The Cake Pattern is a very
good idea in theory -
using traits as modules that can be composed, giving you the ability
to override import
, with compile-time dependency injection as a
In practice all the Cake implementations I've seen have been awful, new projects should steer away and existing projects should be migrated off Cake.
People are not implementing Cake correctly, being a poorly understood design pattern. I haven't seen Cake implementations in which the traits are designed to be abstract modules, or that pay proper attention to life-cycle issues. What happens in practice is sloppiness, with the result being a big hairball. It's awesome that Scala allows you to do things like the Cake pattern, highlighting the real power of OOP, but just because you can doesn't mean you should, because if the purpose is doing dependency injection and decoupling between various components, you'll fail hard and impose that maintenance burden on your colleagues.
In fact, one should strive to not do dependency injection at all, or to do it only at the edges (like Play's controllers). Because if a component depends on too many things, that's code smell. If a component depends on hard to initialize arguments, that's also code smell. Don't hide painful things under the rug, fix it instead.
I'm seeing this over and over again.
Folks, Play's Global object is not a bucket in which you can shove your orphaned pieces of code. Its purpose is to hook into Play's configuration and life-cycle, nothing more.
Come up with your own freaking namespace for your utilities.
Profiling is a prerequisite for doing optimizations. Never work on optimizations, unless through profiling you discover the actual bottlenecks.
This is because our intuition about how the system behaves often fails us and multiple effects could happen by applying optimizations without having hard numbers:
- you could complicate the code or the architecture, thus making it harder to apply later optimizations globally
- your work could be in vain or it could actually lead to more performance degradation
Multiple strategies available and you should preferably do all of them:
- a good profiler can tell you about bottlenecks that aren't obvious, my favorite being YourKit Profiler, but Oracle's VisualVM is free and often good enough
- collect metrics from the running production systems, by means of a library such as Dropwizard Metrics and push them in something like Graphite, a strategy that can lead you in the right direction
- compare solutions by writing benchmarking code, but note that benchmarking is not easy and you should at least use a library like Google Caliper
Overall - measure, don't guess.
Don't over allocate resources, unless you need to. We want to avoid micro optimizations, but always be mindful about the effects allocations can have on your system.
In the words of Martin Thomson, if you stress the garbage collector, you'll increase the latency on stop-the-world freezes and the number of such occurrences, with the garbage collector acting like a GIL and thus limiting performance and vertical scalability.
This is a sample that occurred in our project due to a problem with
Slick's API. So instead of a ===
test, the developer chose to do an
operation with a sequence of 1 element. This allocation of a
collection of 1 element happens on every method call. Now that's not
good, what can be avoided should be avoided.
Another example:
First of all, this creates a Set every single time, on each element of our collection. Second of all, filter and map can be compressed in one operation, otherwise we end up with more garbage and more time spent building the final collection:
val isIDValid = Set(a,b,c)
someCollection.collect {
case x if isIDValid(x) =>
A generic example that often pops up, exemplifying useless traversals and operators that could be compressed:
Also, take notice of your requirements and use the data-structure
suitable for your use-case. You want to build a stack? That's a
. You want to index a list? That's a Vector
. You want to
append to the end of a list? That's again a Vector
. You want to push
to the front and pull from the back? That's a Queue
. You have a set
of things and want to check for membership? That's a Set
. You have a
list of things that you want to keep ordered? That's a
. This isn't rocket science, just computer science 101.
We are not talking about extreme micro optimizations here, we aren't even talking about something that's Scala, or FP, or JVM specific here, but be mindful of what you're doing and try to not do unnecessary allocations, as it's much harder fixing it later.
BTW, there is an obvious solution for keeping expressiveness while doing filtering and mapping - lazy collections, which in Scala means Stream if you need memoization or Iterable if you don't need memoization.
Also, make sure to read the Rule 3.3 on profiling.