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217 lines (164 loc) · 19.3 KB


  • This is Yoku-san no Tool KIT scripts.

tool overview

tool works
yt-alter-progress Observe ALTER TABLE progress
yt-binlog-groupby Aggregate mysqlbinlog output
yt-bulk-delete DELETE all rows in the table
yt-collect Collect SHOW STATUS and more data source
yt-healthcheck Nagios compatible observe script
yt-print-information Dump information for diagnostic
yt-repl-topology Show replication topology by human-readable or JSON
yt-wait-replication Wait until Seconds_Behind_Source < threshold


  • You need to launch this before starting ALTER TABLE, or a progress is not shown (this maybe performance_schema's limitation)
  • Display progress InnoDB ALTER TABLE (need >= 5.7.6)
option_name default text
--host=value, -h=value "localhost" MySQL host
--port=value, -P=value 3306 MySQL port
--user=value, -u=value (as same as OS user) MySQL account using for connection and checking (need REPLICATION CLIENT, PROCESSLIST and global SELECT priv)
--password=value, -p=value "" Password for the user specified by --user
--ask_pass, --ask_password, --askpass false Ask --password by prompt
--socket=value, -S=value (depends on Path to mysql.sock (this parameter is used when --host=localhost)
--interval=value, -i=value 10 Sleeping duration for each SELECT
--quiet, --silent, -q, -s false No output any messages
--verbose, -v false Verbose output mode
--help, --usage false print help message
--version, -V false Show ytkit version
--timeout=value 1 Seconds before timeout (Set into read_timeout, write_timeout, connect_timeout)
--debug false Set debug output


  • Values are percentage of work_completed / work_estimated, estimated time calculated by percentage, elapsed time from starting ALTER TABLE, stage information, ALTER TABLE statement .
$ yt-alter-progress -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p'password' -i 100
| [ 38.31% ( 1610 sec | 1000 sec) ] stage/innodb/alter table (read PK and internal sort) : OPTIMIZE TABLE t1 |
| [ 61.58% ( 1248 sec | 2000 sec) ] stage/innodb/alter table (merge sort) : OPTIMIZE TABLE t1                |
| [ 100.00% ( 0 sec   | 2410 sec) ] stage/innodb/alter table (insert) : OPTIMIZE TABLE t1                    |
| [ 100.00% ( 0 sec   | 2420 sec) ] stage/innodb/alter table (flush) : OPTIMIZE TABLE t1                     |
| [ 100.00% ( 0 sec   | 2440 sec) ] stage/innodb/alter table (log apply table) : OPTIMIZE TABLE t1           |
| [ 100.00% ( 0 sec   | 2450 sec) ] stage/innodb/alter table (log apply table) : OPTIMIZE TABLE t1           |
| [ 100.00% ( 0 sec   | 2460 sec) ] stage/innodb/alter table (log apply table) : OPTIMIZE TABLE t1           |
| [ 100.00% ( 0 sec   | 2470 sec) ] stage/innodb/alter table (log apply table) : OPTIMIZE TABLE t1           |


  • mysqlbinlog summerize tool like a SELECT COUNT(*) GROUP BY ..
  • pass mysqlbinlog -vv 's output by pipe
option_name default text
--cell, -c 10m Time aggregation period when --group-by includes "time". Variations are s, second, 1s, 10s, m, minute, 1m, 10m, h, hour, 1h, d, 1d
--group-by, -g time How aggregate the mysqlbinlog -vv 's output. "time", "table", "statement", "time,table", "time,statement", "table,statement", "all", "time,table,statement" (same as "all"), "all,exec", "exec,time,table,statement" (same as "all,exec")
--output, -o tsv How to print aggregated output This feature is breaking. See Issue #54
--verbose, -v false Verbose output mode
--help, --usage false print help message
--version, -V false Show ytkit version
--debug false Set debug output


$ mysqlbinlog -vv bin.000017 | yt-binlog-groupby --cell=10m --group-by=time,table
240821 15:20    d1.t1   2
240821 15:20    mysql.user      1
240822 11:00    d1.t1   1000000
$ mysqlbinlog -vv bin.000022 | yt-binlog-groupby --cell=10s --group-by=time,table,statement
240831 22:10:40 mysqlslap.t1    INSERT  110
240831 22:10:50 mysqlslap.t1    INSERT  220
240831 22:11:20 mysqlslap.t1    INSERT  110
240831 22:11:40 mysqlslap.t1    INSERT  99
240831 22:11:40 mysqlslap.t1    UPDATE  1980


