ALTER TABLE [db.]table UPDATE column1 = expr1 [, ...] WHERE filter_expr;
ALTER TABLE ad_effect UPDATE app_id = 1 WHERE media_id = 1;
无法更新order by 的字段。
ADD COLUMN [IF NOT EXISTS] name [type] [default_expr] [codec] [AFTER name_after | FIRST]
ALTER TABLE mt.ad_aggs_outer_shadow ADD COLUMN via UInt8 AFTER brand_id;
ALTER TABLE mt.ad_aggs_outer ADD COLUMN via UInt8 AFTER brand_id;
ALTER TABLE douyin_video_measure ADD COLUMN ut DateTime default now() comment '插入时间' AFTER update_time;
select concat('optimize table ',database, '.','\`', table, '\` partition ',partition , ' final;')
where active and (engine like '%ReplacingMergeTree' or engine like '%CollapsingMergeTree')
group by database,table,partition
having count()>1
Alter table index_test DROP INDEX tag_idx;
Alter table index_test ADD INDEX tag_idx tag TYPE range;
Alter table index_test CLEAR INDEX tag_idx tag in partition partition_expr;
Alter table index_test MATERIALIZE INDEX tag_idx tag in partition partition_expr;
-- 随机字符
INSERT INTO string_index_test
select substringUTF8(cast (generateUUIDv4() as String), 1, 16)
from system.numbers limit 100000000;
-- 枚举字符串
INSERT INTO string_index_test
select cast((10000000 + rand(number) % 4000) as String)
from system.numbers limit 100000000;
-- 随机数值
CREATE TABLE long_index_test (
`C_KEY` UInt64,
KEY C_KEY_IDX C_KEY Type range
) ...
INSERT INTO long_index_test
select rand(number) % 100000000
from system.numbers limit 100000000;
select * from mt.ad_effect where stat_time = '2020-12-11' and ad_id in (119731843, 127855423) order by ad_id, modify_time desc limit 3 by ad_id
SELECT * FROM numbers(10);
SELECT * FROM numbers(0, 10);
SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10;
-- 每一行随机数
select rand(number), number from system.numbers limit 10;
SELECT * FROM generateRandom('a Array(Int8), d Decimal32(4), c Tuple(DateTime64(3), UUID)', 1, 10, 2) LIMIT 3
-- 数机数组的随机元素
select range(3);
select (rand() % length(range(3))) + 1;
select range((rand() % 3) + 1);
-- 生成一个5位之内的顺序数组,然后加上3之内的随机数
select arrayMap((x) -> x + rand() % 3, range((rand() % 5) + 1))
select number, arrayMap((x) -> x + rand() % 10, range((rand() % 5) + 1)) FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10;
SELECT arrayElement(range(3), ((rand() % length(range(3))) + 1));
-- 获取数组的任意一位
with [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110] as constant
select arrayElement(constant, ((rand() % length(constant)) + 1))
select arraySort((x) -> x + rand(), [1, 2, 3])
select arrayMap((x) -> x + rand(), [1, 2, 3])
-- 随机数在arrayMap是一样的
with [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110] as constant
select arrayMap((x) -> arrayElement(constant, ((rand() % length(constant)) + 1)), [1, 2, 3])
-- 获取广告id的分批数,一千万一批
select arrayJoin(range(intDiv(max(ad_id), 10000000) + 1)) as round from mt.ad_aggs_outer;
-- 获取年月和广告批次
select ad_year_month,
(select toInt32(formatDateTime(addMonths(today(), -number), '%y%m')) as ad_year_month,
1 as f
from system.numbers
limit 6
offset 2) t1
left join
