*The API is only accessible by HTTP GET and returns data in JSON format.
URL: https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads
Method: POST
Headers: 'content-type: application/json'
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
client_info | ClientInfo | Y | Client basic information | |
slots | []Slot | Y | Basic placement information, requesting up to 10 ad placements at a time |
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
ip | String | Y | | Client IP |
ua | String | Y | Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;) (KHTML) Chrome/69 Mobile Safari/5 | Client user agent string |
net_type | String | N | NET_TYPE_WIFI | Network Type, [NET_TYPE_WIFI, NET_TYPE_2G, NET_TYPE_3G, NET_TYPE_4G] |
gaid | String | N | 975d6d12-07ec-4215-aece-b804debb4c75 | Google Advertising ID |
idfa | String | N | 975d6d12-07ec-4215-aece-b804debb4c75 | Apple Advertising ID |
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
uid | Integer | Y | 1257 | Account unique id |
aid | Integer | Y | 21541 | Media unique id |
slot_id | Integer | Y | 356214 | Placement unique id |
template_id | Integer | Y | 15262 | Ad template unique id |
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Error code |
msg | String | Error message |
slot_ads | []SlotAd | Ad information |
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
slot_id | Integer | Y | 84610400 | Placement unique id |
ads | []Ad | Y | Ad information |
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
oid | Integer | Y | 158462 | Ad unique id |
creatives | Creatives | Y | Creative information | |
tracking_urls | TrackingUrls | Y | Includes impression and click links |
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
title | String | N | google play | Title of the promoted product |
description | String | N | andorid apps on goole play | Description of the promoted product |
img_url | String | Y | https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/a.png | Image of the promoted product |
icon_url | String | N | https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/a.png | Icon of the promoted product |
video_url | String | N | https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/a.mp4 | Video of the promoted product |
rating | float | N | 4.8 | The App’s average rating on the Appstore / PlayStore |
ctatext | String | N | install | CTA description |
landing_page_url | String | Y | https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/go | Click to jump to the landing page |
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Example | Description |
impression_url | []String | Y | [https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/log?f=ol&r=ChxDT] | Impression callback address, and callback must be made after the ad is displayed. |
click_url | []String | Y | [https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/log?f=ol&r=mc291] | Click callback address , and callback must be made after the ad is clicked. |
curl -X POST \
https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d \
"ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0.0;) AppleWebKit/527 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/5"
"slots": [
"uid": 140488,
"aid": 1223867,
"slot_id": 10616,
"template_id": 11001
-H 'content-type: application/json'
"slot_ads": [
"slot_id": 100000400,
"ads": [
"oid": 100,
"creatives": {
"img_url": "http://x.cdn.net/public/ad/creative/298825232acf53dfb3666b8963f011860c4-.jpg",
"landing_page_url": "https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/go"
"tracking_urls": {
"impression_url": "https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/log?f=ol&r=ChxDT2RMRUwtY094aUFfZUdTSkNDc0FpajZBV2dEGIHYFiAC",
"click_url": "https://dsp-sg.miadx.net/v1/ol/ads/log?f=ol&r=ChxDT2RMRUwt91cmNlPTk3MDMwMzA0MDAYgdgWIAM"