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Braintree iOS v6 Migration Guide

See the CHANGELOG for a complete list of changes. This migration guide outlines the basics for updating your client integration from v5 to v6.

Documentation for v6 will be published to once it is available for general release.

Table of Contents

  1. Supported Versions
  2. Carthage
  3. Venmo
  4. PayPal
  5. PayPal Native Checkout
  6. Data Collector
  7. Union Pay
  8. SEPA Direct Debit
  9. Local Payments
  10. 3D Secure

Supported Versions

v6 supports a minimum deployment target of iOS 13+. It requires the use of Xcode 14+ and Swift version 5.7+. If your application contains Objective-C code, the Enable Modules build setting must be set to YES.


v6 requires Carthage v0.38.0+, which adds support for xcframework binary dependencies.

carthage update --use-xcframeworks


BTVenmoDriver has been renamed to BTVenmoClient

BTVenmoRequest must now be initialized with a paymentMethodUsage.

The possible values for BTVenmoPaymentMethodUsage include:

  • .multiUse - the Venmo payment will be authorized for future payments and can be vaulted.
  • .singleUse - the Venmo payment will be authorized for a one-time payment and cannot be vaulted.

BTVenmoClient.tokenizeVenmoAccount(with:completion:) has been renamed to BTVenmoClient.tokenize(_:completion:)

BTVenmoClient.isiOSAppAvailableForAppSwitch() has been renamed to BTVenmoClient.isVenmoAppInstalled()

let venmoClient = BTVenmoClient(apiClient: apiClient)
let venmoRequest = BTVenmoRequest(paymentMethodUsage: .multiUse)
venmoRequest.profileID = "my-profile-id"
venmoRequest.vault = true

venmoClient.tokenize(venmoRequest) { venmoAccountNonce, error in
    guard let venmoAccountNonce = venmoAccountNonce else {
        // handle error
    // send nonce to server


BTPayPalDriver has been renamed to BTPayPalClient

Removed BTPayPalDriver.requestOneTimePayment and BTPayPalDriver.requestBillingAgreement in favor of BTPayPalClient.tokenize:

let payPalClient = BTPayPalClient(apiClient: apiClient)
let request = BTPayPalCheckoutRequest(amount: "1")

payPalClient.tokenize(request) { payPalAccountNonce, error in
    guard let payPalAccountNonce = payPalAccountNonce else {
        // handle error
    // send nonce to server

BTPayPalClient.tokenizePayPalAccount(with:completion:) has been replaced with two methods called: BTPayPalClient.tokenize(_:completion:) taking in either a BTPayPalCheckoutRequest or BTPayPalVaultRequest

// BTPayPalCheckoutRequest
let payPalClient = BTPayPalClient(apiClient: apiClient)
let request = BTPayPalCheckoutRequest(amount: "1")
payPalClient.tokenize(request) { payPalAccountNonce, error in 
    // handle response

// BTPayPalVaultRequest
let payPalClient = BTPayPalClient(apiClient: apiClient)
let request = BTPayPalVaultRequest()
payPalClient.tokenize(request) { payPalAccountNonce, error in 
    // handle response

PayPal Native Checkout

BTPayPalNativeCheckoutClient.tokenizePayPalAccount(with:completion: has been replaced with two methods called: tokenize(_:completion:) taking in either a BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest or BTPayPalNativeVaultRequest

// BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest
let payPalNativeCheckoutClient = BTPayPalNativeCheckoutClient(apiClient: apiClient)
let request = BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest(amount: "1")
payPalNativeCheckoutClient.tokenize(request) { payPalNativeCheckoutAccountNonce, error in 
    // handle response

// BTPayPalNativeVaultRequest
let payPalNativeCheckoutClient = BTPayPalNativeCheckoutClient(apiClient: apiClient)
let request = BTPayPalNativeVaultRequest()
payPalNativeCheckoutClient.tokenize(request) { payPalNativeCheckoutAccountNonce, error in 
    // handle response

Data Collector

PayPalDataCollector module has been removed in favor of BraintreeDataCollector.

The new integration for collecting device data will look like the following:

let dataCollector = BTDataCollector(apiClient: apiClient)

dataCollector.collectDeviceData { deviceData, error in
    // handle response

Note: Kount is no longer supported.

Union Pay

The BraintreeUnionPay module, and all containing classes, was removed in v6. UnionPay cards can now be processed as regular cards, through the BraintreeCard module. You no longer need to manage card enrollment via SMS authorization.

Now, you can tokenize just with the card details:

let cardClient = BTCardClient(apiClient: apiClient)

let card = BTCard()
card.number = "4111111111111111"
card.expirationMonth = "12"
card.expirationYear = "2025"

cardClient.tokenize(card) { tokenizedCard, error in
    // handle response

SEPA Direct Debit

We have removed the context parameter from the BTSEPADirectDebit.tokenize() method. Additionally, conformance to the ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProviding protocol is no longer needed.

BTSEPADirectDebitClient.tokenize(request:context:completion:) has been renamed to BTSEPADirectDebitClient.tokenize(_:completion:)

The updated tokenize method is as follows:

let sepaDirectDebitClient = BTSEPADirectDebitClient(apiClient: apiClient)

sepaDirectDebitClient.tokenize(sepaDirectDebitRequest) { sepaDirectDebitNonce, error in
    // handle response

Local Payments

We have renamed the module BraintreePaymentFlow to BraintreeLocalPayment We have replaced SFAuthenticationSession with ASWebAuthenticationSession in the Local Payment Method flow. With this change, you no longer need to:

  • Register a URL Scheme or set a return URL via the BTAppContextSwitcher.setReturnURLScheme() method
  • Handle app context switching via the BTAppContextSwitcher.handleOpenURL(context: UIOpenURLContext) or BTAppContextSwitcher.handleOpenURL(URL)

Instantiate a BTLocalPaymentClient instead of a BTPaymentFlowDriver. The result returned in the startPaymentFlow() completion no longer needs to be cast to BTLocalPaymentResult.

- let paymentFlowDriver = BTPaymentFlowDriver(apiClient: self.apiClient)
- paymentFlowDriver.viewControllerPresentingDelegate = self
+ let localPaymentClient = BTLocalPaymentClient(apiClient: self.apiClient)

- paymentFlowDriver.startPaymentFlow(request) { result, error in
+ localPaymentClient.startPaymentFlow(request) { result, error in
-     guard let result = result as? BTLocalPaymentResult else { return }
         // Handle result

3D Secure

Instantiate a BTThreeDSecureClient instead of a BTPaymentFlowDriver. The result returned in the startPaymentFlow() completion no longer needs to be cast to BTThreeDSecureResult.

- let paymentFlowDriver = BTPaymentFlowDriver(apiClient: self.apiClient)
- paymentFlowDriver.viewControllerPresentingDelegate = self
+ let threeDSecureClient = BTThreeDSecureClient(apiClient: self.apiClient)

 cardClient.tokenize(cardDetails) { (tokenizedCard, error) in
     // Handle error

     request.threeDSecureRequestDelegate = self

-    self.paymentFlowDriver.startPaymentFlow(request) { (result, error) in
+    self.threeDSecureClient.startPaymentFlow(request) { (result, error) in
-        guard let result = result as? BTThreeDSecureResult else { return }

         // Handle result

The BTViewControllerPresentingDelegate has been removed, since 3DS 1 is no longer supported.