title | toc |
Engine overview |
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GemRB is a game engine that strives to be compatible with Bioware's Infinity Engine (IE), the engines that drives Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment games.
GemRB stands for Game Engine Made with preRendered Backgrounds. This indeed describes the fundamental characteristics of Infinity Engine-based games: The world, or more correctly the areas where you move, be it cold empty plains of Icewind Dale, busy streets of Waterdeep or damp catacombs under Sigil, was painted and/or rendered in advance, during game development, into a series of static pictures.
The engine then transfers portions of those pictures on the screen, puts animated player and non-player avatars on top of it, and uses clever tricks to make the world appear lively and three-dimensional. But remember that deep inside it's just animated sprites over a static picture.
Note that actual engine of each of the original games differs from that of other games. That of Baldur's Gate 1 is the most primitive, PS:T is the most atypical, and Baldur's Gate 2 the one most useful for modding.
GemRB has to be compatible with all of them, either by adopting superset of the features, or choosing between mutually exclusive features by means of GameType, which in turn selects appropriate Game Flags, GemRB's own override files, plugins and scripts. GameType is set in the main config file (usually autodetected).
GemRB sources consist of:
- Main program
- Core library
- Interface class
- UI layer
- Plugin manager class
- Gamescript
- Scriptables
- and much more
- Plugins
- I/O drivers
- Resource loaders
- Scripting language(s)
- Effects
- GUIScripts
- Override and unhardcoded
- Platforms
- Includes
- Docs
Trivial main() function that just calls the engine's Init()
and Main()
Core library is the main part of GemRB. It contains parts of the engine common to all the games. The goal is to make it as universal as possible, but some AD&D rules-specific stuff is hard to get rid of.
The library's central hub is Interface
class, which binds the various
parts of the engine together (including the plugins), contains global
initialization, main loop, utility functions etc. It needs to lose some
This is the class responsible for loading GemRB plugins.
These are classes defining window management, GUI controls (eg. buttons) and our text handling subsystem.
Plugins in GemRB are used for:
- I/O drivers
- Resource loaders
- Scripting language
- Effects
These plugins are used for graphic and audio output (SDLVideo, SDLAudio, OpenALAudio, NullSound) and input (SDLVideo again).
These plugins implement readers and writers for data files used by the engine, many of which are in custom formats (INIImporter, AREImporter, MVEPlayer, ...) and in case of audio/video files also provide streaming (ACMReader, ...).
GemRB's support for Python scripts is contained in the GUIScript plugin. It is used in place of Lua, which the originals used to power the cheat console.
Note that GameScript, scripting language used in Infinity Engine scripts (sometimes called IEScript), is implemented in the Core Library instead. See these explanations:
- general overview
- code aspects
- actions, triggers, objects, variables
- file format (scripts are compiled, while snippets in dialogs aren't)
These plugins implement effects used in the Infinity Engine spells and scripts like RetreatFrom, SetPoisonedState, Damage ... Common effects are in the FXOpcodes plugin, game-while specific ones are in IWDOpcodes and PSTOpcodes.
These are Python scripts implementing GemRB's user interface and many game rules, which were hardwired into the executable in the original games. The scripts are organized by game type, while the top dir contains shared files. Hacking the scripts provides a gentle path into GemRB development and you can find specific documentation here.
and gemrb/unhardcoded/
are two directories
containing GemRB's own data files for all (shared
) or a given game
type. This includes tables which were hardwired in the original
engine. Also the all important gemrb.ini
internal engine settings
file is found here.
The difference between the two is that unhardcoded
contains only
new files, while override
is meant as what its name suggests. We
want the latter to contain as few files as possible to reduce
potential conflicts with mods.
See this tabular overview to better understand how they relate to the data shipped with the games.
Special files for various platforms, including custom includes for building (eg. additional cmake logic, scaffolding, polyfills), art assets and configuration files.
Common include files used by Core Library and the plugins.
Initial GemRB documentation. Tables/
contains descriptions of
GemRB's override tables (not for long)
and the rest are mostly very very specific or already found
on this website, like the GUIScript docs.