(select arrayJoin(range(intDiv(max(ad_id), 10000000) + 1)) as round,
1 as f
from mt.ad_aggs_outer) t2 on (t1.f = t2.f)
order by ad_year_month,
-- 将一批广告先按行号生成,后根据行号 取整除 后分批
intDiv(rowNumberInAllBlocks(), 10) AS rowNo,
arrayStringConcat(groupArray(toString(ad_id)), ',') as ad_ids
select distinct ad_id as ad_id
from mt.ad_aggs_outer aggs
where app_brand_id = 0
and campaign_type in (201,
and campaign_id > 0 limit 100
) group by rowNo
SELECT a, groupBitOr(b) from (
SELECT 1 as a, 5 as b
union all
SELECT 1 as a, 2 as b
) GROUP by a
-- 1 7
SELECT a, groupUniqArray(b) from (
SELECT 1 as a, 5 as b
union all
SELECT 1 as a, 2 as b
) GROUP by a
-- uniqArray是一个聚合函数组合器
SELECT ad_id, uniqArray(arrayMap(x -> x + ad_year_month * 100, bitmaskToArray(ad_month))) as duration from (
SELECT 1 as ad_id, 2007 as ad_year_month, 7 as ad_month
union all
SELECT 1 as ad_id, 2008 as ad_year_month, 1 as ad_month
) t1 GROUP by ad_id
-- 1 4
SELECT c, count(distinct a), uniqExactArray(b), groupUniqArrayArray(b) from (
SELECT a, groupUniqArray(b) as b, min(c) as c from (
SELECT 1 as a, 5 as b, 1 as c
union all
SELECT 1, 2, 1
union all
SELECT 2, 2, 1
union all
SELECT 2, 6, 1
) GROUP by a
) GROUP by c
结果: 1 2 3 [6,5,2]
- uniqExact能获取group by后的去重数量。通过聚合函数组合器,组合成 uniqExactArray。来算 [[5,2], [2,6]]的交集数量,
- 同理groupUniqArray 是组合成一个数组, 通过聚合函数组合器groupUniqArrayArray(b) 来得到数组中的数组聚合
SELECT ad_id, groupUniqArrayArray(arrayMap(x -> x + ad_year_month * 100, bitmaskToArray(ad_month))) as duration from (
SELECT 1 as ad_id, 2007 as ad_year_month, 7 as ad_month
union all
SELECT 1 as ad_id, 2008 as ad_year_month, 1 as ad_month
) t1 GROUP by ad_id
-- 1 ["200701","200704","200801","200702"]
SELECT count(*), uniqArray(duration) from (
SELECT ad_id, groupUniqArrayArray(arrayMap(x -> x + ad_year_month * 100, bitmaskToArray(ad_month))) as duration from (
SELECT 1 as ad_id, 2007 as ad_year_month, 7 as ad_month
union all
SELECT 1 as ad_id, 2008 as ad_year_month, 1 as ad_month
union all
SELECT 3 as ad_id, 2008 as ad_year_month, 1 as ad_month
) t1 GROUP by ad_id
toString(today()-number) as dt
from system.numbers limit 10;
toInt32(formatDateTime(addMonths(today(), -number), '%y%m')) as dt, dt
from system.numbers limit 24;
beg_ts + round * 60 as beg_ts,
if(beg_ts + 60 > 1616574300, 1616574300, beg_ts + 60) as end_ts
from (
select 1616574100 as beg_ts, 1616574300 as end_ts, arrayJoin(range(toUInt32(ceil((end_ts- beg_ts) / 60)))) as round
with 1616574300 as _end_ts, 1616574100 as _beg_ts
select _beg_ts + 60 * number as beg_ts, if(beg_ts + 60 > 1616574300, 1616574300, beg_ts + 60) as end_ts from system.numbers limit ceil((_end_ts- _beg_ts) / 60)
with toDate('{{start_date}}') as s_d, toDate('{{end_date}}') as e_d, toYYYYMM(s_d) % 10000 as s_m, toYYYYMM(e_d) % 10000 as e_m,
bitXor(exp2(31) - 1, exp2(toDayOfMonth(s_d) - 1) - 1) as s_b,
exp2(toDayOfMonth(e_d)) - 1 as e_b
select has(bitmaskToArray(2147483649), 2147483648), bitmaskToArray(0), arrayElement(bitmaskToArray(1032), 1)
-- 1 [] 8
arrayConcat(arrayMap(x -> log2(x) + 1 + 2000, bitmaskToArray(style_game)), arrayMap(x -> log2(x) + 1 + 1000, bitmaskToArray(style_app))),
