Paper title: Interest-disclosing Mechanisms for Advertising are Privacy-Exposing (not Preserving)
Artifacts HotCRP Id: #10
Requested Badge: Reproducible
- Artifact Appendix
- Description
- Basic Requirements
- Environment
- Artifact Evaluation
- Main Results and Claims
- Main Result 1: The distribution of observed topics on the web is skewed
- Main Result 2: Noisy topics can be removed by advertisers
- Main Result 3: Users can be re-identified across websites
- Main Result 4: The ML model outputs topics in common with the ground truth
- Main Result 5: Publishers can influence the classification of their websites
- Experiments
- Main Results and Claims
- Limitations
- Notes on Reusability
This artifact contains all of our analysis code used in our paper to evaluate the privacy and utility objectives of the Topics API for the Web.
Our artifact allows to:
- Classify domains into topics with the Topics API.
- Generate arbitrarily large populations of synthetic users.
- Simulate the Topics API results observed by advertisers
- Evaluate if the noisy topics returned by the API can be flagged and discarded.
- Evaluate if users can be re-identified across websites and epochs.
- Measure the accuracy of the classification performed by the Topics API (compare to ground truth for static mapping, manual verification, and comparison to Cloudflare categorization)
- Craft millions of subdomains and evaluate if the Topics API classification can be influenced.
- Reproduce the results and analysis from our paper.
The only privacy issue that could appear would be when manually verifying the accuracy of the classification of the Topics API. This requires to automatically pull the meta description of a sample of websites drawn randomly from a top 1M top-list. As such, the sensitivity of the content (adult-only, etc.) of these websites can not be guaranteed and we recommend using a secure VPN to hide the requests from your ISP and your IP from these websites. As this manual verification is also time-consuming, we do not expect artifact reviewers to perform it.
- No specific hardware required.
- But a machine with at least 8 cores/16 threads and 64GB of RAM is recommended to run things quicker.
is required.- Use of
is recommended. - Follow provided instructions to install and fetch other dependencies.
Our analysis can be quite lengthy to fully replicate: from several hours to parse the millions of crafted subdomains to several days to classify the top 1M most visited websites with Cloudflare API.
And so, while we provide the explanations to run all of our experiments, we do not expect artifact reviewers to execute the most time-consuming ones. Instead, we provide parameters and scripts that allow for a quick evaluation of the main features of our artifact.
- Time: about 1h30 for the quick evaluation with 8 cores/16 threads/64GB RAM.
- Storage: 2GB of free storage should be sufficient for the quick evaluation.
Our artifact is accessible through this GitHub repository: When cloning it with the command
provided below and in our
file, you will also clone the following
repository as a git submodule.
For future stable reference, we have created a petsymposium-artifact2024.1
on these 2 repositories.
- Clone this topics_analysis
repository and the
submodule at once with:
git clone --recurse-submodules
(SSH)git clone --recurse-submodules
A Dockerfile
is provided under .devcontainer/
(for direct integration with
VS Code). To
manually build the image and deploy the Docker container, follow the
instructions below:
Requirement: docker
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t topics_analysis .devcontainer/
- Deploy a Docker container:
docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/workspaces/topics_analysis \
-w /workspaces/topics_analysis \
--entrypoint bash topics_analysis:latest
Note: some commands to reproduce our results may take a long time to execute
depending on the amount of resources of your machine. We recommend running the
above command to deploy a Docker container in a
session that you can then
detach and re-attach to your terminal as needed.
- Fetch the required Privacy Sandbox dependencies:
cd sandbox_dependencies
cd ..
Verify that you obtain the same output when classifying the following 3 domains:
./ chrome_csv
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU. 139 1 140 1 215 1 225 1 103 0.13740.... 236 0.56497.... 238 0.44849....
- The classification of top lists of domains show that the distribution of topics is very non-uniform: some topics are observed on a lot of websites while some can be never observed at all.
- See section 4.4 and paragraph "Topics Distribution as a Prior." in our paper (Figure 3 (a), (b), and (c)).
