Update sequence number 1 to 10 bytes
4 bytes Coordinates (with target port number appended) Variable

As the signature is specifically tailored to the node that it is being sent to, fields 1 and 4 must contain the public signing key and the port number respectively of the node that the update will be sent to.

TODO: This section needs work, may not be accurate.


Peerings are connections between the switches of any two given Yggdrasil nodes.

Stream semantics

All peering connections rely strictly on stream semantics in order to prevent routing loops. At present, TCP peering connections satisfy all requirements outlined below:

  1. Guaranteed delivery of packets: All packets that traverse a specific peering must be retransmitted in the event that a packet (or any fragments of the packet) are lost, mangled or otherwise damaged in transit.

  2. Ordered delivery of packets: All packets that traverse a peering, whether they are protocol-level messages or network forwarded traffic must be delivered in-order. This is necessary so that routing loops do not occur as a result of protocol messages.

  3. Fragmented delivery of packets: The connection must be able to fragment a larger packet into smaller packets before being sent to a peered node. This is required as Yggdrasil may be forwarding packets that are larger than a given link's maximum transmission unit (MTU) size.

Multiple peerings

An Yggdrasil node should accommodate for the fact that multiple peerings may exist between a given pair of nodes. They may not necessarily take the same physical path or exhibit the same connection characteristics such as bandwidth or latency. They may exist over different network interfaces, address families, etc.

Note that link aggregation is not a specified behaviour, therefore each peering must be evaluated individually when making a forwarding decision.

Spanning Tree

The spanning tree is one of the major underlying components of the Yggdrasil design. All nodes on the network participate in the maintenance of the spanning tree.

The spanning tree represents the worst-case routing paths and does not contain information about all peerings between nodes. Only the parent-child node relationships are shown on the spanning tree.

Nodes are encouraged to choose shortcuts when forwarding traffic in cases where a direct peer provides a better or more direct path towards the destination than the path shown on the spanning tree.

Root selection

The root node is typically the node on the network that has the "strongest" Tree ID - that is, with the most leading 1 bits set. However, each and every node on the network is expected to independently make a decision about which node is acting as the root node.

Since all locator coordinates are relative to the selected root node, it is therefore critically important that every node on the network must follow the same rules when making this decision so that all nodes eventually agree on the same root. Without this convergence, a node will not be routable correctly.

The network relies on this convergence to function. Without it, locators will not necessarily make sense between nodes and traffic may not be delivered.

Root updates

It is the responsibility of the root node to advertise a root update message to all directly connected peers. The update must be cryptographically signed using the ed25519 keypair.

These updates are then, in turn, flooded to all connected peers at each hop so that every node on the network receives the root update.

Since root updates contain the flow of port numbers that the update flowed through at each node, each root update message received by a node from each directly connected peer will be different. However, this also allows a node to use a chosen root update message in order to derive its own coordinates.

Root updates must be sent to all directly connected peers, including the chosen parent (see below).

Root update messages received by directly connected peers should be used to determine the coordinates of all directly connected peers. Note that, by sending root updates to all peers, this also enables all directly connected peers, including the chosen parent node, to know our coordinates.

Update interval

The root node should send this update every 30 seconds, but must send this update at least once a minute.

Cool-off period

Nodes on the network should ignore any root update that takes place within 15 seconds of receiving the last root update. This is known as the "cool-off period".

The cool-off period is important to reduce bandwidth usage and to prevent the network from being flooded by root updates too often. During the cool-off period, root updates should not be relayed to direct peers.


Each node on the network maintains its own root node blacklist. If the root node fails to send valid root update messages within the required timeframe, other nodes on the network must blacklist the root node.

Root updates from blacklisted nodes must not be retransmitted to other directly connected peers.

The node must remain blacklisted until one of the two conditions occurs:

  1. A new announcement is received from the root node that is valid
  2. A new announcement is received from another node that is a better candidate to be root, e.g. by possessing a stronger Tree ID

Parent selection

Each node on the network selects one of its peers to be the "parent" upon which its own coordinates will be derived. That is, the node's coordinates must be prefixed with the coordinates of the chosen parent node (see below).

Since the node will receive root updates from all peers, the node should select the node that relays the root updates quickest as the parent. Doing so will help to minimise the latency of the path from the node to the root node.