ad_year_month = 2101
and style_app > 0
or style_game > 0 limit 100
with (select sum(bytes) from where active) as total_disk_usage
uniq(partition) as partitions,
count(1) as parts,
sum(marks) as marks,
sum(rows) as rows,
formatReadableSize(sum(bytes)) as size,
concat(toString(round((sum(bytes) / total_disk_usage) * 100, 2)), '%') AS ratio,
round(sum(data_compressed_bytes) / sum(data_uncompressed_bytes), 2) as compression_ratio,
min(min_date) as min_date,
max(max_date) as max_date,
max(modification_time) as ut
where database not in ('system') and active
group by database, table order by sum(bytes) desc
-- 左移天数位
select bitShiftLeft(toUInt32(1), toDayOfMonth(today()) -1);
select arrayJoin([1, 2]), arrayJoin([4, 5, 6]) as t
select arrayExists(
x -> x like '%all_q%', ['max_memory_usage_for_all_queries']
arrayMap得到的是一个元祖, 获取元祖元素: tupleElement(tuple, n)
select toTypeName(cast('2018-01-01 01:02:03' AS DateTime))
select toColumnTypeName(cast('2018-01-01 01:02:03' AS DateTime))
SELECT arrayJoin(timeSlots(now() - toIntervalHour(1), toUInt32(3600), 300)) AS slot
# 最近7天,每小时
SELECT arrayJoin(timeSlots( now() - toIntervalDay(7), toUInt32(24 * 3600 * 7), 3600)) AS slot
clickhouse left join 得到的不是null,而是默认值。可以通过配置进行更改为sql一致。
SELECT toDateTime('2016-06-15 23:00:00') AS time
┌────────────────time─┐ │ 2016-06-15 15:00:00 │ └─────────────────────┘
SELECT toUnixTimestamp(toDateTime('2016-06-15 23:00:00')) AS time
┌───────time─┐ │ 1466002800 │ └────────────┘
redash 显示会+8,查询也是正常的查就可以了,会自动帮忙处理。 client 则要注意显示是0时区的就可以了,查询也是按照正常一样处理就可以了。
group by 字段名有些注意的东西, 如果有字段冲突,select 得指定表名, group by 该字段也需要指定表名,否则需要select 时候 as alias
select toInt32(formatDateTime(toDate('2020-03-12'), '%y%m%d'))
select now(), toStartOfHour(now()), subtractMinutes(now(), 30)
-- 2020-08-07 14:48:43
-- 2020-08-07 14:00:00
-- 2020-08-07 14:18:43
bitmapToArray(groupBitmapOrState(ad_id_bm)) AS ad_ids
explain syntax select 1
from clickhouse_driver import Client
CH_CLIENT = Client("", user="default", password="")
qs = CH_CLIENT.execute_iter("show databases", {'max_block_size': 100000})
for one in qs:
tmp = CH_CLIENT.execute("select 1")
select dt,area,ad_id,ad_creative_id,toUnixTimestamp(ad_create),platform,format,media,appid,position from mt.ad_log where dt = today() and ad_create between '2020-03-12 15:53:00' and '2020-03-12 15:54:00'
clickhouse-client --query "SELECT * FROM table INTO OUTFILE 'file' FORMAT CSV"
clickhouse-client --query "SELECT * from table" --format FormatName > result.txt
docker cp ~/Downloads/获取ad_log聚合数据_2020_03_12.csv my-clickhouse-server-v2:/2020_03_12.csv
cat /2020_03_12.csv | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO test.ad_log FORMAT CSVWithNames";
cat /ng_71.csv | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO nginx_log.access_log FORMAT CSVWithNames";
docker run -it --rm yandex/clickhouse-client --host --port 8123 --query="optimize table ec.product"
不能with variable table,不能进行嵌套子查询。
TODO: 之前研究过,CH如何类似pg进行递归查询。实现不了的原因记录一下,免得又忘了!!