- See Experiment 1: Domains classification by the Topics API.
- We can build a classifier that considers topics observed very rarely on the top lists as noisy.
- Advertisers who observe across time topics returned by each user can identify the ones that are more likely to be genuine than noisy.
- See section 4.4 "No Collusion and Noise Removal" and paragraphs "One-shot Scenario." and "Multi-shot Scenario." (Table 4 and Figure 4 (a), (b), and (c)).
- See Experiment 2: Noise Removal.
- See Experiment 3: Collusion and Cross-site Tracking.
- Advertisers can uniquely and with a higher chance than random re-identify across websites a portion of the users with stable interests.
- Across time, advertisers re-identify a higher portion of the simulated users.
- See section 4.5 "Collusion and Cross-site Tracking" (Figure 5).
- See Experiment 3: Collusion and Cross-site Tracking.
- The Topics model outputs at least one topic in common with the ground truth on 65% of the domains from the static mapping.
- See section 5.1 "Static Mapping Reclassification" (Table 5).
- See Experiment 4: Static Mapping Reclassification.
- Website operators can influence their site tagging by the Topics API.
- See section 5.3 "Crafting Subdomains" (Figure 6).
- See Experiment 5: Crafting Subdomains.
Note: Shell scripts ./experiment{1/3/5}.sh
contains the variable
that needs to be set to true
if you are looking to fully
reproduce our results (we recommend leaving it set to false
for a quick
evaluation of our artifact).
- Time to execute: about 30 min (quick evaluation) | 1h+ (complete evaluation)
- Disk space: about 150MB (quick evaluation) | about 1.2GB (complete evaluation)
- Result or claim: Main Result 1: The distribution of observed topics on the web is skewed
Run ./
to classify the following lists of domains and words from
the English dictionary into their corresponding topics:
(quick evaluation): Top 1M most visited origins/domains from CrUXtranco
(complete evaluation): Top 1M most visited origins/domains from Trancowordnet
(complete evaluation): English dictionary returned by WordNet
Results: see output_web/crux
, output_web/tranco
, and output_web/wordnet
for the classification (csv
files), figures, and statistics. This experiment
also extracts some statistics about the static mapping annotated by Google in
the output_web/static
folder. The cdf_histplot_domains_per_topic.pdf
correspond to Figures 3 (a), (b), and (c) from our paper.
- Prerequisite: run experiment 1 (quick evaluation)
- Optional prerequisite: re-order CrUX which takes several hours (optional)
- Time to execute: about 2 min
- Disk space: about 50MB
- Result or claim: Main Result 2: Noisy topics can be removed by advertisers
Run ./
to simulate a population of synthetic users reporting
their topics across epochs to an advertiser identifying the noisy topics to
discard them.
The generation of synthetic users requires to set a total order on the CrUX top-list, for a quick evaluation, we provide such ordered list with our artifact. See instructions provided here to reorder the CrUX top-list yourself (it takes several hours).
Results: see output_web/simulator/classifier/
for results about the classifier
(Table 4 of our paper corresponds to denoise_one_shot.stats
). To obtain graphs
from Figure 4 of our paper, see Experiment 3: Collusion and Cross-site
Note: results can slightly differ depending on the generated population (for
instance petsymposium-artifact2024.1/52000_users_topics.csv.tar.gz
is one of
the populations we generated for our results).
- Prerequisite: run experiment 1 (quick evaluation)
- Optional prerequisite: re-order CrUX which takes several hours (optional)
- Time to execute: about 15 min (quick evaluation) | about 6h15min (complete evaluation)
- Disk space: about 60MB (quick evaluation) | about 110MB (complete evaluation)
- Result or claim: Main Result 2: Noisy topics can be removed by advertisers and Main Result 3: Users can be re-identified across websites
Run ./
to simulate a population of synthetic users across epochs
and evaluate how two advertisers observing the topics of these users can
re-identify them across websites.
The generation of synthetic users requires to set a total order on the CrUX top-list, for a quick evaluation, we provide such ordered list with our artifact. See instructions provided here to reorder the CrUX top-list yourself (it takes several hours).