When evaluating whether a root update message is eligible for parent selection:

  1. All signatures from the peer up to the root node must be valid
  2. The path from the peer up to the root node must not contain any loops, e.g. the same signing keys may not appear twice within the same root update message

In the event that the peering to the selected "parent" node goes down, the node must select a new parent and update its own coordinates appropriately. In the event that no peerings are connected, the node becomes isolated from the rest of the network and may become the root node of this new isolated network.

Coordinate selection

Coordinates are an ephemeral identifier which represent the switch's location on the network graph, relative to the root node. They are not a fixed value and can change at any time depending on the node's own peers, or changing connectivity on the path from the node up to the root node.

Coordinates are an array of unsigned 64-bit integers. The root node is noted as an empty array, e.g. []. All other nodes are noted as an array where each element represents a switch port ID on the path from the root of the network down to a specific node, e.g. [3 6 1 24].

Once the node has performed parent selection, as above, the chosen root update message is used to derive the coordinates of the current node. Each signature in the root update message has an accompanying port number. The coordinates must be derived by taking the port numbers in the order that the signed updates appear in the chosen root update message.

Distributed Hash Table (DHT)

Yggdrasil uses a DHT to discover the coordinates of a node on the network where either a partial or complete Node ID are already known. All nodes in the network must participate in the DHT, responding to searches for other network nodes.


The DHT used by Yggdrasil is derived from Chord, where each node in the network must maintain a list of DHT neighbours including:

  1. The direct predecessor of the node in the DHT
  2. The direct successor of the node in the DHT
  3. All directly connected peers

Nodes are identified in the DHT by their Node ID.

In addition, nodes should maintain a Chord "finger table" of approximately O(logn) other nodes in the ring, at points on the ring which ensure that searches should probabilistically require only O(logn) iterations of DHT requests/responses. This may be approximated by including a node's immediate successor in the ring, and any other successors which are encountered and are strictly closer via the tree metric than any successors already tracked, and likewise in the direction of the predecessor.


When a node starts and one or more peering connections are established, the DHT should bootstrap.


At any point, a node may send a DHT request for a given Node ID. The DHT request must contain the following:

  1. The current coordinates of the requesting node
  2. The known bits of the target Node ID (where all unknown bits must be set to 0)

The DHT request is then sent to the locally-known/cached DHT neighbour that has the closest Node ID to the target Node ID in the request. Note that a request is not guaranteed to yield a response, therefore the node should time out waiting for a response after a given timeframe.


Having received a DHT request, a node must return a DHT response containing:

  1. The coordinates and public encryption key of the responding node
  2. The target Node ID, exactly as it was sent in the original DHT request
  3. Zero or more sets of candidate public encryption keys and coordinates, referring to both the closest and the furthest away nodes that the node knows about to the target Node ID

In this context, "closest" is defined as the successor of the target Node ID (the node which appears at or immediately after the target Node ID in the ring), and "furthest" is defined to be the predecessor (the node which appears immediately before the target in the ring).

This definition of "closest" is required to ensure that a partial Node ID with unknown bits set to 0 is owned by a node with the full Node ID, which would not be the case if the keyspace distance metric was reversed. Nodes may search with the keyspace distance metric reversed, but must set unknown bits of the Node ID to 1 in such a case.


To look up a specific node on the network, a search is started by sending a DHT request targeting a specific Node ID.

The requesting node must keep a record of each Node ID that is being searched for, until a time that either the search has completed, either by contacting a node with a key which matches the known bits of the target Node ID or by running out of nodes to check.

The node will then:

  1. Receive a DHT response containing information about zero or more closer nodes to the target Node ID
  2. Receive no response at all, at which point the search should time out

Once the requesting node receives the DHT response from the responding node, the requesting node must verify that the Node ID in the DHT response matches a search that we initiated. If it does not match an existing search, the response must be dropped and ignored.

If the search is valid, the node must then check if the Node ID generated from the sender's public encryption key in the protocol message headers matches the searched target Node ID (after applying a bitmask to account for any unknown bits of the Node ID).

If it does, the search is considered to be completed as the response has come directly from the node that we were searching for. From this point, the node should not send any additional search requests related to this search.

If not, then the node which handled the request must be added to a list of visited nodes, so that it can be ignored if included in any future responses. Any information about closer nodes, included in the response, must be checked to confirm that they are closer to the target Node ID than the request handler. Any nodes which satisfy this condition and do not appear on the list of nodes already visited in this search should be added to a list of known nodes to contact in later search iterations.