  • Only one purpose that "deleting all rows in target table" little by little as soon as possible.
    • Original mode: DELETE at ReplicationSource node, observe all Replica's Seconds_Behind_Master amd handling an accell or a break.
    • Parallel mode: sql_log_bin=OFFed DELETE at Source and All Replicas(replicas has been discovered automatically)
  • To more safety when unnecessay table to drop, empty table seems safety&lightly DROP TABLE.
option_name default text
--host=value, -h=value "localhost" MySQL host
--port=value, -P=value 3306 MySQL port
--user=value, -u=value (as same as OS user) MySQL account using for connection and checking (need REPLICATION CLIENT, PROCESSLIST and global SELECT priv)
--password=value, -p=value "" Password for the user specified by --user
--ask_pass, --ask_password, --askpass false Ask --password by prompt
--socket=value, -S=value (depends on Path to mysql.sock (this parameter is used when --host=localhost)
--interval=value, -i=value 10 Sleeping duration for each SELECT
--quiet, --silent, -q, -s false No output any messages
--verbose, -v false Verbose output mode
--help, --usage false print help message
--version, -V false Show ytkit version
--timeout=value 1 Seconds before timeout (Set into read_timeout, write_timeout, connect_timeout)
--debug false Set debug output
--accelerating_throttling=value F 2 How many times DELETE succeed smoothly, before accelerating LIMIT Clause.
--delete_row_multiplier=value 1.1 Change LIMIT Clause dinamically by multiplying this number. When script detects 'Smooth', next LIMIT Caluse is current_limit * delete_row_multiplier. When script detects 'Busy', next LIMIT Clause is current_limit / delete_row_multiplier.If you specify --delete_row_multiplier=1, the script doesn't change LIMIT Clause value.
--delete_row_start=value, --delete_row_start_count=value 1000 Start value of LIMIT Clause (DELETE FROM <table> LIMIT ?)
--force, -f false Force execute even if the table doesn't have Primary Key.
--table=value "" (Mandatory) Target table name. Should be specified <database>.<table>
--timer_wait=value 1 Seconds which allowed each iteration - Execution time of DELETE > --timer_wait, start throttling.
  • Throttling mechanism
    • Waiting time of waiting while Seconds_Behind_Master < --timer_wait, start throttling.
    • Execution time of DELETE < --timer_wait keeps --accelerating_throttling times, start accelerating.
    • Seconds_Behind_Master > --timer_wait, script sleeping.
    • New throttled/accelerated LIMIT calculated by --delete_row_multiplier


  • Healthcheck script for Nagios compatibility interface.
$ yt-healthcheck -h -u user_name -p'password' -P 3306


  • Wait for Seconds_Behind_Master < --seconds-behind-master during --timeout secs.
$ yt-wait-replication -h -u user_name -p'password' -P 3306 --seconds-behind-master=5 --timeout=3600


  • Getting statistics and write some formats.
$ yt-collect -h -u user_name -p'password' -P 3306 --iteration=60 --interval=60 --table_size-enable=1 --output=sql


  • Display topology of Asynchronous replication

    • Search replica and source recursively.
$ yt-repl-topology -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p'passwd'
Base_source:3306 => Replica1:3306
Base_source:3306 => Replica2:3306
Base_source:3306 => Intermidiate:3306
Circular:3306 => Base_source:3306
Intermidiate:3306 => Cascade_Replica1:3306
Intermidiate:3306 => Cascade_Replica2:3306
Intermidiate:3306 => Cascade_Replica3:3306


Install by rpm

  • Download from Releases page.
    • rpm will be provided only when tag is updated.
$ sudo yum install -y

Install as is

  • Clone this repository and setup modules from cpanfile.
$ git clone
$ cd ytkit
$ cpanm --installdeps .
$ sudo make install

Using without installation

  • Clone this repository and setup modules from cpanfile, run script under bin directory.
$ git clone
$ cd ytkit
$ cpanm --installdeps .

Install as fatpacked script

  • Clone this repository and use make fatinstall
$ git clone
$ cd ytkit
$ make fatpack
$ sudo make fatinstall


  • GPLv2.