Population Size:
- 50k users (quick evaluation)
- 250k users (complete evaluation)
Results: see under output_web/simulator/
the folder corresponding to the
population size you simulated for results (denoise_multi_shot.stats
). Figures 4 of paper correspond to
, denoise_tpr_fpr.pdf
. Figure 5 of paper corresponds to
Note: you need to run the complete evaluation to get more meaningful results
(larger population size), the results may slightly differ depending on the
generated population (for instance
is one of the
populations we generated for our results).
- Time to execute: about 15 min
- Disk space: less than 3MB (negligible)
- Result or claim: Main Result 4: The ML model outputs topics in common with the ground truth
Run ./
to compare the ML classification of the domains in the
static mapping to the manual annotations from Google. The script first
classifies the domains from the static mapping provided by Google (override_list
classified into output_web/override
Results: see folder output_web/override
for the results about the comparison
for the two filtering strategies discussed in the paper:
. They can directly be compared to the
results in Table 5 of our paper.
- Prerequisite: run experiment 1 (quick evaluation)
- Time to execute: about 2 min (quick evaluation) | about 2h15 (complete evaluation)
- Disk space: about 10MB (quick evaluation) | about 850MB (complete evaluation)
- Result or claim: Main Result 5: Publishers can influence the classification of their websites
Run ./
to craft subdomains and evaluate the possibility of
triggering an untargeted or targeted classification. For that, we extract for
each topic the word from WordNet classified with most confidence to that topic,
and craft for each of the top most visited websites from CrUX all the
corresponding subdomains that we classify with the Topics API. This results in
350 topics x 100 (quick evaluation) /or/ 10000 (complete evaluation) websites =
35k (quick evaluation) /or/ 3.5M (complete evaluation) subdomains total.
The script automatically detects if WordNet was classified during experiment 1
(complete evaluation). If so, we can extract the list of top word for each
topic, if not (quicker evaluation), we use the provided file
Results: see folder output_web/crafted_subdomains_{100/or/10000}
for the
results of the classification of these crafted subdomain:
and targeted_untargeted_success.pdf
. You
should get a similar figure to Figure 6 from our paper (to replicate it, you
need to run the complete evaluation).
Google did not clearly specify how they were filtering the output of the model used in Topics API, but we found it by looking through Chromium source code. To validate that our filtering was matching Google Chrome's implementation, we compared both output classifications on thousands of random domains and words. Since the submission of our paper, Google released a new taxonomy and model for the Topics API in Google Chrome. Thus, to perform this validation today, the versions used in this analysis would need to be updated to the most recent ones, another less likely option would be to have access to an older version of Google Chrome Beta. See the corresponding code and documentation for more details.
Manually verifying the assignment of a random sample of websites to topics (section 5.2 in the paper) requires the use of a VPN (see Security/Privacy Issues and Ethical Concerns) and is quite a time-consuming process. For completeness, the code is provided here.
Finally, the categorization of the top 1M websites (section 5.2 and Table 6 in the paper) through the Cloudflare Domain Intelligence API required us several days to completely process. Given that only a very limited number of requests can normally be issued per month to this specific API, and that we were able to obtain an exception from Cloudflare, it would be impossible to reproduce these results in a reasonable time. Again for completeness, we provide the code, see the corresponding documentation file for more details.
This artifact can be reused for future analyses of the Topics API and other Privacy Sandbox APIs. For instance, different lists of domain names can be classified by adapting the existing scripts, new model versions and taxonomies can be evaluated by adding them to the git submodule, and other scenarios can be tested by modifying some code base. Indeed, we are actively working on such extensions of our work.
To simulate the Topics API, we generate synthetic browsing histories drawn directly from aggregated distributions published by researchers who collaborated with Mozilla and Google. Our approach not only does not require that researchers collect real browsing histories (which creates bias and ethical issues) but also enables reproducible methodologies and the generation of publicly shareable synthetic datasets. As a result, other methodologies requiring the use of browsing history could benefit from adopting our approach. Please reach out if you have such use cases.