SELECT query_id, query FROM system.processes;
KILL QUERY WHERE query_id = '<id>';
clickhouse-client --send_logs_level=debug <<< 'SELECT * FROM mt.ad_aggs_outer'
docker run -i --network host --rm yandex/clickhouse-server clickhouse-benchmark -p 9001 <<< "select 1"
set send_logs_level='debug'
set max_threads=4
clickhouse-benchmark --help
clickhouse-benchmark -i 30 < pk_channel.txt
docker run --rm yandex/clickhouse-server clickhouse-benchmark --help
docker run -i --network host --rm yandex/clickhouse-server clickhouse-benchmark -p 9001 <<< "select 1"
docker run -i --rm --network host yandex/clickhouse-server clickhouse-benchmark -i 30 --host --user default --password < a.txt
docker run -i --rm --network host clickhouse-benchmark -i 30 --host --user readonly --password Eech5theeR_e < a.sql
# 注意sql文件的换行问题
docker run -it --rm --network host yandex/clickhouse-client: --host --user default --password --send_logs_level=debug
:1,$s/\n/ /g
如果要更改配置,可以后面直接加相关参数。例如: --max_memory_usage=1048576 --max_threads=4
docker run --rm -p 9001:9000 -p 8123:8123 --name my-clickhouse-server-19 --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 --volume=/home/youmi/data/ch-19:/var/lib/clickhouse -v /home/youmi/config/ch/config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml -v /home/youmi/config/ch/users.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml -v /home/youmi/log/clickhouse:/var/log/clickhouse-server yandex/clickhouse-server:
docker run -it --rm --link my-clickhouse-server:clickhouse-server yandex/clickhouse-client --host clickhouse-server
docker run -it --rm yandex/clickhouse-client --host
CREATE DATABASE agconstants ENGINE = MySQL('', 'agconstants_media', 'root', 'root');
CREATE DATABASE test_agdb41 ENGINE = MySQL('', 'test_adData', 'aso_ro', '')
CREATE DATABASE test_agdb41 ENGINE = MySQL('', 'msp_org', 'redash', 'zkvIQPk9V39xI6ac')
clickhouse :) DETACH DATABASE {need drop database name}
clickhouse :) exit
~ cd {clickhouse data path}
~ rm -rf metadata/{need drop database name}
truncate table test.ad_aggs_outer
move partition 是新版本特性,19.16还没有该功能
ALTER TABLE mt.ad_aggs_outer REPLACE PARTITION 1 FROM mt.ad_aggs_outer_shadow
ALTER TABLE table_source MOVE PARTITION partition_expr TO TABLE table_dest
注意:move partition 并不会移除dest表的数据。replace才会。而move会删除src的数据,而replace则是克隆数据。
创建表的时候LowCardinality(UInt32),默认不允许。可以将session的配置更改为: SET allow_suspicious_low_cardinality_types=1
ALTER TABLE ad_industry_tag MODIFY COLUMN `tag_id` Array(LowCardinality(Int32))
ALTER TABLE ad_aggs_by_day_channel MODIFY COLUMN `channel_id` LowCardinality(UInt32);
set allow_suspicious_low_cardinality_types=1
RENAME TABLE [db11.]name11 TO [db12.]name12, [db21.]name21 TO [db22.]name22, ... [ON CLUSTER cluster]
move partition特性,避免现在的脚本的replace partition 后 drop partition方式
Clickhouse版本新增加了一个叫MaterializeMySQL的数据库引擎,该引擎用于快速同步mysql 数据库
CHANGELOG: 新特性与不往后兼容的特性