Sphinx usage does not make sense unless you are using its fulltext search ability.
In SphinxQL it is provided via 'MATCH' statement. You can always compose it manually as a part of the 'where'
condition, but if you are using yii\sphinx\Query
you can do it via yii\sphinx\Query::match()
use yii\sphinx\Query;
$query = new Query();
$rows = $query->from('idx_item')
Please note that Sphinx 'MATCH' statement argument uses complex internal syntax for better tuning.
By default yii\sphinx\Query::match()
will escape all special characters related to this syntax from
its argument. So if you wish to use complex 'MATCH' statement, you should use yii\db\Expression
for it:
use yii\sphinx\Query;
use yii\db\Expression;
$query = new Query();
$rows = $query->from('idx_item')
->match(new Expression(':match', ['match' => '@(content) ' . Yii::$app->sphinx->escapeMatchValue($_POST['search'])]))
Note: if you compose 'MATCH' argument, make sure to use
to properly escape any special characters, which may break the query.
Since version 2.0.6 you can use [[\yii\sphinx\MatchExpression]] for the 'MATCH' statement composition. It allows composition of the 'MATCH' expression using placeholders in similar way as bound parameters, which values will be automatically escaped using [[\yii\sphinx\Connection::escapeMatchValue()]]. For examples:
use yii\sphinx\Query;
use yii\sphinx\MatchExpression;
$rows = (new Query())
->match(new MatchExpression('@title :title', ['title' => 'Yii'])) // value of ':title' will be escaped automatically
You may use [[match()]], [[andMatch()]] and [[orMatch()]] to combine several conditions. Each condition can be specified using array syntax similar to the one used for [[\yii\sphinx\Query:where]]. For example:
use yii\sphinx\Query;
use yii\sphinx\MatchExpression;
$rows = (new Query())
// produces '((@title "Yii") (@author "Paul")) | (@content "Sphinx")' :
(new MatchExpression())
->match(['title' => 'Yii'])
->andMatch(['author' => 'Paul'])
->orMatch(['content' => 'Sphinx'])
You may as well compose expressions with special operators like 'MAYBE', 'PROXIMITY' etc. For example:
use yii\sphinx\Query;
use yii\sphinx\MatchExpression;
$rows = (new Query())
// produces '@title "Yii" MAYBE "Sphinx"' :
(new MatchExpression())->match([
$rows = (new Query())
// produces '@title "Yii"~10' :
(new MatchExpression())->match([