Source code of HGRL model proposed in the CIKM 2022 paper Towards Self-supervised Learning on Graphs with Heterophily.
- python 3.9.13
- pytorch 1.12.0
- pytorch-geometric 2.0.4
- scikit-learn 1.1.1
- ogb 1.3.3
- numpy 1.23.1
- munkres 1.1.4
- googledrivedownloader 0.4
- networkx 2.8.5
- matplotlib 3.5.2
Heterogeneous datasets: 'Cornell', Texas', 'Wisconsin', 'Actor', 'Squirrel' and 'Chameleon'.
Homogeneous dataset: 'Cora', 'CiteSeer' and 'PubMed'.
Dataset | # Nodes | # Edges | # Classes | # Features | # Homo. ratio |
Texas | 183 | 295 | 5 | 1,703 | 0.11 |
Wisconsin | 251 | 466 | 5 | 1,703 | 0.21 |
Actor | 7,600 | 26,752 | 5 | 931 | 0.22 |
Squirrel | 5,201 | 198,493 | 5 | 2,089 | 0.22 |
Chameleon | 2,277 | 31,421 | 5 | 2,325 | 0.23 |
Cornell | 183 | 280 | 5 | 1,703 | 0.3 |
CiteSeer | 3,327 | 4,676 | 7 | 3,703 | 0.74 |
PubMed | 19,717 | 44,327 | 3 | 500 | 0.8 |
Cora | 2,708 | 5,278 | 6 | 1,433 | 0.81 |
To run the codes, use the following commands:
# Cora
python --dataset Cora --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.4 --method hn2n_CCA_init_adj --task node_classification --topology_augmentation init
# CiteSeer
python --dataset CiteSeer --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.4 --method hn2n_CCA_init_adj --task node_classification --topology_augmentation init
# PubMed
python --dataset PubMed --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.4 --method hn2n_CCA_init_adj --task node_classification --topology_augmentation init
# Texas
python --dataset texas --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.4 --method hn2n_CCA_learned_adj --task node_classification
# Wisconsin
python --dataset wisconsin --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.4 --method hn2n_CCA_learned_adj --task node_classification
# Actor
python --dataset film --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.4 --method hn2n_CCA_learned_adj --task node_classification
# Squirrel
python --dataset squirrel --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.4 --method hn2n_CCA_init_adj --task node_classification --topology_augmentation init
# Chameleon
python --dataset chameleon --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.3 --method hn2n_CCA_init_adj --task node_classification --topology_augmentation init
# Cornell
python --dataset cornell --epochs 500 --lr 0.005 --lr_gamma 0.005 --weight_decay 0.0005 --hidden_size 512 --output_size 512 --dropout 0.4 --method hn2n_CCA_learned_adj --task node_classification
For node cluster task, please use "--task node_cluster" and "--output_size 16".