After any response from a node which is not the target of a search, or after a timeout in the event of no response, the node must select the node from the list of unchecked destinations which is closest to the target Node ID, send a request to that node, and remove the node from the list. This process must repeat iteratively until either the a node matching the known bits of the target Node ID is contacted, or until the list of nodes to visit is exhausted and a timeout passes (to give the last node a chance to respond).

When a search is initialised, the list of visited nodes must be empty, and the list of nodes to visit in later search iterations must be filled by the nodes closest to the destination which are already present in the searching node's DHT.


In a Chord-like DHT, a node's predecessor or successor on the DHT may not be close to the node in metric space. As searches take place, a node may discover other nodes which are closer in metric space than the node's predecessor or successor.

In order to help to speed up lookups, an Yggdrasil node may cache these closer nodes as additional DHT neighbours to use during searches. This allows us the node to maintain a small database of DHT neighbours that are relatively close to the node on the tree.


All nodes in an Yggdrasil network have the capacity to forward traffic on behalf of other network nodes. This happens if:

  1. The node has peering connections to more than one node
  2. The current node is on an optimal path between two other network nodes which are exchanging traffic

Next-hop selection

When a message is received for forwarding, the node must make a decision as to which node to forward onto next.

The node must evaluate each direct peering and determine which peerings will take the message closer to the target destination coordinates. This is done by calculating the metric distance between the coordinates of each peer from the target coordinates and verifying if they are closer to the destination than the nodes own coordinates are.

In order to prevent routing loops, a strict distance rule applies. A node must not forward traffic to any other node which is not closer to the destination coordinates in metric space.

Where feasible, a node should forward traffic to the node which is closest to the destination. A node may wish to select a node which is closer but not necessarily closest in order to avoid poor-quality or congested links.

In the event that multiple peered nodes are the same distance to the destination node, a tie-break may be required - see the "Distance tie-break" section below.

Traffic destined for the current node will fail the distance rule, therefore in this scenario, the node should attempt to decrypt the message using its own keys and handle it as if it were destined for that node. Note that a node must not attempt to handle any traffic as if it is destined locally if the distance rule has not failed and a peer can take the traffic closer to its destination.

If the above distance rule fails and decryption also fails, then it is safe to assert that the packet was not destined for that node and therefore must drop the packet.

Distance metric

To calculate the distance in hops between two nodes:

  1. Find the node L which shares the most common leading coordinate elements with both node A and node B
  2. Calculate the distance from node A to node L by subtracting the length of node L's coordinates from the length of node A's coordinates
  3. Calculate the distance from node B to node L by subtracting the length of node L's coordinates from the length of node B's coordinates
  4. Add the two distances together to find the total distance

For example, in the case where node A has coordinates [1 4 2 6 4 2] and node B has coordinates [1 4 2 9 6], the common ancestor is the node L at coordinates [1 4 2].

The length of L's coordinates is 3, the length of A's coordinates is 6 and the length of B's coordinates is 5. By subtracting 3 from 6, and then subtracting 3 from 5, and adding together both results, the total distance calculated between node A and node B is 5 hops.

Distance tie-break

In some cases, multiple peers may result in the same metric distance for a given set of target coordinates. Therefore, the node should implement a tie-break algorithm in order to determine which of the "best" peers should be selected to receive the forwarded traffic.

Although a tie-break algorithm is deliberately not defined here, an implementation should consider one or more of the following factors when deterministically selecting the best peer to forward to:

  1. The uptime of each peering
  2. The relative latency of each peering, based on which peerings deliver switch update messages from the root node first
  3. The average utilisation of each peering

Alternatively, a non-deterministic approach may be used, e.g. by selecting from the candidate peers randomly, although doing so may have unintended negative side-effects on performance.


Sessions are a cryptographic agreement between two nodes to allow the exchange of end-to-end encrypted traffic.

Initiating a session

In order to open a session with a remote node, a node must know the destination coordinates in order to send a session ping. If the destination coordinates are not already known, the node should start a DHT search and wait for the response first.

Once the coordinates are known, the node must generate and store the following:

  1. A set of ephemeral curve25519 encryption keys, which will be used to generate the shared curve25519 session key
  2. An 8-byte session handler, which must be locally unique, to identify the session

Note that a node should not reuse curve25519 encryption keys across sessions, nor should the permanent node encryption keys be used for session traffic.

