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This README contains the requirements and the steps to use protoapi ***If there are any inconsistencies, please refer to for the latest version instead


  • This project is based on the implementation of 'go'
  • Objective: to automatically generate the base code of the frontend and backend API, saving development time
    • Frontend generate TypeScript client code
    • Backend currently supports code to generate java(spring framework) and go(echo framework)
  • Current Version: 0.1.1

Getting Started

Install go 1.10 or above:

  • Install go
  • Make sure the $GOPATH is set accordingly

Installing Protoapi

  1. Download the project code via:
  • go get
  1. Automatically initialize [protoc] ( with protoapi:
  • protoapi init

Using protoapi

  • help: protoapi -h

  • protoapi gen --lang=[language] [output directory] [proto file]

  • Generate front-end TypeScript code: protoapi gen --lang=ts [output_folder] [proto file path]

  • Generate front-end PHP code: protoapi gen --lang=php [output_folder] [proto file path]

  • Generate backend Spring code: protoapi gen --lang=spring [output_folder] [proto file path]

  • Generate backend echo code: protoapi gen --lang=echo [output_folder] [proto file path]

  • Generate markdown code: protoapi gen --lang=markdown [output_folder] [proto file path]


  • Generate front-end TypeScript code: protoapi gen --lang=ts . ./test/proto/todolist.proto

  • Generate backend Spring code: protoapi gen --lang=spring . ./test/proto/todolist.proto

  • For other related commands, please refer to [here] (docs/

Project Structure

  • generator
    • data (contains data structure)
      • tpl/tpl.go
      • data.go (defines shared data structures)
    • output contains (the specific logic of code generation)
      • echo_xx.go (supports code for generating echo)
      • spring_xx.go (supports generating spring code)
      • vue_ts.go (supports generating code for vue using ts)
      • php.go (supports generating php code)
      • markdown.go (supports generating markdown document)
    • template (contains all template files)
      • ts Xx.gots (TS template) Xx.govue (Vue template)
      • echo_xx.gogo (go template corresponding to echo)
      • spring_xx.gojava (java template corresponding to spring)
      • php.gophp (php template)
      • markdown.gomd (markdown template)
    • generator.go (contains some shared code generation function logic)
  • test (contains all the proto files generated by the test code)

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Other guidelines

Creating a template

  1. Add a new template to the generator/template folder:
  • The specific syntax can be found in here
  • Existing examples can refer to the existing templates in the generator/template
  • The newly added template file is named after the suffix of the generated file. For example, if the ts file is generated, it is named: xxx.gots, and the generated java file is called xxx.gojava.
  1. Add a new xxx.go file in the generator/output folder or change the logic of an existing file
  • Backend code can refer to generator/output/spring.go
  • Front-end code can refer to generator/output/vue_ts.go
  • For example, if you want to generate more ts files:
    • Add a new template: generator/template/ts/example.gots
    • Inside generator/output/ts.go
        type tsGen struct {
            // 1. Adding data
            exampleFile string
            exampleTpl       *template.Template

        * Get TEMPLATE
        func (g *tsGen) loadTpl() {
            // 2. Add an input template
            g.exampleTpl = g.getTpl("/generator/template/ts/example.gots")

        * init filename with path
        func initFiles(packageName string, service *data.ServiceData) *tsGen {
            gen := &tsGen{
                // 3. Add generated file name
                // The newly generated file will be named: example.ts, and which folder is generated according to packageName
                // For example: packageName = yoozoo.protoconf.ts, the file will be generated with $output_dir/yoozoo/protoconf/ts
                // packageName is defined in the proto file: "package yoozoo.protoconf.ts;"
                exampleFile:      genFileName(packageName, "example"),
            return gen

        func generateVueTsCode(applicationName string, packageName string, service *data.ServiceData, messages []*data.MessageData, enums []*data.EnumData, options []*data.Option) (map[string]string, error) {

            * combine data with template
            // 4. Finally, output the generated file
            result[gen.exampleFile] = gen.genContent(gen.exampleTpl, dataMap)
  1. Refer to [Create Execution File/Plugin] and [How to Use Plugin] to test the newly added template.
    • Test existing proto sample files: protoapi/test/hello.proto
    • or custom proto file test

Example of Proto file

syntax = "proto3"; // using syntax of proto3

option java_package = "com.yoozoo.spring"; //the generated java file will be in [output_folder]/com/yoozoo/spring folder

package com.yoozoo.ts; // the generated ts file will be in [output_folder]/com/yoozoo/ts folder
import "test/messages.proto"; // importing/using other proto file

// service definition
service HelloService {
    rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);

HTTP Method

  • All API generated use HTTP POST by default
  • Test using POST method using these apps or other similar apps:
  • GET can be used in certain scenarios, but it is discouraged because the query string does not serialize complex request objects very well.

Error Handling

Markdown Support


Relevant Information

  1. Basic syntax and use of go
  2. protobuf(proto3) basic syntax
  3. template basic syntax
  4. spring

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