The node then must send a session ping to the remote side containing:

  1. The locally-generated session handle
  2. The locally-generated public ephemeral encryption key
  3. A sequence number, which must increase with every session ping, to prevent replay attacks
  4. The coordinates of the current node
  5. The maximum supported session MTU size in bytes

A node may choose to use a UNIX timestamp as the sequence number.

Responding to a session

At any time, a node may receive a session ping from another node on the network. The session ping may belong to an existing session, or it may be from a node from which no session is currently open.

If the session ping contains an unknown session handle, the node must treat the session ping as an incoming request to open a new session.

However, it is important to note that a node is not obliged to respond to an initial session ping if it does not wish to open a session with that node and therefore may not send a session pong in response. An example of this may include whitelisting sessions based on the public encryption key in the protocol header.

If the session handle is known and belongs to an existing open session, the node should examine the session ping to see if the maximum supported session MTU has changed and update the local session record if so. In response to a session ping for a known session, a node must respond with a session pong.

Before sending a session pong in response to a session ping, the node must generate and store the following:

  1. A set of ephemeral curve25519 encryption keys, which will be used to generate the shared curve25519 session key
  2. An 8-byte session handler, which uniquely identifies the session locally

Importantly, the session handles generated on each node may not be the same, however, both nodes are required to store the handle chosen by the remote side. Once these elements are generated, the session pong must contain:

  1. The locally-generated session handle
  2. The locally-generated public ephemeral encryption key
  3. A sequence number, which must increase with every session pong, to prevent replay attacks
  4. The coordinates of the current node
  5. The maximum supported session MTU size in bytes

A node may choose to use a UNIX timestamp as the sequence number.

Session establishment

A session is established once the initiating node has received a session pong, and the responding node has sent a session pong. At this point, both nodes are aware of each other's public ephemeral encryption keys, allowing each node to compute the shared ephemeral session key, and the session handle on each side.

For all sessions, a node must store:

  1. The shared ephemeral session key, as computed from both the local and the received public ephemeral encryption keys in the received session ping/pong
  2. The local session handle, as generated locally
  3. The remote session handle, as provided in the received session ping/pong
  4. The local maximum supported MTU size of the session, as configured locally
  5. The remote maximum supported MTU size of the session, as provided in the received session ping/pong

A node must not consider a session to be established if it has chosen to not respond to a session ping, or if a session pong has not been received in response to a session ping.

The shared curve25519 session key is computed from both the local and the remote public ephemeral encryption keys. Assuming that the key exchange from the session pings/pongs has taken place successfully, the local and the remote node should arrive at the same computed shared key, which both nodes must keep secret.

No response

If no session pong is received from the remote side, the node that sent the original session ping may resend the original session ping at an interval that should not be more frequent than once per second, until it becomes obvious that the remote node is not responding either deliberately, or because it is offline.

Traffic exchange

Once a session is open, a node can begin sending traffic over the session. To do so, the traffic should be encrypted using the ephemeral shared session key and encapsulated in a traffic packet, before being sent to the target coordinates with the correct remote session handle.

A node must not send session traffic to a remote node until a session has been established, as it is not possible to know which session handle to use until a session has been agreed.

A node may wish to buffer traffic during session setup so that it can be sent to the remote node once the session is established.

A node can also receive session traffic from a remote node. The session handle in the traffic headers is used to determine which shared ephemeral session key should be used to decrypt the payload.

In the event that a message is received with a handle that is unknown to the node, the node must drop the message.

Session MTU

During the exchange of session pings and session pongs to set up a session, both nodes send their maximum supported MTU size for the session to the other node. Once a round-trip including both a session ping and a session pong have taken place, both nodes will know what the maximum supported value is for both nodes.

The agreed maximum supported MTU of the session must equal the lowest of the two exchanged values.

The contents of an individual traffic message must not exceed this agreed size. If a node receives a traffic message that exceeds the maximum agreed size for the session, the node should drop the message.

Session Expiry

Sessions do not have a specific lifetime.

A node may consider that a session has expired after a period of inactivity, e.g. from having received no traffic nor session pings from the remote side after a defined interval, at which point the node should stop accepting future traffic for that session.

Session Closure

When closing a session, a node should remove the association between the session handles and the ephemeral shared session key.

The node must not send any traffic for a closed session and must drop any received traffic that no longer matches an active session.